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  1. Do the same thing to him next time you want to have sex, tell him to get himself very hot and when he’s ready you’ll sit in his lap.

  2. Thank you for the advice. I feel a little less confused about all of this. I appreciate it! I'll defiantly have to talk to him.

  3. You sound like a really sweet and considerate person truly her loss. So sorry this happened. Try your best to focus on you right now, the small things like eating and drinking even though it’s very hot at the moment. I know how you feel and I wouldn’t wish this pain on my worse enemy. Do you have any friends or family you can talk to? Be gentle to yourself, and give yourself plenty of self care. It’s going to be okay.

  4. He's not worth it. He lacks the maturity to have a career vision and the imagination to even play that out for you.

    As the spouse of a physician, I know first hand about the stress the education and hours take on a relationship. Once you get into med school and your time is mostly not your own, he would not provide the level of support necessary. Please don't toss your dreams, especially for this level of companion.

  5. Lmfao you guys are fucking insane. She’s distant for TWO WHOLE DAYS??? Damn better break up with her.

    It’s like y’all do not interact with real life human beings.

  6. He might have tested a high(er) IQ but he's got the emotional intelligence of broccoli. Dump him, you can do a lot better.

  7. He says you're brainwashed, but he's the one who drank the Kool-Aid. Is this someone you want to spend your life with?

  8. Maybe don't let your barrier down fully bro. Honestly I had a girl penetrate it after years of holding it back. She wrecked my heart. Always be diligent until you can bw sure, don't be fully cold either. There's a balance to achieve

  9. Like anything else, approaches are as successful as the recipient receives it. If this specific guy approached you, would you respond positively? Obviously, the answer is yes.

    But at the end of the day, what do you have to lose? If you get rejected then you get rejected. Life will go on. Shoot your shot. Good luck.

  10. Even if I were allowed to, I don't want to sleep with other people. I am not allowed to though because he said he would hate it and even the idea of it makes him physically ill. He is a very jealous person. He also said sex is different for women and the way I view it is different from how he does so it wouldn't be the same. Everything has been going pretty great since we have gotten back together other than the 3-some but I agreed to it and said I was ok with it. He told me that he wishes I wouldn't have gone through with it if it was something I only did for him. He said we don't have to do that ever again if I don't want to. The issue here isn't what's happening, and I have started getting over the past. I just don't understand why I am not good enough. How do you cope with knowing you're not enough for your partner and you feel like they're settling for you or compromising their happiness for yours? I feel like I am holding him back and if I did better this wouldn't be an issue. He also has an emotional disorder, he said that he feels like he loves me or that he's starting to love me, so maybe in the future with more time he will be able to genuinely say he loves me and mean it full heartedly instead of saying it but not understanding what it means. If he can love me one day I feel that he will finally understand where I am coming from & he will be disgusted by the idea of seeing anyone other than me sexually. I just want to know how to help him and progress our relationship, and how do I not occasionally think about how I am not enough. For the most part I don't think of it and we do fun stuff and we are sweet and happy. I am recently diagnosed bipolar 2 though & didn't want to take the medicine or go to therapy. I don't know if that is causing everything to be harder than it really is. Sometimes I feel fine, other times like tonight it's really eating at me. He is being a really good boyfriend now and I am understanding to why things happened and why he feels how he does, I just don't want him to feel that way. I want him to be happy too.

  11. I cried at 5 months because they didn’t put enough very hot salsa on my chipotle. I had very strong suuuuper spicy cravings, and I felt very emotional about it if things weren’t spicy enough.

  12. I said the same thing. So close to “well why were you walking down that dark alley at night?” Or “why were you drunk?”

    Don’t blame the victim.

  13. I'll definitely give this a try. Neither of us got the chance to go out and do our own thing ever since the pandemic started (it's been 3 years!!). I guess this could be a great opportunity for both of us. Thank you so much!

  14. And not to excuse his behavior but let's not push chairs anymore it's not appropriate. And you never know how men can react to these things provoking isn't the answer

  15. Damn. You really dug yourself a hole huh? Paternity test is the only option and I think we all know the outcome of that. I don’t think you’re gonna find the answer you’re looking for on here

  16. I get the feeling that OP is going to be absolutely shocked when her husband is going to file for divorce.

    As others have already said what I wanted to say I'm going to share some life experience instead:

    Trying to be the mediator or neutral party is great in professional relationships. It's a distinctly bad idea in a romantic relationship.

