Jane Bee <3 the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Jane Bee <3, 22 y.o.


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110 thoughts on “Jane Bee <3 the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Simply put – you're not compatible. Your life choices are extremely different and your lifestyle is bringing her great discomfort. Now, she either gets used to it or – she breaks up with you. There is not much you can do here.

  2. If you're really concerned about it, get genetic testing done.

    But what you're describing isn't exactly rare. As you said, recessive traits can lead to children who appear quite different from both parents. That's by far the most likely cause.

  3. Finances are critical to both be in the same page about and this seems like a major incompatibility, and that’s not even taking into account all of his lying. Financial stress/mis-matches in how you handle finances is one of the leading causes of divorce. Totally understand the ticking clock and while there are certainly more and more women having kids later in life it can bring added challenges. Maybe look into options like freezing eggs, so so you know the facts and can make decisions that might help take some of the pressure off to jump right into a new relationship

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  6. Fundamental incompatibility.

    Also he's a jerk for expecting you to give up everything while he gives up nothing.

  7. You aren’t obligated to stay in a relationship you aren’t happy in to protect someone else. As hot as it might feel, her mental health issues aren’t your responsibility, and you can’t fix them for her – that’s something she has to do (with the support of others, sure, but that doesn’t have to be you). Hopefully she has other people in her life to support her through this difficult time, but if you no longer want to be in a relationship with her, the best thing to do is clearly and kindly end things.

  8. “It's hot to believe that people just hand over that shit like that,”

    Oh, my sweet summer child. Not saying she is telling the truth, hut that has to be one of the greatest oh bless your heart moments I have ever encountered.

  9. Ah ok. So asking a question but then getting annoyed or not taking the issue seriously even though it’s him that asked for help. Thanks for the summary!

  10. I mean…that’s not really remedying (if that’s a word) the potential impact it could have on her professional reputation. Could this not have been done on a weekend? I understand why you’re upset but you are leaving a lot of context out I think it was super nice for you to try and surprise her, but I think the downside of it is that it can also go seriously wrong. I’ve had surprises for dates, etc and sometimes they just don’t go the way I want them to. Maybe you guys need to reassess how you two do surprises? Often I’ll ask someone if they’re free x date bc I have a surprise. I don’t tell them what it is but then they know and can plan around it or it’s clear that it’s not a good time and I don’t waste time or money.

  11. Has your BF responded to her? That should've been the first step. And you should not be excluded from an event at your own home. Your BF needs to respond to her, and if you're not comfortable with her being around she should get uninvited to game night.

  12. Are you going to have the child without being married? That would be unfair to the child. Get married, take his name, then give the baby his name.

  13. because apparently only straight people exist lol. ppl are still assuming I’m a man after adding “I’m not a man” ?

  14. When I was in a bad relationship I eventually learned to prep an escape and a long term separation solution. So that even if we are trying to work it out if they try to hurt me I am ready to leave and I don’t have to try and figure everything else in a blind panic. Make your preparations this will help you to feel more in control. It sounds like your husband is not wanting to be a father.

  15. Maybe she’s simply playing for fun or as a player his age and ability? Or is there a reason she would be afraid to tell you the truth? You seems to a relatively harsh character, you’re crushing your son after all. So she’s telling you perhaps to relax and shut up about it?

  16. Your bf did nothing wrong, he literalky told his pseudo ex to leave him alone and you still got upset. His overreaction is actually proportional to his, you really are made of the same cloth.

    If you go back together you should apologise for being upset at him for that thing and tell him he did nothing wrong. Conversely tell him it is just as unreasonable to be upset about things you have told or did from before you have met. It's insanity from both of you and if this is enough to damage your relationship it has no hope of surviving.

    Going forward you may want couple counceling.

  17. Repeat after me: I deserve better and there is no point in being with a person who doesn't know what they want and don't make some effort to show me that I'm important to them.

