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63 thoughts on “Izzy, ♥ the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You didn't do anything wrong. You work there and want to keep the tension as low as possible.

    Your bf being angry that you are getting sexually harassed at work is also understandable. He doesn't want you to have to put up with it and wants you safe.

    You say it's not bad enough “yet” that you feel the need to take action on it by going to your boss or HR. That doesn't mean it won't escalate the longer you let it go on unchecked, however.

    You and your bf have to come to an agreement, or, yes, there is going to be tension over it.

  2. I mean it is kind of true when I was a kid I had like 2 best friends and like 6 guy friends and like 8 friends who were girls all around my street hung out everyday was funny as hell. Now being around the guys is usually funnier but it's funny with girls to.

    But then you hit puberty and girlfriends don't want you hanging around other girls and you start to find girls attractive so it just leads to you not trying to make friends with them.

  3. Said it's old but yet you still see messages from that week as she told you she was going to delete it. The fact that she ran up and snatched her phone from you says it all, it says she's going to be with you and flirt with others and text other guys. Time to move on guy

  4. Then you should absolutely not have another child, no matter what your wife wants. This should and has to be a dealbreaker then – for the sake of everyone's happiness.

  5. First, I was not trying to get pregnant but sometimes things happen. Our baby was sick and also jeopardized my health. Second, his alcohol abuse is not daily it’s more of a Friday night / weekend thing. Maybe every other weekend I would say and blacking out happens only once every few months I would say. Third, I’ve been in alanon as I’ve dealt with addicts in other capacities in my lifetime. I do want to believe that things can change and get better so for me it would be so worth it if he put that work in. I appreciate your insights, thank you

  6. Unfollow & block the both of them on social media, you don't need to be constantly reminded of the heartbreak as it will stop you from moving forward.

  7. Fellow Husband here! Sounds like you should should find a new husband. This sounds ridiculous, teenage behavior. My wife can call me any word in the book and I’ll turn it to a rap lyric, turn lemons into lemonade. Life is too short to online with an angry wife.

    He needs to move out his moms house and give his wife a home/apartment as she deserves. I believe it’s a wife’s right to have her husband provide for her financially even if she makes good money, her money is the safety net incase of layoffs etc. Call me traditional but that’s how I see it.

  8. File a police report. He’s manipulating you with the threats of suicide. Take your money. Tell your family. I hope you confronted your “cousin”, they’re both disgusting.

  9. Report him, leave him, hell id even tell her parents. This probably isn’t the first time he cheated just the first time he got caught.

  10. For one, my snapmap location has been wrong and my bf asked me about it and sent a screenshot. It showed I was at a house that I had never been to that was near my house. I guess I walked by the house and snapchat logged me there for a while. Not sure how long. This isn't frequent and snapmaps are usually accurate, but it did happen to me where it placed me at a location I'd never visited. Did she drive past that place on her way to work? If it's on her usual route, it could be an error.

    Does she demonstrate other behaviour that could cause suspicion? If this is a one off then you should consider that. But if she has other shady behaviours I'd be suspicious.

    Her reaction though is quite telling. Unless you're the kind of guy who always accuses her of cheating and she's frustrated by always feeling like you have no trust in her despite being a trustworthy person, then her reaction could definitely be a sign of guilt.

    It really depends on her baseline though, some people are just extremely sensitive to criticism/accusation so you do need to interpret that reaction in the larger context of who she is and how she usually responds to things. I dislike when people assume that a given reaction is 100% a sign of guilt because everyone is different and some people are just defensive about everything, some people cry during any kind of confrontation or when they feel their relationship is threatened.. So that should be considered.

    All in all though, I'd say trust your gut.

  11. cheaters keep cheating, and look how easy it was for this guy….

    you'll find someone who will treat you properly

  12. Every single time I see one of there ‘BF / GF has different political views’ posts I don’t even need to read to know that OP is liberal and has a problem with their SO’s conservative ideology. Literally every single time.

  13. Hello /u/whyUgayson,

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  14. When it comes to the kids, the difference isn’t that it’s another person vs. you, it’s that it’s someone who has more than one kid vs. someone who doesn’t yet. She got advice from someone who experienced multiples and reassured her about her fears. It’s not personal that she wasn’t as convinced by you, because you don’t have the experience. If anything, the fact that she went and got advice means she was listening to your desire and considering it further, instead of just saying no.