    In these kinds of conflicts you are always making a choice, whether you want to or not. No conflict is ever going to be 50/50 and since these relationships are voluntary a neutral solution isn't going to satisfy anyone.

    Your dad and your husband don't like each other. Your marriage put them in a situation where they can't avoid each other. Your husband is seemingly sucking it up. Your dad isn't.

    That's why this conflict isn't 50/50 and playing the mediator is siding with your dad. To outsiders it looks like you're trying to have your cake and eat it too. To your husband it looks like he's in second place. To your dad it looks like he can have his way by making a stink. All because of your neutral actions.

  17. Yep. Exactly that. When I mentioned that I feel like his mother, he accused me of using his dead mum against him. Wut.

    The thing is, we did have multiple extensive conversations before moving in together, he just hasn't held up his end of the bargain. There's always a reason as to why he can't etc.

  18. when it comes to teens dating teens, my libe of thinking is as long as yall could have been in high school together it's fine. you're only one grade above her, don't worry too much bud.

  19. This man is literally telling you to your face that he views you as lesser. That he views your capacity for reason and intellect as inferior to his based on your gender.

    ✨Dump him✨

    You are not a rehab for misogyny.

  20. Stop making excuses for him. No means no. If he continues after you say no, it is rape. Do not enable him to rape you.

  21. Not only that but she actually told him what she wanted, not leaving him to um and ah like he did to her.

    You don't tell people what you want, don't expect anything that you'll love.

  22. u/kQuirky1411, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  23. Idk I gained probably 30 lbs in two years because I stopped having an eating disorder. My BMI was normal when I had the ED and my BMI is normal now, because I’m relatively tall. I literally didn’t go up a pants size. Things fit differently but still fit. I think my weight distribution is pretty even across my body so it just made me a bit bigger everywhere. I had a boyfriend who also gained around 40 lbs through our relationship and genuinely I barely noticed because he was tall and had a pretty even frame. It really depends on a lot of factors. Gaining 30-40 lbs does not automatically make everyone go from normal looking to obese looking.

  24. He cheated. No matter what he says and how he tries to justify what he did he still cheated.

    I'm so sorry he did this to you and that you have to deal with this when pregnant.

  25. Uh. No. Incorrect. This happened over a year and a half. If she’d gained 40 lbs in a month she’d need to go to a medical professional immediately because that’s NOT over eating. Wtf are you talking about??

  26. Hello /u/Suspicious-Trip99,

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  27. He is ending the relationship. He's doing it clumsily, but if he wants out, for whatever reason, he's allowed out.

  28. I think what your BF said is reasonable, that you need to take some of this into account on your own. Your post sounds like you are emotionally immature in this respect but you can deal with it if you work through the issue personally.

  29. Of course you are selfish. It is not how you told him what you think, but what you think in itself. You don't want to be his equal partner, you want him to fund your life.

    If you decide to change your mindset then the best way to prove it to him is very inconvenient to you. Tell him you also think you should postpone your marriage until you will be also able stand on your own 2 legs and contribute to your life together.

  30. It does make a lot of sense. I've talked about it on therapy and we discussed the same briefly. I had to stop going because it was too expensive for me though. Have you studied psychoanalyisis?

  31. Farts are natural, everyone does them. I would never get mad or disgusted at accidental farts. But if someone tried to fart on me on purpose as a joke…I would be done.

  32. Unfortunately the closure he’s going to get will leave him even more confused if he does get it. Basically she’s telling him she wants him to break up with her. It’s called a reverse discard, first she gives him the passive aggressive response of “figure it out”, this will frustrate him to no end, he will start apologizing for something he doesn’t even know he did to get back in her good graces, he will start walking on eggshells worried he’s done something wrong when he hasn’t. He will break up with her, she will then play the victim and tell her friends he went nuts and broke up with him even though she’s the one with the issue.

