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29 thoughts on “Laverna the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Please fuck the right off, he has not given any indication of anyone being religious at all. He does not need to cohere to any religious regiments at all if he does not want to,

    To OP, I'm truly sorry for all the torment you and partner are going thru, and only wish the best for everyone's future.

  2. Yeah you’re right. He did have a communication problem and he had trouble being emotionally vulnerable. He made it sound like he wasn’t going to be traveling that often. I thought that I could possibly handle it but I guess I couldn’t. At first he said he wasn’t going to leave for this unexpected work trip and that he wanted to stay with me. His parents talked him into going because they thought it would make him look better for his boss and that seemed to change his mind. I knew he wanted to go and I didn’t want him to stay just because I had an emotional breakdown over it. I wanted him to stay because he wanted to stay. I just didn’t feel like he cared enough about how upset it made me. It really sucks being dropped from someone’s life so suddenly.

  3. Yep. I read OPs replies and he didn't bring up new years until his girlfriend had already told him about her trip she was in the process of planning with her friends. Then all of a sudden Nye was super important to him. Just reading all his contradictory statements in the body of text, while subtle he seems like a stage 5

  4. Recognize that it's not the sex drive that is causing the problems… but the friction surrounding it. I would recommend never, ever, joking around with a guy (or girl) about his inadequacies fulfilling your sex drive. You should have serious conversations about it, if it's important to you. But if there was ever a time where jokes really weren't going to help… it would be during that conversation.

    Have you explored things that may get him more enthusiastic about sex? Kinks? Roleplay? BDSM? That kind of stuff? Maybe he needs to be coaxed out of his shell a bit. At the same time, it could really just be that he has a very low sex drive. Is that something you can tolerate? Is it a deal breaker? If you are considering this turning into a long term relationship, you will definitely want to weigh how important this is for you, and talk to him about what you decide.

  5. Yes because that is what she says she would like. If you really don't care but she really does then let her have this. It will make her feel you listened to her. I, like you, love giving gifts but not everyone does and it does stress people out so much.

  6. You got with him when you were 17 and he was 19. You were a child/teenager when you guys got together. He is just your “first love”. Think of him as a starter boyfriend, someone who taught you how you want and don’t want to be treated. I would give him a month max to come to his senses but after that he and his mom could go kick rocks. You’re only 22, you have a whole lot of life ahead of you God willing, go experience it. You never know maybe he was holding you back from meeting your real partner. Keep your head up! ?

  7. In my opinion, calculating how much childcare costs, when that childcare is done by a parent, sounds the same as saying “Dad is babysitting the kids tonight”. Those are the SAHP's kids too. If the working parent weren't there, the SAHP would be expected to do everything they do and work as well. Saying you're entitled to compensation because you take care of your own kids sounds absurd to me.

  8. Life isn't a fairy tale. The goal isn't to get with a person to change or improve them, you arent a life coach. The goal should be to find a person who treats you well and choose to share your life with them because they treat you well and make you happy.

    He can't change because he chooses not to and clearly has terrible self control if he continually says hurtful things to you. You should be his wife and partner, not his teacher.

    The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results. That's what you are doing here in my opinion. You're accepting this behavior and letting him abuse you repeatedly without forcing him to go to counseling. You've shown him that you will continue to let him off the hook.

    You not wasting to unpack the bathroom doesn't mean you deserve to be harassed and verbally abused. It makes me sad to think that you have accepted this as part of your day to day.

    Everyone hits their breaking point. For me, it was my ex yelling at me when I asked him to take the trash out with me bc it was dark and I didn't want to go to the alley outside our apartment by myself. I finally hit my limit that day and am so thankful I did.

    I can't tell you what to do. I can just tell you my experience, but it is so nice to not be constantly dearful of my partners reactions. I used to be terribly anxious and afraid of anything upsetting him. It is truly a relief to be with someone who I trust, who isn't perfect, but surely never verbally abuses me, and never calls me anything but baby.

  9. Hello /u/cupcake450,

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  10. It actually is especially since she stole his credit card to buy it with. He can easily say that she cheated and didn’t want to get pregnant from it so she stole his card to buy the plan b.

  11. He has also been contemplating telling me since this summer but “timing” has been bad for him.

    No, he's just a coward. He was waiting for the sweet spot time period where he knows you'd hesitate to break up with him because you've been together so long.

    He claims nothing else has happened between them physically since then.

    You don't believe that right? He has made these abroad trip plans since then and auddenly had to cancel them this month? Something worse happened and he's he's using the lesser incidents to justify why he can't hang out with her anymore.

