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Kirra, 23 y.o.


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35 thoughts on “Kirra the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Its just so hot because his family is like my own and vice versa, i kind of feel the pressure of everyone else around us wanting us to be together which is sort of crazy. Im madly in love him but we are both changing as we get older and thats having an affect on our relationship

  2. You say exactly what you said in your last paragraph. Dancing around it won't achieve anything. If he is content to be your friend, then that will be enough. If he isn't and gets shirty about it, then you'll know he was only hanging around in hopes of being more than a friend. You don't need someone around you who will push you into something you're uncomfortable with.

  3. He never told her the name he was text a friend he said she saw the name and wondered why he would be texting a woman who is significantly younger than him that he does not have things in common. Then when asked about it he gets defensive to me that mean he knows he is doing something he shouldn’t and he he is doing something inappropriate he is having an emotional affair he is having deep intimate conversations and caring like asking is she has eaten when he doesn’t even ask his wife that. I’m sorry but when is the last time you texted just a friend asking them if they had eaten that day and talked everyday multiple times a day?

  4. Your boundary is completely understandable. The fact that he thinks it shouldn't be a big deal is a huge ? this isn't his BFF he's slept woth her multiple times. That would be a hot no for me

  5. If he is asking you to give up your lifelong dream, he is not a supportive partner. If you do give up your education for him, you may grow to resent him over it as time goes by.

    Medical school is a long and demanding path, but ultimately it is temporary, and you should have a partner who is willing to go through the hot part by your side, to get to the life you will enjoy together down the road. If that person is not your current boyfriend, he is out there for you!

  6. OP the abusive one is your wife. My God. How can you stand living with someone who treats you that way?

    Why in the world can’t she setup her own software? She’s a goddamn adult and you can google how to do this step by step.

    She’s upset that you made food because it wasn’t the way she wanted it done? What an asshole. Really. It’s obnoxious.

  7. Honestly I would think about divorce now while you are young. Also if money is tight you aren’t controlling any one. It is just how It is now. I struggle with this with my wife. If you have 100 dollars to last a week you can’t go spend 99 today. Ugh. How could she expect to travel if you only have 35 dollars.

  8. Think about this, would he have confessed if you haven't found out? You would have gone clueless when he would have not only emotionally but physically cheated as well.

    Okay then, what about the next time you have problems. Are you confident enough that he will not do this again?

    Leave him.

  9. I think anyone who ends a relationship goes through a period of questioning if it was the right decision tbh. But it sounds like it was the right thing to do in your case for sure. Focus on yourself and things will get better.

  10. Hello /u/needaame1234,

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  11. Perfectly said here ????. Destroyed her marriage for a fantasy, sad. And the children will be the ones who suffer undoubtedly.

  12. Terms like “boundaries” and “red flags” should be reserved for toxic or dysfunctional relationships. This ain't that: this is a fucking nightmare. I'm glad OP has woken up. For anyone else, this is your wake-up call.

  13. Terms like “boundaries” and “red flags” should be reserved for toxic or dysfunctional relationships. This ain't that: this is a fucking nightmare. I'm glad OP has woken up. For anyone else, this is your wake-up call.

  14. “Let’s be real, every single woman has either watched the hallmark movie or read the romance novel where the man buys the protagonist a beautiful outfit and leaves it in a wrapped box on her bed with a sweet note about how he can’t wait to see her wearing it at dinner that night.”

    What? Really? As a woman I would find this soooo condescending and obnoxious. I'm not a doll.

    To be fair, I'm not a fan of hallmark movies or romance novels, but I can't imagine feeling flattered by this and I feel like I can't be the only woman to feel this way.

  15. It's very easy to just say “It's your car and you expect me to pay for it? And I'm holding you back for refusing? Make it make sense.” She can't do mental gymnastics out of this argument. I have no idea why y'all need advice for these. Hold your ground man.

  16. My mother gained 70 pounds while pregnant with me because she had gestational diabetes, so it definitely does happen to some women. My mom probably never quite lost at all (maybe 60 lbs of it), and she eventually got in awesome shape again after having kids. She is still a beautiful woman and it shouldn’t be a shock than when creating another HUMAN BEING women have major changes to their body that don’t reverse 100% like they hopped into a fucking Time Machine. This post makes me blood boil!

  17. Ewww your boyfriend sees nothing wrong with being a predator in a position of power. Op, you need to actually see this for it is and not just be jealous he wants to fuck younger women. He doesn't recognise the power imbalance of a professor targeting his young students. He is looking at young women as purely sex objects and not complete human beings.

    That's the real issue here. But I suspect that's why he found someone 13 years younger than him.

    YTA. Maybe hold off on moving in so soon next time.

  18. You should break up, separate everything, go no contact as soon as possible. It's going to suck! But if you do not do it, you won't move on to the rest of yourself. You know the life you want and you cannot have it with him.

    He also has not been honest. You broke up and he then lied to get you back; he made you waste more time and effort and emotions. He also sounds like he is dragging you down; he got stuck, refused to go to therapy, and he is selfish (because he rather keep you on false pretenses).

  19. You say you are dealing with one situation at a time. You can ask for couples counseling, but this man is trying to sabotage your career making it harder for you to leave. You can solve all your problems by leaving. Why did you start freelancing? I work in healthcare can if someone asked to see my client files for ethical reasons(towards clients) I would need to leave the living area if not the relationship immediately.

  20. Yes we are. I asked him about the camera before and he said he just didnt want his mum bugging him about it and asking questions because shes nosy

  21. I had to go back up and read y'all's ages again…

    Of course she doesn't want you to die. Tons of people on the sub are saying that. Was it an unhelpful and not very nice comment? Yes. But she was calling your bluff.

    Yall need to decompress

  22. I’ve fixed my emotional problem thanks to her. But the won't want me to be with another woman. And won't accept me back also.

    But now that I made up my mind to go with someone else, she suddenly changed.

    The problem is, I can't forget the past, and I can't hurt her.

  23. What does he do for you?

    ETA: just yesterday I read about this 34 year old woman whose boyfriend of 4 months wanted to move in with her. The dude was 37, doesn't have a car, and lives with his mom. The woman, on tbr other hand, owns her apartment and has lived by herself since she was 18. Here's a very clear sign of “benefiting” from her and her possessions.

  24. You’ve written it here and clearly expressed the issue, use what’s here to talk with her.

    The one thing I would say if whether there’s any build up or affection before you ask? If you’re sat watching Netflix and just ask “are you in the mood?” then I wouldn’t been surprised by the less than thrilled response. Equally if that is the issue, she needs to communicate that to you as well.

  25. She’s insecure. The upping in her boasts are an indication that you’re nearing your goals!

    If you want to be non confrontational about her taunts, just get the blandest phrase you can think of and send this to every one of her messages.

  26. Copy of death certificate isnt easy to get hold especially since he died in another country and mum would have all the documents needed or information needed

  27. Now you know for a fact this man would dump you if you were walking around with shit caked between your asscheeks.

  28. I’m frustrated for sure- that would be a freak accident so I wouldn’t blame him(unless he pushed me ?). But I did do more than I should for ideal recovery because he wasn’t there like he said he would and that sucks.

    Mom’s been gone for more than a decade- I am plenty used to figuring things out on my own. I’ll be fine recovery wise. Just sucks to add my relationship crumbling right now.

  29. Idk. Some girls like OP seem to think they can change them or convince them otherwise. Idk, I don't think so. If a man doesn't wipe his ass it's because he was taught poor hygiene and that's not something that'll transform overnight. And I personally won't spend time with a man like that even if it's not his fault. Like teach your kids proper hygiene fr


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