    Rather than go through this, let me save him the future heartbreak – OP cut you ties with her now, this is the REAL her not the mask you’ve been sleeping with the last 11 months. She had her fun but she’s got her eyes set on someone else, it AIN’T you!! No amount of you talking to her or bending over backwards is going to change her mind. The more you try to get back what you thought you had with her, the less she will think of you except to see you as pathetic and weak. Time to realize that this girl is either a narcissist or one with a mental disorder. The “figure it out” response is a classic childish response of one who plays games. It was a charade for her. You are the victim here. You don’t need these kind of games in your life.

  33. Hello /u/Mooniiebb,

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  34. And I know people like to give this sub shit for jumping straight to “just break up” but in MOST cases, if you have to ask strangers for relationship advice, your relationship is already too fucked to save.

  35. Hello /u/apond22,

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  36. It sounds like you’re incompatible. She sounds like she’s pretty devoted to her religious beliefs and you sound like you really don’t want anything to do with religion.

    I’d talk to her first and see if there’s any middle ground, but you may need to call it quits. There’s a lot of areas where two people don’t need to see eye to eye, but for instances with religion and especially how you two seem to be at opposite ends of that spectrum I don’t see how it’ll work.

    I mean once you’re married then what? You may get physical affection yeah, but is she going to expect you to go to church with her? If you two have kids are they going to church? What about religious holidays? I mean depending on how serious she is is she going to expect you two to pray, contribute financially to the church, and things like that? I dated someone very serious about religion while I wasn’t as serious about it, and trust me it can create a pretty big rift between two people.

  37. 4 months is nothing. Slow down. Don't move in together. Give yourself at least a year. During that time if you think this could go long term, get into couples counseling to assess the relationship sooner than later.

  38. Our daughter's car was broken into, and the radio and other items were stolen. Our son-in-law paid to have an expensive alarm system installed in the car, but it made no difference to our daughter, she said she never felt comfortable in the car again after the break in, they ended up getting a new car because our daughter didn't feel safe driving it anymore.

    It does cause a lot of anxiety even thou the car was recovered, you want justice for it being stolen, you want it back in the same condition it was before being stolen. You might have to think about getting a different car. I know it sucks.

  39. Child support can also be required by that state without the husband pushing for it, if he gets any benefits from the state etc. situation, facts, and state dependent, but OP is really not taking this serious enough.

    OP if you can’t afford a lawyer and can demonstrate need, Google ‘legal aid’ in your state. There are pro bono, low cost, and law clinic (students under supervision of a licensed attorney) that can help.

  40. Both women are very open sexually so it had occurred to me that being honest might possibly lead to a three-some

    Lmao please update us after you navigate this with a threesome being a viable possibility in your mind…

  41. Uh…why does she even say this…

    Maybe she has already cheated and wanted you do it too so it's 'even' and/or it relieved her guilt…or she's hinting on opening up the relationship… which very much can mean she's already found the other person she wants to 'hang out' with.

  42. Your solution is wild and a bad move. Especially legally. Divorce due to her infedilelity would lean much more in your favor, vs you allowing her to fuck her coworker for 3 months and come back. Even legally aside, that just makes you look… really weak.

  43. Ugh. He is telling you over and over and over how little he cares about your needs.

    Don’t waste any more time with this. You’re better off alone, at least you won’t be constantly disappointed by someone who clearly has no shits to give. And bad in bed to boot? He’s not exactly bringing a lot to the table.

  44. Is she on birth control or antidepressants? Either of those things can affect a woman's sex drive. I'd suggest that she speaks to her OB/GYN.

    Also, you said that you are her first. Perhaps, she doesn't know what feels good to her yet and doesn't know how to go about exploring that side of herself. It can take time for a woman to figure out what turns us on and what makes us climax. It does not mean that we aren't attracted to our partner, but sex is more complicated for a lot of women than the mere physical act. For most women, sex starts way before we get to the bedroom.

  45. You need a clean break from your ex, at least for a while. Stop talking hours a day; stop answering any questions about your dating life; scale your communication back or stop talking to her at all for a while.

    If you're feeling isolated and need to talk through problems with someone, get a counselor. Do social activities if you're lonely instead of calling her; you may meet some new friends to start rebuilding your social network.

  46. You’re a fool to believe him. This is a strategy to make you think he’s being honest. Just do yourselves a favor and go be happy with other people. He gaslighted you many times before, and he’s doing it again.