  18. I'm curious why this is a distinction for you.

    Is one situation better than another? I mean besides the obvious financial situation. I'm struggling to understand what the difference is in these two examples on a relationship level.

  19. As long as it’s a fantasy and not something he wants to implement, I‘d say it’s not a problem. I am sure you have had fantasies before that turned you on in the moment but you wouldn’t want to make a reality.

    It’s actually nice when you can talk about such out-there fantasies without being judged by your partner.

  20. You’re welcome. One thing I’ve learned from being happily married is that it’s all about how you feel. If you’re unhappy, feel something is off is just not the best version of yourself (insecure, etc) about the relationship, it’s very likely you’re with the wrong person. My wife and I have been in fights etc but never once did I feel like I am with the wrong person and she never makes me feel like she didn’t want to be with me or wasn’t interested in me as a person.

  21. If you can't accept that his family is wealthy and generous to your BF without being resentful you should end the relationship. It is wonderful that his family includes him in their adventures, and is able to help him out financially as well. I am sure everyone would love to have that support. If you can't accept that he is more fortunate than you, then you shouldn't make him feel bad for being more fortunate than you are. Jealousy isn't a good look on anyone, and how does it benefit you to make him feel bad? He and his family are not responsible for any lack you are experiencing or feeling.

  22. I really wonder what his bed looks like. Probably has dark sheets and assumes it all ok. Just ugh. I couldn’t be attracted to him after finding the skid marks all the time.

  23. I’m gonna be honest (and I could be way off base here!), but it kinda sounds like you love this girl a ton, and have talked yourself into being ok with non-monogamy, justifying it by telling yourself she’s loved and cared for you more than other monogamous partners you’ve been with.

    Or, you’ve come to place where your feelings have developed to the extent of no-longer being okay with non-monogamy. If either of these are the case, I hope you don’t run yourself in circles trying to justify something that’s hurting you.

  24. I've known a woman with BPD. She's probably the worst person I've ever known. I won't go into details on her. But, she's such a sex fiend (common with BPD – and I mean borderline, not bipolar) that she doesn't tell all the guys she randomly sleeps with that she has HSV2 because they might not fuck her afterwards.

    Someone with NPD can be treated a lot easier than a person who is borderline. NPD people have some control over their behavior unlike people who are borderline and just don't have that ability to reason.

  25. Either you want to spend your time with a man who does not respect you or you don't.

    Only you can decide.

  26. I didn't even think of that! But that's pretty genius. Bc his family thinks the sun shines out of her ass and they need their eyes opened and she needs more consequences.

  27. You need to let her go and set up a life that isn’t dependent on you as a partner BEFORE the baby comes. Dealing with breaking up (or staying unhappily) while caring for a new baby is horrible.

    You made a baby. Are you going to be there or not? If you can’t answer yes, you need to let her set up a supportive life without you.

  28. 7 billion people on this planet and folks always choose a friend or sibling. Dude let this ripe pussy goooooooooooooo

  29. 7 billion people on this planet and folks always choose a friend or sibling. Dude let this ripe pussy goooooooooooooo

  30. You did not respect a boundary of hers, for some people watching porn IS cheating and whatever your opinion is on that, you agreed to it beforehand. I think if you talk about it you can get through it but she has every right to also end it


    I don't know why everyone is immediately saying to throw the baby out with the bathwater instead of getting him into therapy, or a different therapist, or couples counseling

  32. Not a massive investor and can’t pretend to have a great amount of knowledge on the subject but , OP’s 7K gave him about 3.25 of the equity in the investment. Yes, the knowledge, advice and guidance on investing was valuable but he’s only entitled to his share of the profits. If there had been a catastrophic loss. Would he be delving in his pockets to bail his parents out ? I think not. There’s a middle ground here. But it’s not him getting the lion’s share of the 1.4 million.

  33. My god, would you be this rude to someone who said they had lupus, or multiple sclerosis? Those can't be definitively diagnosed, so people are forced to arrive at the diagnosis by years of enduring the symptoms. Just like adults who discover autism late in life. Autism screeners didn't become recommended for all children until 2006. Anyone older than that can easily have gone undiagnosed.