    So consider the TV thing separately. It’s not related to the kids issue, which is a huge relief, because it’s legitimately annoying but not a massive issue. It’s possible she’s someone who just needs to hear the recommendation from more than one person to get interested. Or, some people just find it really annoying when someone pushes them to watch or read something and get stubborn about it (my husband is like this). If you feel respected in your marriage otherwise, I would try not to take it so personally.

  15. Make plans for something you enjoy and see if she’s willing to join you. If not, reiterate your feelings and let her know you aren’t feeling appreciated.

  16. You left out a pretty relevant fact, namely what your PTSD is about and what your triggers are.

    Regardless, he's the wrong one for you. Too old for one thing, and don't kid yourself that your relationship is different from all the other age-gap relationships.

    He's using your PTSD as his excuse to not marry, but the fact is, why should he buy the cow when the milk is free?

    Don't be a chump. Take that to your therapist and smoke it.

  17. This is exactly it. OP he’s not distant because you’re the bottom in your relationship, he likely doesn’t care at all about that.

    I am a parent (four kids, two of them teens) and can tell you with certainty that if you were my kid (straight or not) and your new boyfriend said that at our dinner table it would take a really long time for me to get over it. Like, it would just make me not like him.

    His comment was crass and disrespectful to everyone there—including you. And that’s probably the part that’s bothering your dad the most. He most likely is disappointed that this is the guy/relationship you’re investing your time in getting to know, and is worried about the quality of the relationship and your experience. He might be worried that you’re picking up “bad habits” from this guy.

    If he said this about my kid, in front of me and my family, at my dinner table, I would think he was not a very nice fellow at all.

    Is he a very nice fellow, OP? Really ask yourself.

  18. I'm glad we agree on this:)

    I try to listen to it quite a bit if it's telling me a situation is dangerous I avoid said situation kept me out of plenty of situations I'm just crappy about listening to it when it comes to people

  19. Since you’re taking my inventory, no it’s not most people as adults that have a family a full-time job have friends that are on the surface. They socialize with you go out to dinner or you talk to him every once a while but you don’t spend every day you’re not in college. And they’re a mixture a lot of times they’re couples or there’s some younger and some older, but they are not people of the opposite gender that are datable that you’re being close to so back off there’s nothing unhealthy about it. It’s the way life goes and as long as you have people you can rely on when you have a problem and you have family they’re reasonable if you’re over 15

  20. Please respect yourself more than she respects you. If you take her back, she will own you and think she can get away with anything. And she'll be right.

  21. Your dad sounds like a baby because how do we go from “2016 had good music” to “everyone should be sad cause a cop was killed” ugh.

    Your bf made a reasonable argument that a lot of minorities make when talking about policing. Too bad your dad can’t see to understand that. Which is part of the reason why people get frustrated

  22. I don't know man it was 10 years ago and it's a hard pill to swallow but the brain isn't mature until you're 25. Relationships aren't perfect they're messy but it's about knowing how to make repairs and repairs doesn't mean that is an excuse for this behaviour also it means you have to fix what lead to the cheating. OF course your boundaries were crossed I would pause on having kids, but you should talk about it with her. Redditors hsouldnt decide your fate. I can't help you.

  23. Your friend seriously baited you into a situation where she could call you out like this. I don’t know what her problem is, but she was seriously screwing with your head by doing this and playing mind games with you.

    The guy she showed you was 20 years old. He’s an adult. She was looking for an excuse to end your friendship, and this was the thing she chose to burn a bridge with you over.

    I would not try to salvage this friendship. You need to let it go. This girl is toxic and not worth your time. I would not bother trying to rekindle the relationship with her.

    This girl is not your friend. I promise that you will find better ones than this.

  24. Honestly, this whole thread is full of greasy redditors projecting. A liar assumes everyone around them is lying and all that

  25. Oof. Well they both behaved badly, but that's what happens when men get in a dick-measuring contest. I think your fiance owes your brother an apology.

  26. You are selfish in that you propose no compromises that impact yourself. You keep your status quo while your girlfriend has to choose which sucky concessions she’ll have to make to stay with you.

  27. OP, stop being a prisoner to this issue! If he is suicidal, whether you are with him or not with him isn't going to matter.

    It's gone on way too long. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that you have given him all you had, and now this is affecting YOUR mental health.

    Please, don't do this anymore. It's not your job to continually suffer through life. It's not your job to try and fix him. Only he can fix him, and only if he cares to make the effort. Please get a lawyer and make a good plan to end this marriage. You still have time to find someone to love and have a good and happy life.