    I’m honestly shocked. I feel disgusted, so so stupid, and very alone.

    I'm sorry, that's such a shit place to be in.

    Do I end the relationship even though he's promised to unfriend her?

    You kind of have to. He's been dishonest with you on multiple occasions and gaslit you into accepting a situation you knew was not okay. This was while your relationship was supposed to be stable and loving.

    As someone who stayed, the main thing I think needs to be said is that you are never going to be the same person if you commit to this relationship.

    I lost a lot of my early confidence and self respect when I stayed with my ex and he ended up repeat cheating. The one currency you have im a relationship is trust and he just dropped yours all over the floor. You don't come back from that, you just slowly get more and more resentful.

  12. I can’t imagine either making my man plunge my shits or having to plunge his. Adults clean up after themselves. He has occasionally stepped in and cleaned up for me if I’m really sick, but it wasn’t an expectation like OP’s gf seems to have, he did so voluntarily.

  13. Having a person who hates you demand alone time with your baby is a giant, glaring red flag to me. I'd start by asking your husband to remember why he decided to go LC with his mom to begin with and firmly reiterate that you are not comfortable with her being around your baby without you present.

  14. Come on bro, if no one's explicitly said it, it's unfair to tie her down and expect that she'll treat your budding relationship as exclusive.

    What I'm sensing here is that were you to have brought it up and asked if she'd be willing to become exclusive before she went away, she'd likely have agreed, and therefore not have had those one night stands. So, this is not really on her at all. If you want something, don't 'throw hints,' behave like an adult and say what you want

  15. Find you another apartment and leave he is using you and why have you been with him so long if he is not treating you correctly he is a reason why his father and his stepmother kicked him out and he came to stay with you you're abusive you have no job you're an alcoholic get the f*** out

  16. Right! There is no universe that I can think of where a married guy who cheats and manipulates women into bed is labeled “a decent guy”.

  17. Dear, with my ex-husband, I went through what you're going through. I worked 40 hours a week and took care of two very young daughters. He forced me to work, telling me “A woman is worthless unless she works outside the home.” Just like you, I'd arrive home from work and have to do all the work. I knew of so many other women who did this.

    I told him “Ok I'm going to make a chore chart. Each day, check off the chore that you have done.” So I typed up a chore chart. Naturally, he didn't follow it. He made excuses “I can't do the dishes because I got a paper cut on my pinky.” One time he even had the nerve to throw $5 on the counter and said “Here, do the dishes.” I even went so far as to go on strike. I told him “I'm not doing anything around here until you start doing your share of the work.”

    The bottom line here is that you are a caring, loving woman who doesn't deserve this type of treatment. Since he may not be able to change on his own, you may need to seek couple's counseling. If he refuses, you can try the things I mentioned above, or leave as a last resort. We are not slaves, and we certainly don't deserve this. Good luck!

  18. At least you know the real her and what she's capable of before you're bound by marriage. Stay safe OP

  19. It doesn't?? The issue has been ongoing for two years I'm just confused why she cried because the plan changed.

  20. I've been like hesitant and not myself around her. I'm like a different person almost. And I feel very wrong afterwards. I don't know why. I don't want to behave differently. I want to stop thinking about her. And yet I'm unable.

  21. do you not see that this is my literal coping mechanism and I feel extremely alone and scared so the parasocial interaction with strangers on the internet is serving as my distraction

  22. There's a reason you've not married this gal over the last 9 yrs.

    This is a huge assumption/projection on your part. There could be a number of reasons why they didn't get engaged, including wanting financial stability – which is what most people do.

  23. Yeah, my bf doesn’t like seeing people get picked on and tends to stand up for people.

    Maybe you should take a page out of his book and stop befriending abusers

  24. This has to feel super shitty. I’m sorry.

    A conversation face-to-face isn’t going to change anything. He’s definitively told you he doesn’t want to be with you, and you don’t want to beg him to change his feelings. Have all this stuff set aside so he can grab it and go, and focus on making yourself feel better. Make sure you have some self-care in order for right after.

    As for your stuff, if there’s anything you really don’t want, set it aside for him to take back or donate/sell. Anything where the association is too strong right now but you might feel differently about in a few weeks belongs in a plastic tub somewhere. Eventually it will probably feel more like “your stuff” than “stuff from X.”

  25. What do you hope to achieve by telling his wife? If he's really getting divorced, she already knows they're over.

    He's almost certainly been playing you, though. “Doesn't want her to know he is in a relationship” = no intention of getting divorced.

    Leave him and move on with your life. He's not worth it. And if the wife is still with him, eventually she'll learn what he is.


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