❤ Mary ❤ the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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❤ Mary ❤, 99 y.o.


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35 thoughts on “❤ Mary ❤ the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. How do you know she didn’t date them and had a bad time?

    She seemed pretty adamant to go to the extreme of having the guy try talking you into letting her sleep with them? It seems like it was already an emotional affair, if not physical?

    It’s just crazy to me to have her put the guy on her phone to talk you into getting your blessing for a 3 way with your GF? She must have been hanging out with them all the time she was gone, how do you know she’s telling you the full truth?

  2. If you've only been dating four months, and she's been hurt, she is being sensible. The kind of behavior you're describing will kick in when she feels legitimately safe. It just takes time. Don't bring it up yet, don't push it. Be very gentle with her, like she's frightened, because she is.

  3. He wasn't even there, and neither were we. We don't have the GF's word here, only his. Of course he could be downplaying, I never said otherwise. But we have to take the post at face value because it's all we have to go on. Everything else is inference and assumption.

  4. I don’t think you’re asking too much, especially given you’ve done similar things for him in the past.

    Is this a pattern elsewhere in your relationship? Do you find yourself tending to his needs while yours sometimes go unsatisfied? Are you doing all the planning and organizing for your shared activities? In other words, are you acting as his mother? That would be consistent with his current behavior.

    If he’s been fine elsewhere, maybe he just doesn’t understand your expectations, and you can set things straight with a serious conversation about it. People aren’t perfect.

  5. Hello /u/IndependentSquare955,

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  6. Hello /u/throwRAchrist,

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  7. I’m looking for anything positive about this guy in your post, and not finding it. This is not a boyfriend. You are wasting your time.

  8. I have no clue if this is the case for real, but it might be that OP is projecting seeing her dissatisfaction because of his insecurity, or that she is unhappy because OPs insecurity affects their sex life (less than the ejaculation timing) due to his sad mood or he might end the sex as soon as he is done, or anything else.

    Again, I don't know if this is the case, my point is only that when we are insecure about something, we tend to interpret every signal we come across as confirmation that it sucks and other people hate it too, while that doesn't necessarily have to be the case.

  9. I only mentioned some of what I do. She is happy with our situation while I am not. I thought I was clear about that in my question. I can’t possibly list everything that happens in my house just to paint the right picture. She is happy and does not need to hug me. I am not happy cause I need hugs. That is the conflict.

  10. I think the part that bothers me the most is that she claims she is, “very straight.” Being a straight male, I really can’t comprehend how women express their admiration for one another. Is there a chance that she’s lying about her sexuality or is this something that is relatively normal for women to do?

  11. Break up is the the healthiest option. she needs therapy and proper motivation to grow as a person as well. If she loses her relationship, because of her actions she might reconsider it and feel she really needs to change. Conversely, if you keep facilitating her, she will never feel any need to properly change.

  12. I'm truly sorry for what you have dealt with and are dealing with. I'm honestly not judging you and I really want to believe you're being genuine here and try to be civil in my responses, as I imagine some won't be.

    You need to realize that she only knows what she knows and what she experienced, regardless of whatever mental health issues you're dealing with and/or the alcohol involved. You're also making assumptions because when you're clear headed, you truly feel that way. But you weren't clear headed and you don't know what happened or what she experienced. In your mind, “I'd never intentionally hurt you.” In her mind, “you literally fucking did.”

    Let's even use an example to drive the point home, and I get that this is hyperbole. Let's say you black out due to your anxiety/shock and kill someone, be it her or some frat guy who's giving you shit. In your right mind you may not have meant to do it, but that doesn't make them any less dead. In the eyes of the law, you might not even end up in prison but a mental facility if determined it was the result of your mental illness.

    But people should be expected to forgive you or want to be around you because that wouldn't ever happen if you're in your “right mind?” To bring it back, your girlfriend doesn't want to be in a position where at any point your “wrong mind” could take over. It's hard to blame her for that. So again, state your case. But if she says no, you have to respect it.

    That's honestly your best play, because maybe it doesn't even shut the door in the future (to be clear I'm not saying you shouldn't move on, because that's exactly what you should do). But if you refuse to let go and keep disrespecting her wishes, all you're doing is confirming that she made the right decision.

  13. Awwww. Ask him that question. My answer is always simply a nice, long, loving roll in the sack. No gifts. No dinner. No acts of service. However, also, telling me I’m a good dad, and how much you appreciate what I do. Bottom line, always respecting me, even when you are mad.

    But that’s me. What does he need?

    A couple of those bits like always, always respecting him even when angry is so so important; doesn’t matter who you are.

  14. Write down a list of chores including walking the dog for 30 minutes a day. Tell her this would be her job if she stays at home.

    Get her a cookbook or two and sign her up for recipe emails. Let her know she has to cook full meals not junk that fills up a 2 year old.

    See how she takes it. She will probably change her mind

  15. That's bad math. He'd have been 15 when age was 12. It's also possible they were 13/16, as OP could be counting their current age (23/24/25 as 3 years for example).

  16. It might almost be worth it to move, with the kids, to a new state that doesn't have those horrible laws, for a “better job”, for 6 months, to establish residence and jurisdiction there.

