Lia the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Lia, 20 y.o.


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48 thoughts on “Lia the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Do you think 24 is too late to mature?

    I fear thats not what this is about. A lot of people just enjoy having a partner that does that stuff for them. If he does not give you the impression that he's making an effort, he probably is trying to weaponize his incompetence to have you manage his life

  2. No I agree wholeheartedly. That's why I mentioned that part of my history…I did come out of something traumatic and took years of reflection and work to feel alright again dating. And part of that journey has been therapy amongst other things. But yes, ive been in therapeutic treatment since 2017, so yes I'm an advocate of seeking help. Obviously I should have reserved this conversation for my therapy appointment this week rather than seeing what the trolls have to say.

  3. I'm sorry, but she seems more motivated by that PR than by her true and lasting love for you, or even your compatibility for each other.

    She seems to be manipulating you.

  4. I was crying over a previous sexual assault in the first place. Something had triggered me during the day and upset me, so I was crying about it and letting it out. I voiced this to him before he asked to have sex.

    I was already going to advise that you kick this creep to the curb and then you said this. Now I'd really love to light him on fire and then you can kick him to the curb.

  5. That sounds so sweet!

    My only concern (although I don't know either of you, so please take this with a grain of salt) is that my immediate thought was that seems to relate more to something she did for someone else.

    The locket is an intimate gift from you, between the two of you. So I wouldn't go reaching too far. I don't know that's the best thing to write if that's the only context you've said that in, but if she's inspired you to say it regularly, great!

  6. If I tell you I don’t want to buy some glasses, I shouldn’t need to tell you twice.

    If I tell you I don’t like people pulling my hair, I don’t need to tell you twice.

    If I tell you I don’t like having sex whilst there are people downstairs, I don’t need to tell you twice

  7. There's a way to minimize the feelings. I highly doubt you never found another woman attractive. You likely wank off to porn, check out other women, notice attractive women, and probably thought about other women during sex

    Don't get upset she is thinking about her ex as likely you have had hundreds of sexual thoughts about other women.

  8. I’m on your SILs side. There is no excuse unless you’re drugged to drink to the point of being unresponsive at someone’s wedding. You’re an adult now and you need to act like it. You’re lucky they forgave you for making a scene at their wedding. Most people wouldn’t want anything to do with you. I’m guessing she doesn’t want a scene so she’s inviting you only because you’re dating her brother. She hasn’t wronged you. She was pissed you mad a scene at her sisters wedding and rightfully so.

  9. Well, now you have, and you clearly don't like it to the extent that you've made a reddit thread voicing your frustrations around it.

    You clearly are insecure about your penis size and do not enjoy any clearly humorous remarks made upon it.

  10. Leave her? It is reasonable for her to want sex and to express concern, it is unreasonable for her to be so harsh with you. Leave her, and perhaps spend some time speaking with doctors? Or if you have already tried that, perhaps a therapist could help?

  11. Unfortunately it seems like next to no one who posts or responds on this sub understands that this is what boundaries really are. Good on you for being this self aware.

  12. I think the key thing here is that she asked YOU but expects YOU to pay as well. As guy, If going out on the date I would expect myself to pay (or at least offer too) as its the polite thing today. However, a guy or not, if you have been asked out on the date then social norm would dictate that the asker already expects to pay.

    I don't think there is anything wrong in asking upfront who is paying, especially during these economical times, but being told the date has an eversion to splitting the bill (at least without the expectation/clarifying they had intended to pay) is a good judge of character and what they may expect going forward.

  13. We had a hockey player on the professional team whose birthday was April 2, but because he was a Canadian, it was listed in his bio as 2/4, not 4/2 like the US. He was surprised when everybody wished him happy birthday in February. It’s not bad to have two birthday celebrations, but it is bad to have a friend prank your sweet girlfriend.

  14. It's easy to fall in love. What's not easy is compatibility.

    Is this man's future compatible with yours? Not should it be, and not I want to believe that it is, is it actually compatible?

