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Mona, 22 y.o.


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40 thoughts on “Mona the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Thank you. He’s almost 43 so it surprises me too. I’ve been waiting to see if he reacts to the post but he hasn’t acknowledged it yet, no like or comment from him.

  2. I understand, or maybe I don’t since I’ve never felt this way about others while in a committed relationship, that it’s normal to feel attracted to others while in a relationship- but when you share these thoughts to a friend in a way that you’re nurturing it and enjoying it while your partner is sleeping in the other room. What does this say about you as a person?

    Being in a committed relationship doesn't change who or what a person finds attractive. The commitment impacts whether or not that person acts on those feelings. If a person never experiences attraction while in a relationship they are either ace and don't experience those feelings at all, or they are so anxious that they only have room to experience anxiety.

    Casually discussing the attractiveness of say Chris Hemsworth with a friend isn't nurturing anything. Telling a friend that you think Margot Robbie is naked isn't enjoying anything either.

    Your person has chosen you. You have to trust that they find you attractive, otherwise why are they in a monogamous sexual romantic relationship with you?

  3. Please have your sister get the cats ASAP …your boyfriend is a POS… you should go live with your sister before he starts fantasizing about killing you

  4. Your boyfriend shouldn't have lied, and that's on him if you can't forgive him for that, but why are 90% of these comments inaccurately describing sociopathy? Most people read sociopath and think maniuplative, no emotion, and abusive. These are the epitome of this disorder. This doesn’t mean that your boyfriend is exhbiting all possible sociopathic behaviors. Of course, more info on his behavior would help us determine further more. From what im reading, most people confuse the commonalities of sociopathy and pyschopathy. Professionally, it's not even referred to as sociopathy; antisocial personality disorder.

  5. u/SalpicaoVoador, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Take lunch to his workplace, and just randomly meet the girl…tell her you're the spouse. Oh, I know about your break-up, so sorry for that, but next Saturday you'd be able to join them on their meeting.

  7. Hello /u/ldra994,

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  8. He we as a 24 yo predator dating. 17 yo it seems, now he's true are coming out. He must have thought he groomed you well enough to be able to masturbate in front of you and threaten you with cheating for not complying.

    Get out of this toxic sludge.

  9. Hello /u/guff_gaffer,

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  10. Do you have any proof of your texts/conversations? If some random women messaged me out of the blue I would not believe her (because who wants to believe that about their finance?!) but if you had proof I could see (screenshots of texts, pictures he's sent, comments, anything showing days or times you've met up so she can cross reference the days with times he said he was “working late” or whatever.) it would help me open my eyes.

    I think it's super kind of you that you're worried they will react negatively and hurt themselves. I think you tell them as gently and kindly as possible because it will certainly hurt them but I also believe they deserve to know for all the reasons you mentioned above. Make sure you lay everything out in one message in case things go awry and she blocks you before you can show her everything. I think she deserves to know everything. What she decides to do with that information is up to her but at least you can say you tried.

  11. He seemed SO much to want to be with me. You have no idea how tightly he held me when we got back together. He genuinely loved me. I just don't understand why he gave it up so suddenly.

  12. You are commenting with bad faith.

    Ofc you don’t want sex when you are angry, disappointed or have general negative feelings towards your partner. Nobody is saying OP should have sex.

    The point is how the original commenter phrased the whole “sex ordeal”. They were suggesting to withhold sex as a form of punishment.

    “Hey OP, he behave like an AH. You are totally right. I know how traumatic can be dealing with body image issues post pregnancy and I can only imagine how hurtful that phrase from your husband was. Take your time to heal. You don’t own him sex. Think of yourself first and foremost”

  13. Yeah unfortunately I am aware that it's something internal. Its just that we're both kind of at odds. Also, what do you mean exactly by psychedelics?

  14. Because she actively fought with really hateful lawyers to prevent him from getting any, and he was a Marine at the time so he didn't have a perfectly stable living situation to raise his son in.

  15. Not, it was not! He would have “unsent” it, had it been.

    Neither the time nor the addressee were accidents!

  16. What are you begging him to stay for? You’ve given every bit of you to make his transition easier and he’s saying that’s suffocating and “pressuring” him. Pressuring him to do what? Look at his feelings and communicate openly with his partner? The horror.

    He offers you no help, no communication, and doesn’t even hide the fact that you and responsibilities make him unhappy and all he wants to do is hang out with his friends and flirt with girls.