  34. I hear what your trying to say and agree with you.

    We all have differing boundaries, it was also his boundary for me. There is no dictating.

  35. There's a matter of distance and time. To reach a planet on a distant star, without knowing whether you arrive at any interesting time, and whether the planet is worth visiting, is like hitting a bullseye on a moving target at 100 miles with an arrow, when you don't even know the target is there. The travel will require thousands of years.

  36. Where's the issue? If your boyfriend was intending to cheat with her then do you think he would have told you about it?

  37. Girl. You have GOT to chill out. At this point, any sane person would have left you already. You sound abusive

  38. You're projecting a whole set of closed-relationship thoughts onto her, which makes me think the whole idea of an open relationship just doesn't feel right to you. That's fair enough. Just don't be in one then.

  39. I rescued a baby deer once (stuck in some wire after mother was hit by a car) and he was crawling in ticks. The game wardens I brought them to sat me down and had me watch a lot of YouTube videos on Lyme disease. I’m so sorry you have to go through that ❤️❤️

  40. If he refuses help, there is nothing more you can do for him? He's a 5-month bf. Please think of yourself here over someone who is displaying seriously disturbing behavior, and rescue yourself from him. (Also, if you're in the US does he not have Obamacare? If he's under 26 he can be on his parents' insurance, if they have it?)

  41. She hung out and danced and cozied up with a guy who was taunting you in front of her. Why do you like her? She was actively disrespecting you while you sat and watched. Then she asked you what was wrong. She's pushing your buttons and letting other people push your buttons. You don't do that to people you love.

  42. He was disgusting, inconsiderate to others in the house, and lazy. Then he screamed at you for fixing it. And then he refused to apologize, and berated you for being “disrespectful & defiant”. DEFIANT? Oh please. He’s wrong, wrong, WRONG.

    Can his method work? Maybe. Is choosing that route worth grossing out and inconveniencing his family over? No.

    Also, the man needs to learn to use less tp and what a mid-poop flush is.

  43. Maybe next time fucking listen. There’s a very good reason he hasn’t seen his family in years. Do you get it now or do you need more?

  44. You can break up for any reason or none at all. There doesn’t have to be some big huge blowup, sometimes it’s just not a good fit.

    Once you realize it’s not a good fit, it’s unfair to let things drag on and waste the other person’s time as well as your own.

    That said, if you’re generally unhappy with your life, perhaps it would be wise to talk with a therapist. If the issues you’re having don’t relate to anything with your GF, breaking up isn’t going to magically fix things.

    If you’re feeling like you’ve lost yourself or want to work on yourself, what’s holding you back from working on those things today?

  45. Keep in touch while youhre there, and resume dating when you get back. This isn't even six months – it's basically no time at all.

    If you're not exusive already, you shouldn't make that change before you leave. If you are exclusive, don't change that either. (Unless you're going on this trip specifically to fuck some randos, I'm not sure why that's even a question.) Just continue things as they are right now, but long distance, and see how you're both feeling when you get back. If you're both into each other as much as you're into him right now, a few months apart during which you can remain in communication and where you'll have all kinds of fun things to share with him because you're travelling, so your conversations are unlikely to become stale or forced, shouldn't cause a problem.

  46. Totally understandable. Trust is a difficult thing to earn back and if he wants it, he will have to be patient and do better, consistently. Don't let any of this make you feel like you aren't doing enough to fix it because you aren't the one needing to do any fixing. He may not ever earn your trust back and that's completely valid, too. You don't owe him trust.