  47. Show yourself that you value yourself and leave this trash heap.

    I thought this post was gonna be something like “my boyfriend is fine moving into a basic apartment, but I really want some extra amenities.”

    This is more of “my boyfriend is a sentient garbage bag and is fine living in absolute fucking squalor while I want actual walls and a fucking floor.”

  48. Well in defense – I never mention anything to her husband either. I keep my counsel.

    That said, I'm the Head Housekeeper Mrs. Danvers of Manderley and… oh wait.

  49. Even more reason to understand why he’d be upset and against the idea, you also need to remember that it’s all hypothetical right now too, you’re just saying you could if you had to, but if it really came down to it who knows? I wouldn’t take this personally

  50. Guess what? It's not just women who are in abusive relationships.

    Because you are in one. And you need to leave. It will only get worse if you stay.

  51. I understand. It's a very difficult place to be when someone you love is an addict. That fear never goes away. Eventually, you have to understand that she is an adult who is responsible for her life and her decisions, and whatever happens, good or bad, she has to be accountable for herself. You have to let go. You have no power over her life. You aren't responsible for her or to her. It's not your job to fix her or her life. That's her job. You have to take care of yourself and your life.

  52. “If your mom has issues? he can online with her. She can fund his life because she cares so much and it costs so little. Why is she so shitting for not helping herself?”

    Good point

  53. Why are u trying to “make him see” anything? Break up with him you arent his mom u shouldn't have to teach him how to clean himself and he isnt 2 he understands he just doesn't give a shit because he knows you'll clean up after him.

    Or stay and waste another 6 years with a man u know you don't want kids with because u know he has red flags and no respect for u, ur time, ur home or himself.

  54. Wow. Lol I dare you to broach the subject. Go ahead and assume her insecurities all center around how successful YOU are. Don’t ask her how she’s feeling, just narcissistically forgive her for being jealous of you lolololol

  55. “I'd love to be there but my budget won't bend that far” is a perfectly reasonable response. People that plan expensive destination wedding have to accept that not everyone they want to attend will be able to. Send a gift and don't feel bad.

  56. Y’all are in your 30s and have been together 3 years and she ends up crying at the end asking what you’re doing in your relationship?

    Is she maybe upset that this surprising grand gesture didn’t end in an engagement?

  57. Yeah we do, I sleep in the guest room beside our kid’s room because I nursed our kid throughout the night and he didn’t want to be woken up a bunch, and our master bedroom is downstairs.

    Yeah there’s a lot of resentment in our relationship sadly. I don’t know how to work on it.

    I did mention in another comment the other things he’s done, so I don’t have to type it all out again heh.

  58. Do you even know what friends w benefits are?? It means you’re actually friends beyond just having sex and interact other than that. Seems like you guys just have sex when it’s convenient and you’re obsessing over her, sorry dude.

  59. Tell him if he wants to go, you go with him. And pays for everything for you.

    Otherwise, no. You don't do favors for your ex-mistress.

  60. WHY DID IT TAKE SO LONG TO FIND THIS COMMENT?? He read her diary, she did nothing wrong, she has unresolved feelings towards someone that broke her heart/ trust, and now her new boyfriend has done the same lmao. Gross.

  61. I am starting to think the only path forward is to leave him and his mother behind. It feels like he will always blame for her actions, whether or not she is in his life.

    Bingo!! This is something I will never understand. I wouldn't marry or stay with someone whose parents hate me. Or with a partner who wouldn't defend me against hatred. Respect is a two way street, so you're definitely the bigger person. I'd have been so petty.

  62. What did your girlfriend do for a living?

    I read a post recently and there were comments that zookeepers smell due to their jobs no matter how much they shower, it just happens so maybe that's it?

  63. I'm not an elitist. He would make similar jokes to me about my school, so I thought it was fair game. He told me months ago that he thought I respected him, his school, and his profession, and that he believes that I was kidding because I said I was. I don't know why he changed his mind

  64. Hun the problem you are having is fundamentally due to the age difference. These men think they can do whatever they want with you and think they own you because you’re so young and naive and they’re so much older than you. Please take advice from those who are much more experienced and have gone through the motions in life. Both these guys sound like trouble. I couldn’t possibly think of what I had in common with someone 26 or even 13 years younger than me even if they might be “mature for their age”. People are going to keep bringing it up because that is the fundamental issue here. Age gap relationships have such a power difference between those involved and can be abused easily.

