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Iren, 26 y.o.


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41 thoughts on “Iren the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. “”Comment Rule 2:** Keep it civil. No insults, no threats of violence, no encouraging violence, no harassment, no trolling, no advertising other subs, no spam. You will be banned. All bans in this sub are permanent. You don't get a free pass.

  2. Don’t go. And you’re not difficult for not wanting to be stressed out and annoyed for a family holiday.

    Just don’t go. It’ll feel weird, it always does when you start creating boundaries for yourself, but it gets easier. In a year or two you’ll have your own new traditions and you won’t be having the same conversation with them.

  3. I have apologized for how my parents have hurt her. The “quibbling” you describe is exactly the problem Jenny and I have. My father is directly involved with this for a few different reasons, chiefly, 3 members of his family (Jenny included) are not speaking with each other. I fail to see how this doesn't involve him. I have been trying to understand this from her perspective, I really have. How could I not? Our literal relationship hangs in the balance.

  4. What is enticing to you about creating children but then abandoning them with the thought they may show up later wanting to know why you didn't care enough to be there for them?

  5. He's a doctor, family is wealthy, he knows you are working very hot to maintain and yet says, “you can pay me back in Jan?”

    Like does he not have perspective on your situation? Also, it's not your family technically. I don't think you should be expected to assist w airbnb. I don't like how he's expecting you to pay for that knowing your significant pay differences as well. Equality is one thing but this is for his family and i'm sure you didn't get a say as to where they'd stay.

  6. Beautifully said. I wanted to add that no relationship is worth it if sex is what breaks it. And I don’t mean that sex or lack of sex isn’t important in relationships, but it comes down to a compatibility issue and if acceptance or compromise can’t be done then time to find someone else with the same values.

  7. I think your case makes more sense. Spending 1 on 1 time with your partner going to a store VS a party every year for your mother in law… Without booze even.

  8. I was a serial cheater in high school. This is absolutely 100% the right move.

    In my case, i was upfront with my current BF about my past cheating- and I still ended up cheating on him. Thankfully, he decided to stay with me and helped me work through a shitton of trauma and issues that attributed to things like not knowing how to say no in a situation, my insecurities, learning to not take my BF for granted etc (no excuses tho, just root causes that I work on). I’m an insanely different person today, and more than anything it was because of honesty. I told him my past, I fessed up about the cheating, etc.

    Of course telling him made her really, really, pissed- I would’ve been too. But where I am right now is proof that she can absolutely use this to her advantage and have a wonderful life and grow with a clearly mature guy who’s willing to take the time to help her and understand her.

  9. Believe me. She needs to be open minded about therapy. And she needs to realise that your dad is still your dad at the end of the day. It’s the only thing that got through to my mum when we went through the same thing ten years ago.

  10. I’m more concerned about the part where you say that if you say no you still have to have sex anyway…

    Get away from this man.

  11. How do you expect to ever hang out with them again without the idea of them wanting to have sex together running around in your head the entire time. If they haven’t had the affair, they’ve both been fantasizing about it, that’s not going to disappear. You will no longer be able to trust your boyfriend with your friends and you can’t trust your friend with future boyfriends…this truly sucks but your best bet is to cut both of these people out of your life and let them just have at it

  12. This is absolutely ridiculous. I know everybody needs their coffee before they can be completely civil in the mornings but she's an adult and is responsible for her behavior.

    Maybe she needs to go to counseling to learn to act appropriately when she first wakes up or something I don't know.

  13. My 93 yo FIL has a hand held urinal next to his bed when he sleeps over because can’t make it to the bathroom in time. Maybe get one of those for him…at least you know it’s easier to pee in and less likely to spill

  14. Listen to women, including myself, who are of her age… a 36yo woman or man has no business with 19yo.

    Also, as you can read your own story, you are both in very different times of your life. She is settled and has a child. You are just starting your journey. Now is the time for you to be exploring yourself and having fun. Going out with friends, not becoming a step parent.

    Let this be your hill… end the relationship.

  15. She allowed his penis to go into her vagina…….why not blame her? That sentence right there makes me not want to give you advice lol. Get it together op.

  16. I think the fact that she realised very quickly that she’d fucked up and stated it honestly and openly is the key bit here. I mean, I would definitely cool your jets on any further entanglements – and make it clear to her that this stunt a) really hurt you and b) damaged the relationship, but I wouldn’t necessarily end it.

  17. Are you ready to have a kid with this guy? If someone messed with your birth control, or if you were sexually assaulted and got pregnant, you know he's going to make your life hell, right?

    He's not pro-choice, he's forced birth.

  18. I can guarantee that she orgasms, I feel it when I’m inside her and she definitely says she does. And she says she loves it. But I’m still quite afraid of straight up just telling her things are not going the way I’d like them to, she’s a sensitive girl and would probably be extremely sad over this, any advice on how I could say this without hurting her feelings?

  19. You deserve better, like a wife who doesn't cheat on you. You're better off finding a new wife, but if for some reason you try to make it work, tell her you need two wives now. Tell her you deserve two wives because your first is worthless. She's actually “worth less” to you because she cheated on you, that's how that works. And you deserve a wife who isn't worthless. And if you don't get a second wife, your first wife won't respect you because she cheated on you. If she respected you in the first place, she wouldn't have cheated. You deserve better.

  20. Absolutely. Driving drunk = being ok with killing innocent people. Huge character flaw. I would leave after just one time, and I’m betting this isn’t the first given how casually you mention it and then just move on.

  21. Wow, he started crying and left the room and you had him continue?! I say this with all seriousness but wth is wrong with you? He clearly wasn’t into it and you kept going? You can say you love him all you want but you only love yourself and are selfish to your core. I hope he breaks up with you. He deserves someone awesome, someone who is not so incredibly selfish.

  22. I'm uncomfortable with this “request” and I'm not even part of the conversation. OP is handling this like the most patient person in this plain of existence/

  23. He probably isn't going to do anything, and he's probably just trying to make you jealous as a power move. Not that it matters in the long run though, because it's disgusting behaviour and you deserve better. Take him in your arms, hold him tight, and dispense him roughly on the doorstep before locking that mfer out

  24. You married an 18 year old when you were 40, then verbally abused your daughter for, rightfully, being creeped out by it. You only just now miss your daughter? Chances are, she won't forgive you. She would have reached out to you about wedding planning. It sounds like you have some serious issues. I'd work on those first.

  25. If it were a “drunk mistake” (not that that would make it okay) then they would have apologized to OP in the days following. Instead the boyfriend has been calling her dramatic and accusing her of ruining the trip and the friends haven’t reached out at all. How on earth could OP have had an “adult conversation” with people who refused to stop mocking her, despite her repeated requests?

    Did we read the same post?

  26. And a 40 yo man marrying an 18 yo woman is okay for you because „she‘s a grown ass woman“? Just curious. If you don‘t call out groomers for what they are, they‘ll get away with it.

  27. I think she is settling for R, but really loves you. Needless to say R should not be with her. As any otber person he deserves to be his partner favourite person, not consolation prize.

    R also deserves to know the reality of her persistent emotional cheating. Although, I think he should already be aware of it. Any sane person would be, but I guess he might be in denial.

    I think getting together with R could be good for you, although it wilp come at the expense of your friendship with M. Still you can have someone that truly cherishes you in life, I say: go for it.

  28. He did explain. He said he wanted sex and you should see each other some other time, probably so you can have sex. He’s not being nice or caring about you or your feelings. I’m so sorry! You deserve better. Better is out there!


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