  47. If you found out you were pregnant, and immediately decided abortion was the route for you, please do not flip flop and bring a child into this world because you overheard your boyfriend vent to his therapist. If you didn’t jump for joy and start planning for the baby, you don’t want a baby. It’s completely normal – even applauded, really – that your boyfriend is in therapy and has a healthy outlet to share his feelings and concerns. If he felt strongly about keeping the baby, I’m sure he would’ve made more of an effort to talk to you about your options. Do the right thing for you ♥️

  48. You are if you choose not to tell him. You are in an awful position and I don't envy you at all. You are still young so it might be difficult to imagine being in his position but as a parent myself I know I would absolutely want to know if my wife had either been assaulted or had cheated and one of my children wasn't mine. It wouldn't change how I feel about my son, he would always be my son. I raised him and saw him through every milestone and families are not necessarily made through DNA. But it would impact my relationship with my wife because either she has gone through something horrific and hasn't felt comfortable enough in 20 years to confide in me or she has cheated on me and lied to me all this time. I would feel incredibly hurt and betrayed if I found out others knew and didn't tell me. I think my first move would be to speak to your mother. Tell her you know and ask her what happened then tell her she has to tell him or you will. It should not be something he should hear from his son so I would hope she would take that responsibility but if she refuses he definitely deserves to know.

  49. If these are the kinds of incidents that you are using to spiral in your head that he doesn’t care for you… I think you might be the problem.

  50. I know they are. They shouldn’t be. I’m disagreeing about locking them up in the garage, cause they shouldn’t be locked up anywhere. The fact that OP has locked away his cats he had before the dog is ridiculous

  51. It’s actually really sad. You are settling for being a bang maid instead of having an equal partner. You know there are men out there who know how to be adults, take care of themselves and don’t lie and cheat, right?

  52. I agree with her and also when you get to a certain age or maturity you realise that there are far more important things than physical beauty… like inner beauty.

  53. I mean you were with family. It was insane for you to force your bf to be in company of people he wanted no contact with but hey

  54. Text her if you haven't already a quick good morning than keep yourself occupied. No point in blowing it up, she may just be busy.

  55. Gonna drop your brother because he made a mistake with an Ex?


    And for the record I hate cheaters, but dropping your brother because he cheated on his GF is something else. People make mistakes, you heard the ex crying after, who's to say he doesn't feel just as guilty.

  56. A lot of sharks showed their teeth when my mother became single with a 6 year old (me) and my infant sister. Married friends and family members propositioning her right in front of me. It was very hot because we relied on their kindness also. My mom couldn’t even get a job initially because she was very pregnant. Be proactive and on your guard. Assholes come in all shapes and sizes looking to prey on your vulnerability. Never be alone with this man because he does not give AF about you or your child if he could pull something like this.

  57. Worst part is that she just deleted the post where she is afraid of “cheating on her secondary partner with her Husband” thinking it would clear her case.

  58. I think 99% of all women don't like being “chased”, and you shouldn't want a girlfriend who wants to be “chased” because once the thrill of the chase wears out, then she'll go to the next guy.

    I would take it as a soft “no” and move on.

    And please don't listen to your friend's advice.

  59. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the ADHD thing is bogus and an excuse.

    Y'all are only 18. He's not experienced enough yet and clearly isn't understanding that a woman's pleasure is just as important as his.

    ~nice guys finish last~

    He should understand how important getting your lover off is and how much that can turn you on as the person giving pleasure.

    I'd try swapping “focus nights”, if you will.

    One night is all about him. The next time is all about you. He doesn't get any stimulation until you have gotten yours. Once you do, he gets to partake with you and likewise on his nights.

    The focus of this isn't so much about “this is my/your time”, but moreso to get him in the habit of seeing how awesome it can be to please your partner and how that in turn will make his enjoyment EVEN BETTER.

    If he's not willing to do this, he's just being a selfish young horndog and you may have to consider the future outlook of this pairing.

    Good luck!

  60. Yes, I know he may be forced when he goes out with his friends, actually he did talk to me about feeling like he has no really close friends, thank you for the advice, I'll need to prepared things and talk to him

  61. Whoever you are that left a comment, reddit did you dirty and made it invisible. I cannot see it 🙁

  62. Relax! Let her have fun!

    These guys are just a club right? It’s not like she’s in a hotel room with he???