  65. Just remember most people in this sub Reddit are women and you’re going to get even more biased responses w weight and attractiveness.

  66. There’s also nothing wrong with sleeping in separate beds/rooms if you have the space. You both getting a good night’s sleep is super important

  67. Fair enough. I would suggest talking to a therapist (maybe a sex therapist!) about how you feel. Get to the bottom of why you feel like this. If it’s insecurity, then talking to someone might help you understand that people who watch porn rarely see the porn stars as anything more than tools to stimulate horniness. Sometimes when I watch porn I’m not even attracted to the video participants, it’s simply what they’re doing which gets me going. I don’t have any emotional reaction to them and I don’t give them a second’s thought when I’m not actually watching a video.

    There’s also a tonne of porn out there- if you’re not someone who consumes porn, you wouldn’t believe the breadth and diversity of porn available. Tonnes of it features real, loving couples who don’t have surgeried bodies and who are very normal looking (sometimes even below average looking!). Maybe as a compromise you could ask that he experiment with watching more normal, amateur stuff that isn’t over produced. In my opinion this would be a fair ask as certain types of amateur porn are much less staged and are less likely to present sex as a performative, male pleasure focussed event.

    I tend to suspect that most people who dislike their partner watching porn come from a place of insecurity (which is understandable- a lot of pornstars have had tonnes of plastic surgery and look like Instagram models) even if they say it’s because they feel porn is cheating. Porn is just a visual stimulation. The only way to totally remove someone’s sexual visual stimuli would be to delete their sexual history from their memory bank. I’m sure most of us would prefer our partners to watch a bit of porn if they want some light relief than spend their time visualising all of the women they’ve actually slept with.

  68. Because it comforts me when he calls me that, it helps me sleep better because my love language is words of affirmation.

  69. Dude how about you ask her to an open ended dinner so she has the option to decline peacefully. “Hey I was thinking of trying X restaurants in a few days. Not sure if your into that king of thing but let me know if your interested i know your busy so no worries if not.” This way you can gauge if there is even a chance at a romantic interaction. You lost this one bro time to move on an never do that again.

  70. Yea no shit…maybe she didn't want to fuck her friends.

    Good lord. If you were a real friend, that would have not come up

  71. when you say you want her to be your gf, what does that mean for you exactly? Do you want to be in a serious, long-term relationship with her? What does being open mean to you? Do you want you two to be able to have other romantic relationships or just sexual ones?

  72. Do not confront him, it’ll be dangerous for you to do so. Plan your escape. And also tell her to go to the police

  73. You are not the man of her life. You made her feel like shit to the point of her asking you to leave her alone.

    You were selfish when you made her upset with unkind words. And you’re being selfish not by not respecting her wishes.

    This isn’t about YOUR feelings. It’s about her and her stated boundaries.

  74. Your friend is awful. If you enjoy his company, then stay with him. A real friend wants you happy. Your friend seems shallow and petty.

  75. OK you tried nice and I will try direct. I would say you were breaking up with her and then block her everywhere. She clearly doesn’t want to break up so she’s manipulating you.

  76. I'm glad you can still talk to your brother but you definitely should cut out your family. They should have seen the red flags before. Your sister isn't well but you can't save her. Maybe someday she will realise he is awful and leave.

  77. Honestly after what she’s done with him messaging him about the weather once a month crosses an unforgivable line. This guy should be blocked! Actually, OP should dump her and she can go text whoever she wants while she packs her things and gets out of his house

  78. Sorry this is going to sound harsh, this is how I would talk to a best friend. Dude you are her plan B. She disrespected you by dating another dude while “needing time”. Stop giving this emotional vampire your energy and just move on. Grow a spine. Cut her out of your life entirely or you deserve the damage she is gonna do.

    “You really hurt me because I have very strong feelings and you totally disrespected me by getting a BF when you asked me to give you time. I will not be talking to you anymore. Have a good life.”

  79. That still makes you a liar ???

    Just tell her the truth dude. Copping it on the chin is part of being an adult. If keep weaseling your way out of it, it’ll make you look even worse.