    Seriously, why are you begging him so naked to stay when he said you’ve “already lost him”?? Let him figure out how to be an adult on his own and go find someone who actually wants to be a partner

  17. Exactly. I have social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder, properly dx'd by a doctor, but in no damn shape or form am I agoraphobic. I hate crowds and like OP can push through if I have to. With an extreme like agoraphobia that's NOT an option.

    I know a few ppl that actually have dx'd agoraphobia, I only speak to them live or go to their home. They do not go out. Ever. Getting their mail sends them into panic and sweats. This chucklefuck up in here acting like social anxiety and agoraphobia are the same makes shit harder for my friends bc that attitude and belief lead to people not believing the seriousness of the issue. They get told to just push through it and that is NOT an option for those with actual agoraphobia.

    Agoraphobia is to social anxiety as stepping on a nail is to stepping on a pebble.

  18. I also have an internal psychologist at the vocational training center, and I have already had a few sessions with her. She gave me a list of external and easily accessible therapists. But I'm also afraid to call and to speak on the answering machine, which is why I've let it slide … I'm also afraid that I express myself really stupidly on the phone (I would like to write emails but either they don't have any and if they do then I don't know how to write it because my internal psychologist told me that therapists WANT you to call and you should rather not write them an email). Or it could also be the bullying and the exclusion in the past that I am afraid of what people think of me (besides, when I was bullied I also tried to hurt myself again and again).


  19. As you've sensed, its very unlikely. Years of neglect can degrade a relationship to a point where no amount of sudden effort can save it. Built up resentment and breach of trust doesn't ever truly go away.

    Its good that you're doing what you need to do in order to grow and be better, however it will be naked for her to believe that you are genuine when it took the very real prospect of breaking up in order to trigger that change.

    On top of that, people often stagnate in relationships and cant hold on to meaningful self-motivated changes unless they are single and independent. You have to create good habits for your own sake – not just to save your relationship.

  20. I’m not prepared to give a completely totally thought out answer but…he’s a man. You’re a woman. On average, men just don’t go into all that you are describing, not because they are withholding but they are just wired different. I’m not saying some compromise couldn’t be reached and he could perhaps share more with you, but temper your expectations. I am a woman’s who likes dick also, but I know what it’s attached to. It ain’t another woman.

  21. The trash has taken itself out of the wedding guest list… what do you want to do? Do you want to step down? The trash has quit the wedding party…so I'd just go to the wedding as planned. Don't contact Bob anymore. You've done enough and I think your letter was not rude at all knowing how Bob was going after your ex, etc.

    Why is it rude to request someone for some decorum in the way they behave? I'm surprised Alice would be friends with Bob when he kept demeaning you in front of mutual friends…

  22. Either that or just the sheer audacity in his questions might have given away enough. I imagine someone of that mindset was like “Hey Bob, how's the wife? So anyways I know what office I want. Do I tell you or your assistant?”

  23. Therapy – a good idea, even if all it does is reaffirm your decision to leave.

    Do not give him a ‘pass’ you’ll grow to resent him, and be angry at yourself for allowing it to happen.

  24. You let your two friends grope your incapacitated girlfriend and now you’re mad at her for not stopping them but you’re not mad at them because they were just having fun? You are the living embodiment of rape culture and spineless to boot. Your girlfriend deserves better.

  25. My mom was married to a dealer when she was in her twenties. She stayed for a while but eventually it wore on her. The paranoia of being caught or having people potentially rob or harm them. People in and out. Don't do it.

  26. She is actively cheating on you and you have a question about this. Break up with her. What is wrong with you. Overlooking this will make things even worse. Thank god you don’t have kids.

    Modern men and women are not suitable for marriage. Period. This is more proof of my opinion.

  27. No. And you should make sure to keep the majority of your money in a bank he doesn’t know about. Don’t have statements mailed to the house and use a login he’ll never guess with a separate email address.

    This is a massive red flag of abusive behavior and I’ve read too many stories of women were their husband has talked the bank into giving them details.

    What ever you do do not join finances with this man.

  28. You made a mistake. You had a baby with a guy you barely knew, while he was pretending to be the man of your dreams. Unfortunately, you are seeing his true colors too late and dragged a child into this mess. He is not good for you or your baby. It's time to accept he is a loser, cut bait, and co-parent in a civil manner. He will not change. He doesn't want to. He is a horrible male role model for a little girl. And, do not move this fast again. Wait until a guy shows his true colors before you have a baby.


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