    Wish her a nice time. Tell her to enjoy herself. You’ll get a very happy girlfriend in return

  63. Letting her go is the best thing for both of you. Being emotionally, mentally and financially prepared is very important when bring a child into the world. Your better of letting her leave, you've given her plenty of reasons to feel your not ready for this and that is fine, don't let her force you into something your not ready for.

  64. To be honest I feel badly about hurting his feelings. And somehow he tells me all the time how wonderful he is and maybe I’ve fooled myself into thinking he’s better than I am.

  65. I have considered that a lot, but my sister made a promise to my aunt before she died, that she wouldn’t go no contact with my mom. And I would feel guilty leaving my sister to deal with that alone.

  66. Then set boundaries. Tell him to not bother you with your phone usage. Its not normal for another human to be this obsessed with other’s people normal habits

  67. The Bible is basically a thick deck of Uno Reverse cards when dealing with Christian hypocrites.

  68. OP also jumped from discussing a possible threesome to making out with a random girl at a club. They both cheated, they both just need move on, they’re clearly not in a very healthy relationship.

  69. People say weird jokes at weird moments however a case where divorce is funny is my grandparents literally at the 50th anniversary party for their relationship my dad goes “do it again at 70?” And my grandpa made a joke about if they aren't divorced by then. They know its a joke we know it's a joke therefore haha funny because ain't no way their divorcing ever ?. That's just one example of a funny situation for that Joke though since you said there's no situation in which that's funny. Every partner including my current one and I joke about breaking up every now and again we even jokingly will call each other the wrong name on purpose.it all depends on what kinda person you are. However she shouldn't dismiss his feelings

  70. Well there's two issues…

    In the case where your partner was woken up and trying to go back to sleep so they could make it into work on time, it absolutely makes sense for you to leave the room.

    But for future nights, you know that you need restful sleep in the bed designed to give you that so that you can recover from your illness. So your partner should prepare to sleep on the couch if they are worried about sharing with you.

    And in the longterm future, you should both prepare a place that is comfortable for your partner to sleep separately since they're a light sleeper and you get sick frequently. Whether that's a spare room, sound proofing and a sleeper sofa in the living room depends on your budget.

  71. I think he might be taking the hint due to my not texting as much. Plus he is an out of state student. Even if I would date it wouldn’t work with us being that we graduate into the real world next year.

  72. We are long distance, I see him about once every weekend or so. We don’t really text/call throughout the time we’re appart

  73. She baby trapped you hot.

    If the first pregnancy “destroyed” her, why tf are you having a second?

    Really dug your own grave on this one

  74. You are absolutely right I am a full time mom and juggle gymnastics, dance and martial arts on top of it all. Because I don't want my daughter to go without and I will literally give up every hour of my day for both her and my husband before I do a thing for myself. But that's what is getting tiring. When my husband is stable it's fine but those periods are few and far between at this point and it does almost feel like I'm alone. We are about to schedule an evaluation for him but I am skeptical with how far he'll follow through and I've pretty much made it clear if he doesn't help himself I'm gone. I love him and he's a great dad but at the end of the day I can't keep doing it the way things are now.

  75. What she is doing is gross. She's trying to pressure you into an identity that isn't yours.

    Sex is not gender is not sexual preference is not gender presentation. These (and more) are all very distinct, separate things. It's the exact same thing as accusing a gay man of being heterosexual because he doesn't “flame” enough. It's the kind of attitude that polarizes gender roles to the point that girls who are tomboys get pressure to “admit” that they are trans, and ostracizes quiet, reserved, and/or creative boys because “they must be gay”…which is pretty nearly the same as telling an LGBTQIA person they're “just going through a phase”.

    I'd suggest firmly telling your friend to back off on policing your clothing and behavior by trying to turn “being a person” into “being an identity”. Or demand that she cough up the Official Bisexual Dress Code, because you don't want to give “mixed signals”.



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