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24 thoughts on “Kris and dick the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Well duh she doesn’t have to, but further insight into these “harmless” messages could be probative of prior bad acts— ALWAYS a relevant issue when discussing cheating.

  2. Being right is lonely. Being wrong is even lonelier.

    Always having to prove themselves right and their partner wrong is categorized on lists of emotional abuse, which can be nude to recognize. I do believe people can do this unintentionally, so have a good talk with her and see if she’s willing to onboard making a change. If she doesn’t, you know you tried

  3. How to approach him…. Well you can start by getting off your high horse, your story is so heavily altered to make you seem like a saint, sick, no sleep but still not cranky, not upset, not raising your voice, practicing communication techniques that would make Mother Theresa jealous.

    Then you can cut him a little bit of slack, he had a funeral to go to, his sister had a fall and got concussion, and like you he was running on bugger all sleep. He doesn’t get a pass on his behaviour, and still needs to be held accountable for it, especially making his kids scared, but everything should be taken in context with everything else.

    Now you say these outbursts have happened before, if this is the case, I suggest you wait a few days before approaching him, then start by asking him how he felt during and after his outburst, tell him what the kids said and how they reacted, and that you would like to help him find some help so he can control his anger, so his children don’t have a bad childhood, scared of their father.

  4. In your shoes, this isn't a relationship I would want to be in. It's a nice position to be in when you don't have to worry about life financially, but also it means he hasn't really had to try at life or had the drive to truly find something he is good at or passionate about. That for me is important. I wouldn't care about being with someone who made loads of money, but I would want to be with someone who wanted to make their own way in life, not simply rely on others.

    And it’s very hot for me to complain too much about that because realistically he is paying all bills 50/50 with me (through his parents)

    He doesn't pay 50% his parents do. I'd be embarrassed if at 36 (actually my current age) I relied on my parents money to live!. I understand you say it's not something they will take away, but it does mean he will always “owe” them, they will always have so so much of a day in his life or hold over him, not only do they hold all the money, they hold all the power.

    He's doing a part time course and part time work, is this apparent career of property development actually a line of work his parents are in? Basically is he going to fall out of study and into work they have set him up with?

    That's what I'd be more worried about, I cannot imagine someone who's not had to work in life or put much effort in, would hold the same sort of values as me, and that's important.

    As for the going out stuff, if it's not going to align with your ideal then it's probably got an expiration date.

    I have also probably given him so much leeway that he thinks it is something he can get away with.

    This for me is the most important thing you said. Think about this… Do you want to be with someone if you've got to nag/push them into the kind of relationship/life you want?

    Do you want to be worth someone who pushes to see what he can get away with, like a child? Or would you rather be with someone who spends their spare time in a similar way that you do. Where there doesn't have to be a battle every weekend to either do what you don't enjoy just to spend time with him, or nag him into staying home for once.

    It should be easier, with the right person it just works.

  5. I'm curious, how are expenses split up? Is it an even 3 way split? It seems if you were splitting things proportional to income you wouldn't be worried about not saving as much money.

    You don't have to get married if you don't want to. And why get married to Harriet and not Adam? Why does this feel like a way for Adam to extricate himself under the guise of saving on taxes?

  6. I dont think you’re actually listening to anything I’m saying and rather just being angry. Be well have a good day.

  7. I never once cried racism, you did, and that's what I was objecting to.

    My guess is you're a POC and you're projecting

  8. Obviously but I live! in a dangerous country so doing something via an embassy gives me comfort in knowing I won't be trafficked lol

  9. I have been making it up to her if you only knew I’ve done a 180 from the person i was before and im constantly trying to be better everyday

  10. I don’t think having her leave work was a smart idea. You already mentioned that she was going through a rough patch at work. Therefore, obviously this could exasperated her work situation. You should have done this surprise on your own private time. Also, maybe she really doesn’t like surprises. Some people just like to plan things ahead.

  11. I was referring to where you said “you will run out of friends fairly quickly” not to the original post.

    And I still consider this a simple change of hairstyle in the sense that it is still a normal hairstyle. Yes the BF may not prefer it but unless OP shaved her head or changed from a conservative traditional look to a purple mohawk or something, I consider it a simple change of hairstyle. People's hair changes during their lives. The BF is acting like a child.

  12. his answer is that they never really discussed assets or finances when they broke up. she never asked for legally owning the apartment and he never thought of it either. He gave her his car too that she rarely uses since she lives and works in the city and prefers public communication. he doesn't want us to get the car back either. He even left her his savings. I asked him if she is using them and he said no. he can still access that account and can see wether or not she is using it. He won't use it either because its her money according to him.

    he was probably broken with guilt when he made all these decisions and I wonder if it was wise to make these big decisions while so vulnerable and broken. nobody should do that in that state of mind. I asked him if he regrets what he did in a moment of grief and he was angry and said NO

  13. 9 times out of 10 listen to your friends about an SO. If they all feel a particular way and they’re good friends, they’re right.

  14. Oh, and if he's CIA you're probably blowing his cover on Reddit. 😉

    But if he was CIA, I'm sure he'd have his sh*t much more together than this.

  15. It’s a confession. He’s worried because he knows he’s red flag central and she’s going to catch on to that.

  16. you weren't in a committed, monogamous relationship.

    she told you she was dating other people

    people can change their minds and clearly after going on a few dates with someone she chose to have sex. so what?

    she doesn't owe you anything. who she dates and who she has sex with is up to her.

    stop acting as if she owes you anything. something tells me if it was you she had sex with you would not be on here feeling like someone who is not your girlfriend cheated

    sure you can feel disappointed, but like come on take a breath , go for a walk and get some perspective.


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