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54 thoughts on “Jennie and Sophia the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You can propose to her with a beautiful ring as a sign of your love and commitment, that she can wear on any finger. Tell her you don't expect marriage or need to change the relationship if she doesn't want to, but that you think she deserves it and that you would love to marry and honour her if she ever wanted to again in the future. Apologise to her for not making her feel like a priority in your life, because it sounds like she truly is.

  2. You are in control of your life. I never had alcohol and I don’t know anyone who uses it. However, I have seen in the tv how some people treat their loved ones disrespectfuly when under the influence of alcohol. Tbh, I wouldn’t want to be back together until I know you are sober. You should definitely give her time and quit drinking in the meantime. Things will be much better.

  3. So much good advice on here.

    He's so disrespectful. It's disgusting. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. He didn't even apologize. Typical cheater blaming their partner when they get caught.

    Please tell us he's your ex now.

    Crappy situation but start saving and don't engage with him. Everything you do will be for just you and baby. Do nothing for him. Don't sleep with him. Only engage with him when you have to talk to him about what baby needs.

    Hang in there ❤️

  4. Go ahead and pay for one for me then, this is what I have access too and he seems fine enough.

    You’re not the licensed therapist, so what makes you decide that you’re the expert and not him?

  5. It sounds like you have a serious boyfriend that you share everything with. It also sounds like he has a GF, but then he has a second life hanging out with women that you aren't allowed to know about nor hear any details. If after 8 years he is asked where he is going and says “out”, that is completely unacceptable. If you argue and he leaves you vomiting and having panic attacks, that is a really bad sign. He is mentally abusing you with his secretive behavior and such.

    If you are now lacking emotions, questioning if you love him, and seeing life without him as an option, it's time to start planning an exit strategy. A relationship is about sharing, not his secretive side life and his posse of girls.

    It sounds like you haven't fallen out of love, you have been pushed out of love. It's time to take care of yourself. He isn't a good support partner nor is he open with you.

  6. I need to find the happiness I had before I met her. I was becoming so confident in myself. Now after a few short months of dating her, I speak to a therapist twice a week and prescribed lexapro.

  7. He also said he assumed that they would leave quickly and share the cab home? I agree though, I don’t see how the advantage of sharing a cab home and making sure your friend (who is a loose cannon all the time, gets home ok), outweighs the negatives of potentially having to watch your obese mate have sex with a sex worker and losing your partner and family when your fiancé finds out what went down. It doesn’t surprise me that he would make the dumb choice in this instance because he really does lack common sense to the point where I’ve wondered whether he is on the spectrum (his father is on the spectrum and quite severely), but it hurts that these are the choices he makes

  8. You’re allowed to feel this way but be a little less tone deaf to the fact your wife’s watching her mother wither away and die

  9. So you don’t think there’s a chance of it working at all? Because I want it to work, and if she isn’t comfortable with opening the relationship I wouldn’t push for that, I’d continue in the exclusive relationship.

  10. Maybe she had you blocked ages ago and forgot about it. You can choose if you block someone on just Messenger or fb as well.

  11. It’s weird and over the top, but as someone who had some issues with ‘home-life’ growing up and is doing well, I totally understand why you did what you did. You should have had a chat with your friend about this ahead of time though, so you’re getting her the car that is the best fit for her, or just giving her $XXXX to use however she sees fit.

  12. u/camping123123, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  13. He's fetishizing lesbians, and then saying he wants his child to be one. That's incredibly disgusting, on an immediate level. I hope this helps you understand why so many people are angry with him.

  14. Wow. Most people in here are making fun of OP for being sensitive about a legitimate medical problem. Real classy.

  15. People have given you good advice and I’m going to offer an alternative perspective.

    Do you have mental health problems and do you have problems committing to things generally? It may be worth approaching this from that angle. Perfectionism can really ruin a relationship. If you have trauma, it can make committing to relationships more difficult, because it can breed a perfectionism expected in people. I like the Instagram account “yourdiagnonsense” for discussion about these sorts of things.

    If you suffer from any kind of OCD, look up ROCD.

    People say relationships should just be easy and that we always know what we want but it’s not always the case. If you don’t know what marriage and commitment looks like then you have every right to be concerned about “til death do us part” vows.

    I do agree that if you know she wants to marry you and you don’t think she’s right for you then maybe you’re wasting her time. People deserve a “fuck yes”.

    That being said, marriage is a big commitment and you want to be sure about it. It sounds though like you don’t know what would need to change other than just…who she is as a person, which isn’t fair on her.

    What are you expecting the right relationship to look like and why? Is it realistic?

  16. This is wildly inappropriate of her. I know finding a new therapist is daunting after spending 5 years with one, but she is not maintaining professional boundaries with you. This is so unethical. I really advise you stop using her services and find a new, reputable therapist.

  17. I’m at the age where I want a family and a home.

    If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Reconsider having kids too if your finances are tight.

  18. You are not visible in his social media life because he wants to appear single. So he can cheat on you some more. Its that simple. You are focusing on the wrong issue.

    Do yourself a favor and love yourself. Get some much needed therapy so you can find your self worth. Obsessing/getting upset over minor details when the big picture is 10X more fucked up is a common sign in people who have been treated so badly for so long they cant distinguish what their actual reality is anymore.

  19. I think he was intentionally trying to make you pregnant, to have something for you to remember him by. Expect that he moved out of his current residence as well.

    Change the locks. Make sure nothing's missing, and he didn't leave any hidden stuff.

    Contact his relatives, sending messages about what that piece of trash did to you. That if he was so cowardly to leave you like that, you don't want anything to do with him, but they should know why are no longer in the picture.

