ironbutterfly69 the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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16 thoughts on “ironbutterfly69 the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. She never had the intention of telling the wife, she told me that she was going to wait patiently until he divorced the wife. And also in our country, male cheating is considered okay while the female cheating is frowned upon, in that regard, I wouldn't necessarily say that she's going to cheat too. But then again, you never know.

  2. A dude who will be approaching 40 soon can relate to a young woman just 2 years into post-college adulthood?

  3. Yo…you can’t be bringing the pussy AND have to pay the full cost of the room. Y’all should go 50/50 or alternate paying.

    Something sketch is happening with your BF. The fact he suggesting getting rooms but is suddenly to busy to show…you aren’t his only person.

  4. He was with me when the Uber happened, we just weren’t official yet.. I’m trying to get them under control that’s why I asked, I didn’t want to let it slide if shouldn’t have. Thank you for your advice 🙂

  5. So you also weaponize her mental health when she does something you don't like. Mmmmk.

    Btw, impulsive anger isn't invalid, just poorly controlled. Her being mad at you in reaction to you being a condescending ass doesn't make you any less of an ass, even if she was impulsive about it.

    Here's your advice on eyerolling- don't tell other people how to move their face.

  6. 8 billion people on the globe. Absolutely no reason to have any kind of contact with anyone that tries to fuck your lives up.

  7. Thank you for replying. He used to be, but he got off them a few months ago. He said that since he got off them, he can get hot much easier. So maybe that's part of it.

  8. I’m wondering if it’s untreated PPD. I’ve seen people flip personalities 180 after giving birth. Honestly though if it’s left untreated this long, and she’s not wanting help, there’s pretty much nothing you can do.

  9. I think you should try another point of view.

    I think right now you're looking at this from the wrong angle.

    Here are the facts:

    She had a crush on a random person just for looks and appearances.

    He rejected her.

    Then she went out on a pity date with a person she'd otherwise rejected for looks and appearances.

    But you were her learning experience.

    You, the real you, after she gave you a chance for the wrong reasons, taught her the true value of a person.

    It's not looks. Or appearances, or silly crushes.

    She didn't fall in love with your superficial traits.

    You taught her what true love is. You taught her what really matters. And you are the one who got this amazing girl in the end, and part of who she is today is due to you being a much better person than anybody she met before.

    Who cares which silly little crushes she had before? Obviously her judgment was skewed. But luckily she was able to grow and change. And seeing you for who you really are, not just on the outside, the mask everyone sees, but the whole package, your true self, made her into a better person.

    I'd say, this says a lot about you. And all of that is positive. She learnt who you are, got a glimpse on your true self, and then she fell in love.

    Don't you realise how special this is? What a huge compliment this is? She changed because of your influence, fell in love with your kindness, your personality, all of you.

    Now that you have her, you can be sure she loves you. All of you, while if you were her type just for your looks or presentation, you'd always have to wonder, what if you get older and don't look so good anymore? What if your hair falls out? What if your energy levels drop and you become boring to her?

    But not now.

    You are her second choice, not her rash, impulsive, superficial choice she might regret one day, but the one she truly looked at and made a conscious choice.

    Because she saw who you truly are and you beat all her expectations.

    She thought she got the consolidation price, but ot turned out you were the real treasure, hidden behind a false first impression.

    I'd say, this tells that you're awesome. Brilliant and a real keeper.

    I'd take it as a compliment. Most likely she meant it that way because she didn't realise that you had all that baggage.

    I'd ask her, if you want to feel really good about yourself, what it was that made her change her mind. What it was that made her fall in love with you.

    And I bet you'll really like what you'll hear. I bet she'll say a lot of nice things that are far more important than what you can see at first. And I bet you'll realize that she's really and truly in love with you as a person and not just infatuated or superficially attracted.

  10. Birth control can mess up a lot of things in a person. I’ve seen it first hand more than once.

  11. There are two scenarios:

    1) He is just “love bombing” you to get you back so he can get back to the status quo to control you.

    2) He is feeling remorse

    If you ever feel that he is actually showing remorse, then he has to prove it for many months and not just a week.

    Go see a lawyer and see if separation is thing in your state and if you can get him to move out.

    Tell your husband that the control and abuse is too much and if he truly feels remorse and wants to change his ways he needs to get therapy and prove that you and the children can be treated with respect for a year before you have any interactions with him. If he is truly sorry he will be happy to do anything he can to get you all back. But I suspect he isn't. He doesn't want to pay child support or cook his own food or get a worse place to live! or look bad.


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