Linda the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Linda, 18 y.o.


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19 thoughts on “Linda the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Bullshit. Where I come from the Mother is the one that makes the decisions

    about the children and the partner supports her.

    Fuck him, if he is “uncomfortable”! Too bad, so sad.

    From what I know the partner is just unhappy he won't get his wick wet

    with the kid in the bed.

    Tell you what…”Partner”……

    Fuck the kid.

    Go ahead and do the mother with the kid watching.

    Thats about how much you really care!!

  2. If you don't live! with him, tell him “This relationship is over”. (that's a complete sentence). “You don't get to argue, it's over” That is a second complete sentence. Stay strong

  3. Since the wife was very drunk, it can sometimes be impossible to move, it’s like you’re stuck in your head and you are somewhere else mentally. Memories of things that happened can seem gray and grainy like an old movie. Did it happen or not? I’m guessing the friend reminded the wife of the fun they’d had. It is also possible the friend changed the diaper although after you’ve changed about a gazillion diapers you could change one in your sleep.

  4. Great point. I focus on the wrong things here. Yes. She does find me attractive still. I just have my mental problems I focus on the wrong things.

  5. He honestly has trauma with therapy from the past and so i think he wants to start off together but I definitely want to transition to individual therapy as we get started and through it.

    Tbh….then I really don't understand why you rushed into having a kid together, and already being engaged, given you are in the midst of your career taking off, and given he's NOT been working on himself in therapy.

    Yes, you don't regret having your son…. but c'mon, you put yourself and your child in a potentially quite dangerous scenario. The honeymoon stage easily lasts 1.5-2 years….

  6. Give her some space, then just let her know that you're relieved she's ok! It's fine to be worried about a bad batch or accidental OD, which are valid concerns with MDMA, but don't browbeat her about it. When there's been a while to let both of you calm down and cool off, then have a talk about risk-taking behaviors in general. Let her know your boundaries and areas of concern but don't be accusatory.

  7. No it isn’t. Benadryl is diphenhydramine by itself. The only additional ingredients are the fillers to make the tablet.

  8. I was 23 when I broke up with my boyfriend for this exact reason, honestly the best decision I could have made. You need to break up, no point dragging it out even longer

  9. I would walk away you wouldn't know about it if his wife hadn't found out. She's cheated and lied and now is manipulating you to stay. SHE wants to stay married, SHE wants to continue being with him, SHE wants you to be her sloppy second, SHE doesn't care about anyone but her, SHE wants your security. The only people that are hurt are YOU and his wife and child. This says alot about your wife, she's nothing but a backstabbing?????, who doesn't care about the damage she caused. How many times have you kissed him when you kissed her? You deserve better and she deserves to be single. Divorce and walk away

  10. He understands what you are saying. I think the understanding problem is actually on your end. You are almost there but not quite yet. You will eventually understand what an abuser is and to not blame yourself as anyone can get into a relationship with one. You have the opportunity to get out of it now. Even your dog died to give a clean break. It doesn’t get better. One day your dad won’t be there to give you $ to fix the problems this marriage is bringing you. Dump the 40 year old addict and forgive your loving heart for leading you astray. You have a great dad so you will be ok once you get out of this abusers claws

  11. Actually it just says he started the conversation which revolved around aunt and uncle, and that op said they were fine discussing it. That’s not pushing. OP said he “went on and on” in reference to the point where she decided to continually interrupt and talk over him.

    Which is also super childish. As is the passive aggressive statement about not wanting to discuss their wedding in front of her whole family. She did it because she knew it was going to make him uncomfortable and a big jab at him.

    They both suck at communicating and yes it was rude af to tell her to shut up but let’s not act like OP was pleasant in that exchange

  12. I did this with my previous ex but it was a very different situation. Lot of bad feelings there on both sides of the aisle. Maybe won’t do this again in future but really didn’t feel like I didn’t want to see her and thought it would be fine. Just hit me unexpectedly yanno?


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