  80. Take a break while she is in Spain. I went to an international uni and all the students with bf/gf in their home country had a tough time developing who they were while trying to follow the rules set in that relationship. Some times you just need to let go to discover who you are as a single. Spain could have been some huge changes for her and she needs space to learn. You can still be that supportive friend but take the rules off.

  81. He said that what she claims makes her happy and what makes her happy are not the same thing.

    Obviously, he knows her brain better than she does. /s

  82. Absolutely she was treated poorly in the past during her relationships… What sucks is that I feel like she is so controlling and overbearing and projecting at this point that I inevitably *do end up feeling like I’m doing something wrong or that I’m not a good partner… and being constantly threatened to get thrown out when she isn’t getting her way or if she thinks I’m doing something that she doesn’t like… even though I’m with her almost 24/7….

  83. Yeah I gotta be honest, I'm a introvert, and my job is very extroverted, and when I expect to come home to an empty quiet house and there are people there – it's the quickest way to ruin my mood. I would be pretty annoyed if I were OP.

  84. I know people that take on another living creature and then actually consider abandoning it because their choice in humans is abysmal.

  85. You know the saying ….don't stick your dick in crazy! The crazy is you! I hope you can leave it alone this time. Not only did you affect hid trust in you because of your stunt. He likely will have trust issues in general.

  86. Tell her you’ve grown apart and while you still love her and respect her as a person that you’re just not right as a couple anymore.

    And don’t go back to her. It’s not fair to yo-yo like that

  87. Read Why Does He Do That by Lundy Bancroft. You can download it free. It really should be required reading for any young person starting to date.

  88. You seem like a sensible young man. If you care about your gf please go with her if she insists on meeting this dude. So you don't come off as controlling.

    You only care about her safety and facts are she hasn't ever met this man in person and he is a stranger. People are very different irl.

    There should be no problem with her inviting her bf to meet her friend. And make it a extremely public place.

    There are alot of weirdos who take advantage of younger woman. The kids i speak to on a daily saying how older men tell them they are so mature… it's gross. And predatory. I love the teens i speak to you guys can teach us alot about being more open minded yeah but that's professional capacity. It's honestly super weird coming from a whole different place to meet a teenager who's dad you could've been if you were just a lil bit older and a teenage dad. No.

    Please be safe, both of you! And take care! ?

    Let us know if there's an update with the creeper.

  89. You seem like a sensible young man. If you care about your gf please go with her if she insists on meeting this dude. So you don't come off as controlling.

    You only care about her safety and facts are she hasn't ever met this man in person and he is a stranger. People are very different irl.

    There should be no problem with her inviting her bf to meet her friend. And make it a extremely public place.

    There are alot of weirdos who take advantage of younger woman. The kids i speak to on a daily saying how older men tell them they are so mature… it's gross. And predatory. I love the teens i speak to you guys can teach us alot about being more open minded yeah but that's professional capacity. It's honestly super weird coming from a whole different place to meet a teenager who's dad you could've been if you were just a lil bit older and a teenage dad. No.

    Please be safe, both of you! And take care! ?

    Let us know if there's an update with the creeper.

  90. This whole “exclusively” thing is stupid to me and idk when it started or got so wide spread but it's not a good thing for people overall. It does more damage than good.

    I rather when it was unwritten that once you're dating, you're only considering that one person and if there's anyone else, that's a dick move.

    The issue is places like Reddit will scream “but are you exclusive” like it's some rule of thumb but that does nothing to heal the hurt caused by this whole “exclusively” thing in the first place.

  91. So he wants to F*** around whilst you sit and wait hoping he doesn't fall far/knock up or get an STD from his new sex buddies.

    If you let him do this shit you are acting like a doormat who is going to get cheated on eveytime he see's fresh meat he hasn't tried yet.

    Tell him you'll take him back by all means but you won't sit and wait. Make sure you try plenty of dick in the meantime and hopefully you'll find a guy who actually values you , not this guy who wants to keep you as his plan B.

    No guy who really wants you would sugest this. If you meet “the one” you'd be horrified at anyhing that might risk losing them.

    What happens if he meets the girl he wants to marry in 23 months and 29 days?

    If you want to keep him in your life then friendship is the answer. You don't need his straying dick again.

