It is a wound that “could” heal, but it would leave some BIG scars on your heart and mind. Do you want that on your heart and mind, all the time for as long as you are with him? Or do you want to be with someone who would never dream of doing such a thing to you in the first place?
Obvious answer: he’s a psychopath and you should leave him immediately
It is a wound that “could” heal, but it would leave some BIG scars on your heart and mind. Do you want that on your heart and mind, all the time for as long as you are with him? Or do you want to be with someone who would never dream of doing such a thing to you in the first place?
get a video, voice recording, text where she admits she was joking.
be all like “baby let's talk, i think we both went too far the other night”. get her to admit saying what she said.
make sure you have a recording, then RUN LIKE FLO JO'S ASS IS ON FIRE!!!!!
send the recording to everyone. because she WILL tell everyone anyway because she's nutz and will be super pissed if you drop her.
cover your ass first, then drop her.