Lydia Faithful the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Lydia Faithful, 25 y.o.


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37 thoughts on “Lydia Faithful the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. If you know you're overthinking then repeat to yourself that you are. If you feed into it and allow those thoughts to fester, it'll get worse.

  2. I do see that now. I was afraid of coming off selfish in my reply because I really do want the relationship. So I replied in the most respectful way I could think of.. i said “I appreciate you apologizing, and being honest. I could tell your schedule was taking a toll on you , you don’t have to apologize for that but if you think a relationship is too much for you right now I can understand”

  3. What you want is someone that acknowledges how you felt and shares how he felt and then offer to problem solve together (like: oh, yeah, I can see how that would be frustrating. For me, I didn’t see the text because I was gaming. Next time how do you think we should handle this?). What you got was a defensive response, no acknowledgement of how you felt, just him saying how he felt and then him minimizing your concern by telling you there’s food in the fridge.

    And getting heated and upset when someone defensive is understandable. Google defensiveness in relationships as it ruins relationships all the time. And just know it’s not an easy problem to fix, there are things you can do to make it better (and if you’re interested let me know and I’ll share them) but people that get defensive in their close relationships, it’s often a really naked wired behavior that often gets worse and doesn’t go away unless the person gets therapy, and years of it. Since it’s only been a year and it sounds like you don’t have kids, I’d suggest you think very hot and long about if you can accept that this is how he is, that he don’t acknowledge your feelings when you’re frustrated and he don’t solve problems with you. That’s not a healthy relationship for anyone, but only you can decide if you’re ready to move on or not.

  4. I'm not going to assume thay every 31yo dating a 22yo is an asshole, even though it's usually true.

    I am going to assume that every 31yo eho is dating a 22yo and is demonstrably an asshole does not exhibit both of these traits by coincidence.

  5. Hello /u/Laleh27,

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  6. Maybe it was also just an observation on her part? Only men with small dicks tend to make comments like that?

    Except one is genuinely an observation with no negative connotations whilst the other is a commonly used insult.

    But I guess you know that and are being deliberately obtuse.

  7. Was that an internet relationship too?

    You cannot possibly know someone after 3 months of being together, let alone not meeting them IRL. Why would you want to commit the rest of your life to someone you don't know?

    I think you need to spend some time alone figuring out yourself rather than hinging your happiness off someone else.

  8. Okay. Thank you for the response. It’s difficult to see that far in the future pertaining to another woman but you’re right.

  9. It’s traumatic. So much so, I could see him goin back to previous partners. You can’t ever separate a truly bonded pair. Are they truly bonded? Cuddle together? Share a lifted box?

    Offer her $ for both cats. That’s the only solution honestly. Good luck.

  10. Thank you for your input! I know that I drink too much, but I’ve been working on it. It was much worse at one point. But I don’t black out or even get super drunk anymore.

  11. Lol she didn't mentionned she wanted to see someone else… a break is a break up so yes technically one of them could see someone else but not sure that's the point here.

  12. “Here's a list of horrible dangerous awful things my partner has done to me. But he's perfect for me!”

  13. Try writing down how you’re feeling. Write it all down on paper. Show him the letter. This way, he can’t argue with it, and he can’t twist your words. It’s a start.

  14. Ugh… I just hope the second person who saw your case had more idea of what they were doing.

    Once I had blood in my urine and went to the doctor. The first one (male) was nice but then a female doctor asked me if it was not my period. I had to tell her “my pee was purple” with the worst face I could and make her go away inmediatly. I swear… some are just…

  15. Can you keep Altoids by the bed? Are you insulting him or being rude when you say no? Is he pressuring you? More context please.

    Surface level assessment says his ego is hurt.

  16. “We believe in gender roles” Gross, but okay, sure, let's go with that then.

    This “traditional” role BS would mean that since he makes good money he pays for EVERYTHING. So, to be clear, not only does he not pay rent but he also pays for absolutely 100% of your personal expenses. After all, you're a woman, so your job isn't to work but to do 100% of the cooking, cleaning and childcare (if you have kids).

    So, if you haven't figured it out yet, your boyfriend is using “gender roles” as an excuse to make you do all the housework and cooking while he contributes nothing to the household. He's using you and taking advantage of you. And because you're trying to convince yourself this is your “role,” you're letting him.

  17. youre so young. Get the hell out of there dude. Find a woman who respects you and doesnt plan hookups with multiple strange men behind your back with 50 percent of them already probably having the herpes virus. She doesnt care about you or your health, putting you at risk of many stds without you even knowing a thing. Do not waste your life on trash!

  18. Honestly if more people broke up when red flags like these popped up there'd be a lot less toxic relationships

  19. How many are a few?

    Send her one very limited text a week for the next two weeks, then give up. By limited I mean 25 words or less.

  20. He's a little short, I got bored, Around the same time I started flirting.

    You are no coming off good so far.

    It was around then I realized that I was polyamorous. (…)Me hook up with him.

    Yet you are not polyamorous. Not at all. You have no idea what that looks like or the emotional responsibility that goes into polyamory. You just wanted to fuck someone else and have an excuse for it.

    I met up with David a month later and he was still pretty upset, saying that I'd broken up with him to sleep with Jason. I reminded him that that was untrue, and that our relationship had ended because I felt bored and unsatisfied

    But it IS true. YOU ended the relationship because YOU were bored and unsatisfied and banging Jason was your solution, couched in Oh but I'm poly! But you weren't, and aren't, and it was an excuse to be selfish and lazy with your relationships. Own what you do, OP.

    Your friends are not toxic – YOU are. Leave David alone. Leave everyone alone until you figure out the concept of personal integrity.

    And for reference, this is from someone who is poly and is not cool with folks who manipulate others emotionally or slap labels on themselves to justify shitty actions.

  21. Dump him. This relationship has no future.

    He clearly views you with contempt, and if you get married, he will throw your history of sex work in your face anytime you have a disagreement. He does not respect you.

    And in the future, wait more than eight months before getting engaged. As you are discovering now, you did not know this man at all.


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