  92. I understand that some people can adhere to rigid boundaries even in something as murky as sexual relations. However, most people can't. We're essentially animals, and the closer e come to our more base, instinctive motivations and endeavors, the less likely e are to be able to adhere to strict rules.

    That's why I say we don't have to explore every sexual fantasy, and most of us would be happier if e focused on the more meaningful, more refined aspects of our relationships.

    . . .And if we do explore, we have to approach it in a less rigid structure, certainly implementing godliness, but leaning more on understanding, generosity, and forgiveness than on rules.

    I think it's crazy to expect a regular third who has sex with you both, has a relationship with each and both of you, and sleeps at your house not to engage either of you one on one. It's near absurd.


    That said, you broke a rule. You are contrite, and it sounds like you two communicate. I hope she approaches with forgiveness, and you two outline more realistic boundaries.

  93. I mean OP should be prepared for this to be the very hot topic of convo in the friend group for the foreseeable future.

  94. If your response to bad news is to yell? I know EXACTLY why she didn't want to be open about what feels like a failing on her part.


  95. It was kissing, and it wasn’t assault. He knows it’s ok with me to do that whenever, though I may not always want to have sex. Thank you for concern though, means a lot.

  96. This post is so weird, I imagine if it was the other way around 99% of these comments would be telling a different story.

    If you didn't want the child and he was forcing you it'd be almost akin to abuse. He's not ready and has expressed that. Deal with the consequences and accept his answer or move along.

  97. He said that wasn’t the case….but at this point it feels like it and he’s just not being honest about it.

    His actions are proving that it is, indeed, the case. You have to go by his actions rather than his words. I waited 'til my late 30s to become a bio dad…waiting that long was an awful choice. I love the kiddo I have now. I just wish I'd have been 10 years younger when I had him, and I could have had more than just him then. Does that make sense to you?

  98. They were close to the top because the bot or whatever had sent an update of new photos, so March and February, but inside the email you can see the convo exchange was back in 2020. I did go back through the rest of his email and didn't see anything besides couple more unopened spam with no Convo. Looks like the bot responded but he never opened it again. Just so weird how it looks like a conversation.

  99. Thank you, I do like that u mentioned the idea of making those changes for myself. I am getting caught up in the idea of bettering myself for the relationship, and forgetting about myself. I need to do this for me, and hopefully I can see a positive change in all aspects of my life not just my relationship.

  100. Appreciate you! the advice I am asking for here is: how do I start to correct these behaviors within myself? And how do I genuinely apologize to him and let him know that I want to see him continue with his interests and hobbies regardless

  101. I mean, the reasoning is pretty clear, she was worried about the effect it would have on the relationship. She still should have told him, but there's not some deep mystery here. Also, not a relationship, a one night hookup.

  102. Someone who lets anyone, let alone a ‘friend’ treat their partner (or anyone!) like this isn’t a good person. You may not have seen it yet but the reason she’s besties with that guy is because they have a compatibility of spirit. I’m sorry it hurts but I think with distance you’ll see her in a different light.

  103. Holy crap what a horrible thing for your coworker to do. Evil honestly. Wtf totally unacceptable.

  104. I want to add something that I forgot, but I brought a cat from my dad's house to the house I share with my bf. I can't bring her back with me bc she hates my dad's dog (and my dad has been negligent of her before) and if I moved in with someone else it's unlikely I'll be able to bring her.

  105. Sounds like he did nothing wrong. By your own admission all he said was “haha funny”?

    I'm sure plenty of guys flirt with got after you say you have a bf.

    Entertained means few didn't flirt back.

    Talk to him… Adjust the boundaries if need be but I don't think you need to. Tell the jealous bit… To sit on the sidelines and watch you with your man. Then block her and move on with your life.

    Stop falling for the high school drama. You're an adult now.

  106. Its worth a try. Perhaps they would enjoy hooking up as well. But as far as a serious relationship you really have no control over. No matter how good your intentions are there isnt a way to know if they will like each other that way or not. Some of my friends have tried this and I wasnt attracted to the girl at all. But I appreciate them thinking about me and trying so you might as well.

  107. What is wrong with feminism being a reason? It doesn’t matter what the reason is it is her name. She doesn’t have to change anything.


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