I'm sure when it comes out in the future, be it days, months or years, your Dad will understand that you knew and choose to not let him in on the secret…
The purpose of dating is to see if you’re a good fit. It doesn’t sound like it’s a good fit or you wouldn’t have been checking out your other options after having agreed to be exclusive.
Personally, when I (44F) started dating my partner a few years ago, we weren’t even exclusive til 6 mos and no I love yous at that point. So to me, you’re moving a little fast expecting her to be all in. And I think calling each other boyfriend/girlfriend once you’re oh…out of college….sounds weird.
I dunno. It seems to me that she’s wanting to take things way slower than you and you’re not that into her anyway as you’ve come up with a list of reasons why it’s not so great.
So…break up with her and date. Or get off dating sites until you’re ready to call it quits.
I hope the worst doesn’t happen and she leaves me if I tell her
She isn’t opposed to ALL dirty talk (she says) – just 2 words. It shouldn’t be that hard to avoid those 2 words.
Too, just because one partner wants something in bed doesn’t mean the other partner has to ok it. And, yes, no beats yes in bed. Think threesomes.
Her partner has always known that she doesn’t like that word, and he’s recently begun sneaking it it. Not cool.
I'm sure when it comes out in the future, be it days, months or years, your Dad will understand that you knew and choose to not let him in on the secret…
The purpose of dating is to see if you’re a good fit. It doesn’t sound like it’s a good fit or you wouldn’t have been checking out your other options after having agreed to be exclusive.
Personally, when I (44F) started dating my partner a few years ago, we weren’t even exclusive til 6 mos and no I love yous at that point. So to me, you’re moving a little fast expecting her to be all in. And I think calling each other boyfriend/girlfriend once you’re oh…out of college….sounds weird.
I dunno. It seems to me that she’s wanting to take things way slower than you and you’re not that into her anyway as you’ve come up with a list of reasons why it’s not so great.
So…break up with her and date. Or get off dating sites until you’re ready to call it quits.