Kitty Caitlin the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Kitty Caitlin, 23 y.o.


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3 thoughts on “Kitty Caitlin the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I think you're upset some people (be it many or not) are open about this and afraid someone might ask you yours. If you're conscious about it, for whatever reason, it's most likely due to stigma. That's why I don't see it. I don't care if a prospective partner knows.

  2. I’m a married father and if any of my so called friends even looked at my wife in any kind of disrespectful way, they’d have some real problems coming from me.

    My wife is at the very top top of my list of priorities, and she’s the human that I respect more than anyone in the world. Friends would be gone instantly if even one of these instances happen that you listed. Nobody treats my wife like that.

    And the thing is, I’m not some amazing husband for doing that. That’s the minimum standard for a husband. Like, that is the lowest criteria for being “not a total piece of shit”. You unfortunately are with someone who doesn’t meet the “not a total piece of shit” standard.

    Look, you really rushed into this relationship. You acted impulsively and now you have a child for the rest of your life. I’d encourage you to consider what you want to teach your child. Because by staying in this relationship, you are teaching them to have no self respect and you’re teaching them to stick with a partner that falls below the “not a total piece of shit” threshold.

    You may not have the self esteem, self respect, confidence, etc. to actually leave just because you have a “total piece of shit” spouse, but I guarantee that you have the desire to do better for your child than condoning the treatment that your spouse displays. Even if you don’t think you deserve better, I’m sure that you think that your child does.

    Our relationship decisions teach our kids what a “healthy” relationship should look like for them. At this rate, all their gonna learn is that they shouldn’t have any self respect, and they shouldn’t expect any respect from their future partners. Think really naked about the lessons you’re teaching them now, and think really nude about the lessons you want to teach them in the future. Because certainly you would want to teach them to demand better than what you’re currently accepting now


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