  28. I think it’s more in the middle now I look at it. OP sees her on saturdays— it sounds like ONLY saturdays. She’s probably very frustrated more reasonably so with him not spending much time with her. She is taking it out in an unhealthy way. But like OP should look at why she’s saying it. Maybe he sees her more and she’s just an AH. Maybe she’s being neglected and lashed out.

  29. You would be shocked at the incompetence of people you run into in the tech industry. I have had to get on calls and explain how that a mobile app won't open on Microsoft Word… and these are people deemed 'tech people'.

    So, yes. 5-10% is a forgiving number.

    Anyways, I am not here to argue.

    You're entitled to your opinion, as I am to my own.

    I am here to help OP, not you.

  30. Separate point: I dunno about you, but my pictures are archived on a computer and backupped regularly.

  31. Then after more arguing she said that was an old video of her from college and that I was being aggressive and that she would never cheat.

    Did you bring up the cheating or did she do that by herself?

    I asked why the video was in her recent videos (1 week ago) and she said she was clearing out old photos and found that and was going to delete it.

    This sounds like a load of bullshit. She was going to delete it, but she didn't delete it. Why?

    Then she said I was being paranoid and unreasonable.

    Did she elaborate why she said that about you? Because it doesn't sound like you did have an open and honest conversation about this. And that is the biggest red flag that I see.

    her whole vibe was off last night and now it’s making me paranoid about some weird tiny things that have been happening recently.

    That is your subconcious warning you that something fishy is going on. Also, breaking up with your girlfriend doesn't require a valid reason which is tested in a court of law.

    I think you have enough reason to just say “Fuck this shit, I'm out of here!”. Or you could try talking to her again. Ask her directly if she will show you the video's metadata.

  32. That's logically a reasonable argument that's often made, but despite that even being objectively true, they're viewed differently due to the context of wearing each. Either way, in this context, you specifically wore what you wore in order to be provocative.

    But again, it's an issue of communication, and that's what the conversation with your husband needs to be framed around.

  33. You know at this point, I'm wondering if you think your the one being attacked here. Your obsession to be right over me is telling. And the feminist came out of nowhere.

    You can easily create your own thread, give your own advise. But you wanna be right, it's almost like it's a you problem. You couldn't even follow your own advice at this point. People deal with their own problems their way part.

    IMO, people who uses “proud feminist” and like phrases have really fragile ego, so fragile opinions sounds like a insult to them (even ones not directed to them). I'm talking about OP's problem, not yours.

  34. Yes I was opened up during my sterilisation and the doc checked. No inflammatory conditiona and my uterus looks nice and normal according to ultrasounds (transvaginal as well). Bloodworks came back pristine, everything seems completely ordinary.

  35. Thank you. I'm in the process of creating a list right now. Yeah, that's sadly the thing as well. I thought he was faking being this bad at doing chores but he isn't. He uses all the wrong things and wastes too much water etc. I hate feeling like his mom but I fucking have to i guess ..

  36. He probably realized belatedly that you were going to get a notification about it so only texted you to cover his ass. Stand firm in your boundaries with him, including no more “cheat hugs”??‍♀️ Dude sounds manipulative AF.

  37. Just because he didn’t have a relationship (emotional or sexual) with someone else, doesn’t mean he didn’t cheat. I’d argue it just means you caught him before he was successful. But something did happen. He betrayed you and the relationship. He broke your trust. You feel betrayed. That’s a normal reaction. It’s not normal to feel this way in a relationship, and to be completely honest I don’t think you’re the problem here. He broke your trust, what has he done to regain it? It doesn’t even seem like he took much accountability given the circumstances, it seems like he downplayed it. A big step in this is talking to him about it. If you can’t be honest with your partner about how you feel, and these are such strong feelings that are affecting you so negatively, that’s not a relationship you want to be in. Relationships require trust.

  38. Hmm. He would have to be a complete psychopath to lie, but then again around 10% of the population are psychopaths. I wish you the best and hope he is just a liar, but I would definitely not discount what he is saying. Her secrecy combined with his words are building a picture that is often accurate.

  39. If you feel the need to check your partners phone you shouldn’t be with them at all. It’s time to cut ties with this individual.

    You cannot help someone who won’t help himself. You have tried to support him through all of this more than you should have needed to. He needs professional help to deal with his trauma

  40. Invite your sister, But it’s completely inconsiderate for her to bring your exbf. That’s unbelievably fucked up! Bad enough your sister betrayed you.


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