    Then cry a lot, don't jump into bed with a rebounce, and slowly move on.

  20. I (f35) never have to ask him (m35) to do any house chores. When he sees something that needs done and he does it and same with me. We are partners. I feel like the bar is set so low for effort in relations and he sets the standard and then some. He is so many other things but this is always the stand out. Never feel like I have to bug him to do anything. I love it.

  21. Don’t give him the money!

    Unless you have a promissory note signed and notarized in a bank do not give him one cent! You are NOT a bank. Make sure there is interest in that agreement. You are not his mother, you do not give him money.

    Listen he texts her the same things he does you. His answer to you finding it, well it’s nothing sexual. Neither are the ones to you. He has both of you on the line but he wants money out of you. His response to you finding the messages. Well now I have an out to break up. Yeah AFTER HE GETS YOUR MONEY.

    Stop the check or transfer and get rid of him. Hell ghost him he deserves it!

  22. Thank you first and foremost for starting off by laughing at my situation. You gave no actual advice on how to approach the conversation though, just “get out now” so I am sorry you went through a similar situation but I do want to have a conversation with him because even if that's what he does want I will still care about this person and they will still be the father of my child.

  23. You sound like a hater. My mom's one. I've never known her to be happy. At least you question why you feel that feeling.

  24. Buy her two big dildos, some KY and tell her to knock yourself out. With friends like her you don’t need enemies. Go find someone who actually cares for your feelings.

  25. You two are at two different stages in your life she has yet to truly live her life and enjoy new experiences why are you rushing to marry her?

  26. Well she definitely is trying to avoid having sex with you. She definitely wants to avoid spending one on one time with you.

    You are 5 months in and this is how she feels. Call it quits, ask a friend to join you or go alone and relax.

  27. Honestly, you should unpack this in therapy. You should also ditch your boyfriend, block him on everything and start moving on. Don’t jump on your friend – take time for yourself for a bit. Work with your therapist on your self esteem and feeling unlovable.

    Your boyfriend doesn’t deserve more chances, because he is trying to be better. You don’t owe him a relationship, because he hasn’t cheated again. This is a gift you can give him, but not something he has any right to.

    Can it happen again, with someone else? Of course it can. Cheating happens. However, it absolutely doesn’t have to. Also, if it does…the person is clearly not worth it and needs to be ditched – because YOU deserve better.

  28. Pretty much every guy my age has been with more girls than me. But I don't care. Because the past is the past. And they wouldn't be with me if they didn't want to be. She obviously thinks you're a great person if she's spent a couple of months with you. This is an insecurity on your part — she doesn't see you like this. This is in YOUR head.

    And therapy isn't for weak people. It's for people to face their challenges in life. And it's worth the time and work you put into it. I'd recommend it to anybody. Especially somebody who's facing the absurd insecurities that you are.

  29. I said he shouldn't wait a year, but a month and the pressure is too much.

    So because he has 20-30 years she has to make a decision about the rest of her life in a month?

  30. Excellent reply.

    It's a work trip so you should be looking to use every asset of the resort. You don't need a tag along for tha

    T. Get talking to people in the evening, watch people, ascertain if they are having a good time.

  31. You said yourself you were thankful someone was there to witness how he treated you; were you really “smart enough” when you made the decision to go over there after what you’d already seen from him? Come on.

  32. Do you mean that you don't actually resolve the argument? Or is he cold toward you even once it's resolved?

  33. My great grandmother was schizophrenic and fucked my grandmother up good. My grandmother was horribly abusive to my mom.

    My father's dad was a psychopath and fucked him up real good. Then he went to Vietnam, watched all his friends die, came back an alcoholic and started abusing my mom.

    That lasted for a long time until he finally got help.

    That's just the highlights, but neither of my parents had an easy life.

    In spite of that, she did her best raising me and my sister, and we turned out well. I'm gonna be taking care of her until she dies, and if anyone has a problem with that, they can hit the door.

  34. I know you're already doing relationship therapy, but I think you would benefit from some individual therapy as well. Then you can drive where your therapy session goes without your wife there, so you can process some of that trauma and figure out the kind of life that you want for yourself. You know that this isn't it.

  35. There's no such thing as being raised in a specific religion “but allowed to choose later”. That's a very dishonest position to hold imo.

    Christianity is even more specific on this, at least I've specifically seen it happen in Catholicism. It requires not a balanced neutral position with an option to choose but rather full on indoctrination. It's a formal requirement (before the bishop issues a document allowing the marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic to happen) for the non-Catholic parent to publicly state they “will hold no objection for any future children to be raised Catholic” – otherwise no marriage.

    So yeah, sometimes religious differences are irreconcilable. Maybe it's not the case for you – but do make sure you know what could possibly lie ahead. ?

  36. It's a popular request where I'm from for landlords that don't want to clean the septic often. It also prevents clogs?

    I don't like the idea at all. I'd prefer a bidet.

  37. She doesn’t need to suffer through likely pointless medical treatments in her last days if she doesn’t want. She can say no. She can choose to do nothing or she can choose alternative treatments that may or may not help but at least won’t have such horrible side effects. Look up Joe Tippens’ story and the protocol he developed. Look into fasting. Love the best life you can with her as long as you can.

  38. I would be gone. He cheats – and he thinks it is fine if it is live – that’s a no go . Plus he told you he cheated when you were first together. Take it from me – my best friend got divorced after 23 years this year because her husband was Bi and didn’t tell her and was sleeping around with random men and saying he was “working late “ and never told her until his behavior got crazy! They have 2 kids in and he just had a midlife “fuckfest”. Luckily, so far she tested negative for STDs and she has gotten free of him and his destructive behavior


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