    Seriously, the state I online in, the laws were so bad against dads that women used to do exactly that at the time that I first started going through my own custody fight for my kiddo. Women would move here, with their kids, on some excuse or another that was enough to keep their husbands from filing in their home state, then file for divorce/custody. Flip the script, do the same. This woman is using you and neglecting your kids, and it sounds like she's doing it largely due to the influence end encouragement of her family. It doesn't improve from here unless you get them away from those people anyway.

  17. This type of magical thinking is very dangerous.

    By magical, i mean he is trying to push the reality he wants thats in his mind, into the real world by pretending the break-up didn't happen

    When you don't shut it down on the spot, it boosts his intention to rewrite history as he sees chinks in the story where he can push his reality.

    I know how naked this is by the way, unwanted visits by an ex hit 3 digits for me, some were so insane (e.g. day after they threatened to smash my car, they just rolled up and said “are we going in town shopping”) i started to lose track of the real world, as dealing with someone that really does online in a different world isn't something your brain processes very easily (without the tools).

    When you tell someone dozens and dozens of times over many formats to leave you alone, watching them act as if none of that ever happened will mess you up

    He sounds like the kind of guy that will just ignore anything you say and continue to act as if you on-line in a different space time continuum

    All you can do is parrot “we are no longer in a relationship” as hope the message gets home, alongside that he is now an unwelcome roommate that gets politeness but nothing reserved for people in a relationship, or those that are still welcome. (no need to tell him this)

    Some of your replies are sarcastic, easy to see why but again this will appear as hope to him. Be a parrot, same line, same emotionless delivery

    Then, start on an emergency escape plan, i hope you don't need it but my experience is better to be prepared in your shoes!

  18. Look it's the consequences of my actions. You have raised a strong will son that knows his worth. The fact you blow him off several times when he wants to spend time with you. You made him a second fiddle in your life. If I was him I would have done the same thing.

  19. Tell her. It's not like you were asking her to be your live-in nurse, but to be aware that you can drop dead, and that you're on a waiting list to get a surgery that will drop you in hospital for a month, then you will have to take it easy for several months.

  20. Narcissists avoid self reflection and self criticism. I think it’s because they grew up in a really invalidating place where criticism was toxic? So to avoid perceived mental devastation, they don’t self reflect in certain circumstances.

    She might honestly believe that she’s in the right here. Most of my family is like this and it’s absolutely maddening. Unlike gaslighting (which is intentionally doing things to make someone feel crazy so that you can use it against them later), script flipping (that thing where you walk out of a argument not sure if you’re the bad guy because they played the victim) isn’t always intentional. Most people are just not prepared for that level of delusion.

    Sorry you had to deal with this. I’m glad you were able to reach out for help and that you’re away from her now.

  21. He is definitely having an emotional affair with her. He either drastically reduces contact with her and goes to counselling with you. Or you have to decide if this is a deal breaker for you.

    He needs to realise that he is disrespecting you and your marriage by continuing this emotional affair.

  22. You keep talking vaguely.

    What is Possibly?

    Who is they? The school?

    Either way. Does that answer your question? You have different future plans.

  23. I'm calling shitpost.

    Age gap + husband who is jealous of his kids and doesn't help his wife with them. Yeah. Shitpost.

  24. And that is her only saving grace here. Everything else about this trip sets off the infidelity alarm.

  25. My brain has fogged up thinking so much about him that i forgot myself. I don’t know how to divert my mind. Not even sure why i am thinking about what he is doing si much. I am just depressed

  26. I think the first place you need to start is yourself. You need therapy first so you can find yourself again, so you can fall in love with yourself again.

    Then along with that you both need to have a very important conversation centred around “where do you see this thing going” and “do you love me” Going to couples therapy can help with that.

    You mentioned you are Indian so sadly I don't know how much help I will be because I am from Canada and we have very different world views. but I would tend to think that divorce for him and his professional image would be just as sneered at as it would be for you. So he should be equally invested in making this work.

    Now how that looks is entirely up to you both and your therapist.

    Not gonna lie, this is going to be a long road if you want to make this truly work, if he wants to be a true example to both his son and daughter for what relationships should look like. you could ask him if his precious little girl found herself in a relationship with a man like him, a man that demanded she cut ties with them, that treated her like garbage and a second class citizen, that crushed her spirit and showed no care for her and her happiness would he be happy with this? if the answer is no then why does he think it's ok to do that to someone else's daughter?

    You need to be able to tell him he needs to be the man he wishes his daughter was with, because that's the example he is showing her by the way he is treating you.

    if after all that, all the talks, therapy, tools, homework and effort it amounts to 0 changes, then you will know you really tried everything and you can leave with your head high.

    In parallel to this, I can only assume you are a SAHM and have no job of your own, no social circle of your own? change that, take back your power, take back your identity. go out and join a class, learn a new skill, go volunteering for an organization or join a sport. even mommy and me classes if you have them (baby/kids and mom yoga) reclaim your identity and your happiness outside of him. I would also suggest taking money out when ever you can and keeping it safe and hidden for an exit plan. liquid money is not traceable and if you did decide to leave him it is a very usseful nest egg. when i left my abusive ex i had a cool 8 thousand dollars tucked away and i thanked my lucky stars when I was forced to stop working to take care of my sick child.

    best of luck, I know it won't be easy but it will be worth it, you'll see!


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