molly , ⚡ next show sept 8 the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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14 thoughts on “molly , ⚡ next show sept 8 the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You just need to move on, there will always be someone better than you at something. At least she was honest rather than letting you believe you rock her world til she is just completely bored. Suck it up or dump her.

  2. He has a history of being abusive, perhaps you should make a habit of looking for comments from OP before making assumptions of your own.

  3. You should leave her alone. She doesn't want a long distance relationship. Not many people your age do when you're at university and everywhere you look there are people you can date in real life.

  4. You say this but Where’s the proof of this?? I don’t know anyone my age single anymore except one guy. And I don’t want to be like him

  5. I didn’t like cowgirl either until I watched some videos and actually learned how. Tbh, I wasn’t inspired to learn until I met the love of my life. Then I actually wanted to be good at it. Before, I would get so tired but now I get my bf off in minutes without straining my quads. There are plenty of instructional videos on porn sites. Would she be open to watching some?

  6. You are insecure. You aren't showing frustration. You are showing insecurity. You need to get help for that. Piling onto your wife and accusing her of things that she is not doing is not helping your marriage, and it certainly is not helping her depression. If I were her, I would leave you.

    My advice for you is to seek professional therapy.

  7. I've explained to you in another comment as to why she doesn't need to tell you. Sometimes being on the same team may look like, “I need this from you. I can't tell you why yet.” And so if you want them to trust YOU, you have to trust THEM back.

    You say she knows you're a “fight” person, maybe she doesn't want that for support so she's not telling you. It may be her way of trying to manage that. Not saying this is the correct way. You're also not letting her be a “flight” person until you get your way. I don't think you can see that though.

    One thing you can possibly tell her is to assure her that if she tells you you won't “fight” and see if she trusts you. If she DOES trust you enough to tell you, you have to RESIST doing the “fight” part of your response. She may not trust you enough yet to be able to tell you.

    Trust is built over time. No one ever has 100% complete trust over their partner, especially not before they're married. You two are still building that foundation of trust. Sometimes it takes making a move blindly, that's where YOU are showing you trust HER, OP. Consider making that jump for her first as a “first gesture” in working towards a deeper level of trust with each other.

  8. Dont remind me my ex did this.amd.had the other guys child . Therapy and reddit made me whole again. And I realized 6 years what a waste. Not to say all women are like this. But yeah leads to monkey branching. And some see no fault in this. Don't chase get out.

  9. You don’t want this to negatively affect your relationship.

    What relationship? She made other arrangements behind your back. It didn’t happen overnight either. You two had talked about it for a couple of weeks, went house hunting together and worked things out with the landlord. You only “found out” yesterday about her other plans? How did you find out? You are the one who had to ask her about it – she wasn’t planning to tell you at all. The time to have told you was when she changed her mind. She’s a horrible person for doing this. She didn’t want to disappoint you but she is perfectly willing to screw you over financially. Sorry, but you got played for a roof over her head until her friends were ready to get a place. She used you and abused you. There is no relationship.

  10. If it helps, I'm a bi person who's been in a monogamous relationship with a heterosexual man for over a decade now.

    I think the main thing people don't seem to understand is just how little most bi people care about gender. To me, there's not some vast difference between dating men and women. It's not like I see men as meat and women as potatoes, and I must have both to have a complete meal. Instead, it's more like blondes and brunettes. Both blondes and brunettes are hot, I don't pick partners based on their hair colour, and if I end up dating a blonde, I'm not wistfully thinking about brunettes all the time.

    However, even if gender doesn't matter at all to me, I'm very much aware of how others focus on it. I grew up in fear because I was told my attractions were dirty and disgusting. I didn't know if I'd marry a man or a woman, but I knew that whoever I randomly fell in love with could lead to a relationship that's illegal and punishable by death in some countries. Even though I'm in a hetero relationship, casually commenting on how naked an actress in a movie is can still lead to people shunning me or treating me horribly.

    So even if being bisexual doesn't have much to do with my current relationship, it very much affected my personality and my personal growth. It's important for my partner to know about it both because I want them to fully knows me and because I want to make sure they aren't homophobic. It would be miserable to hide that part of myself from my partner forever and feel like they'll hate me if they ever discover.

    So ultimately, I guess I'm trying to say that being bi doesn't make your girlfriend more likely to cheat or more likely to be dissatisfied with you. In day-to-day life, all it means is that you both might do a double take when a girl walks by in a sundress and if she watches porn she might look at both people on the screen. However, the fact that she told you is still a big deal, because it means she trusts you, wants to be closer to you, and wants to make sure your views are compatible for a long-term relationship.


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