    How does he deal with his parents? Does he agree to things they dictate as his obligations, and fulfill their wishes, even if it costs him personally?

    If the answer is yes, your futures are likely incompatible. His history indicates that he will take over care of his brother, even if he doesn't want to, simply because they demanded it.

    If the answer is no, then you need to have a frank discussion with him about your future, yours alone, not the plural.

  15. Actually most states had some kind of sodomy laws up until recently. I think most are over turned now but we’re in effect until 2003 in some states.

  16. Pussies can push a 5 to 8 lb baby out of a vaginal canal with an average width of around 1 inch. That is a feat of strength that should only ever be used as a compliment

    Oh, you bench-pressed 225 lbs today? Youre the pussy!

  17. No it is weaponized because he didn’t attempt to problem solve, tho he’s a scientist, or even text op about the issue. He dropped it and told her to do it instead. It’s bs

    Even my ex knew better to ask me and even googled it before he had me do things for him

  18. I can't entirely put myself in the grandfathers shoes, but I would find it pretty hard to overcome this emotionally. I imagine child would be a constant reminder of that rejection.

  19. Literally the first sentence had “got a new job” right in the middle. As far as the back pain, it wasn’t that she took his professional experience over mine it was the fact that she immediately and without question exclusively did his exercises and ignored all of my advice.

  20. Ah sorry, forgive me, I misread apart of your reply. I’m used to not getting the most friendly replies on questions like this unfortunately. I’ve tried to think that way, but I guess it’s hard because I don’t really have an experience to compare it to

  21. He's purposely stringing her along to “save money.” He's disgustingly immoral. Why would you want to be with someone like that

  22. Hey. Im actually 19. I know already that the age gap is problematic. So i put 22 on this post because I dont want it to take away from teh specific advice im looking for again. I didnt think anyone would see the post. Which is why i didnt want a point to be wasted on the age- cos i know thats a problem. Thank you so much for your answer, thank you

  23. But like I mentioned be4: she knew from before we got together. It's pretty common here to be intimate with some friends without it being weird. And it doesn't mean anything to me, we're just hanging out together and it happens like once every month only. It's mostly a joke that's been going on for over a year

  24. I remember seeing and responding to a post about this.

    My advice would be to leave. He’s been cheating on you throughout your relationship and sexuality isn’t an excuse for that. I’m not heterosexual myself, but I’m married to a man, we’re monogamous, and if he pulled that shit I would be out of here as quickly as possible.

    Chances are, he was going to continue meeting up with people. That’s what he previously did on those applications.

    Of course this is considered cheating. When you confront him is your choice. I, personally, would be getting my things and leaving. This doesn’t sound like someone who is confused, at all, it sounds like someone who enjoys cheating.

  25. You refuse to communicate with Lara (I just put up a facade), then you're upset the whole trip.

    You claim your mother, your sister, and Lara “can tell” if something is wrong, but apparently that's not true as Lara couldn't tell and even said, “I think the trip went well, right?”

    For everyone saying Lara is a poor communicator, I'd say you're just as poor at communication. Then you simmer with resentment. Then you force her to beg you for a half hour to tell her what's wrong. Then you finally tell her you resent Jenna being on the trip! UGH! You're both absurd!

    Get into some couples counseling to figure out where your boundaries ought to be and how to communicate with each other!!

  26. Or instead of paying a group to take you to an orphanage, donate all of that money to a cause you care about.

    White savior compx doesn't save people, it's literally there to make the “volunteers” feel good and nothing else.

  27. Attraction for women is more mental than physical. Usually the best way to get them in the mood more is to spoil them a bit and see if that changes anything.

  28. Just because someone has issues doesnt give him/her the right to project the problems onto other people.. she can not make you and your son suffer just because she has problems. And limiting your contact with your ex and cutting her out eventually will definetly damage everything. You cannot make your gf feel better… she needs to get help and work with a therapist.

  29. super creepy, and girl, you're allowed boundaries. tell him touch is off limits, as is non-work related comments and texting.


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