Laila Laurent the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD
2KLaila Laurent, 20 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Laila Laurent, 20 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
It looks like you've got some really sound advice here from several people. I would focus on the comments which emphasize communicating with the bf and addressing what is still left over in your head.
What I really wanted to say though is, you want to name the people who are harassing you in your private messages? Share some screenshots or report them? We really ought to ban them back to 4chan or wherever the fuck.
Can you stay with your mom while you save for a place?
Let it go. Make sure you have what you need to safely and comfortably be in the woods for a weekend, but outside of that try and not think or plan anything. Good luck! Enjoy the woods!