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Indian_ladylive sex stripping with hd cam

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Room for on-line sex video chat Indian_lady

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37 thoughts on “Indian_ladylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think her boyfriend not even want to listen. He just thinking about himself only. The OP should stay away if she wants a piece of mind.

  2. consider yourself lost, dumb and lucky. you dodged a bullet here. what guy says 'never hug another man again?” or talk to them? Yikes.

  3. It would NOT be unreasonable to refuse to play bodyguard for this enabling family. That guy blames others. He has NOT gotten over whatever was broken in him. Don’t tell this guy he has to play happy families with an attempted murderer.

    I’m sorry about your brother. Hope he stays on his meds.

  4. What worries is he tried getting with me when I had a boyfriend at the time, before we started getting intimate I told him I had broken up with my ex but I had lied, I told him 2 months into our relationship and he was upset as to why I didn’t tell him at the time. I don’t know if I’m thinking too much into it but I feel like revealing this secret can make him loose trust in me. I of course broke up with my ex before I got with him and I have not cheated or done anything since we started dating because I’m set on him and see him in my future. Will it get worse the longer I wait to tell him or if I never reveal it?

  5. Two things: 1. Why marry after a few months? That’s not enough time to know someone. And 2. It’s an open relationship and you’re mad he’s talking to another person? Sounds like this is just all around a big “wow, such a shocker” moment

  6. It's a litmus test for sure. I wouldn't bother advocating, if they're not doing it naturally they most likely don't care so just move on. Great way of identifying who's worth staying with

  7. because I never gave him an actual confession. I don't feel like it's fair to confess that now either, and cause strain on an otherwise fine relationship that makes him happy. I don't know what to do anymore.

    I think it's fine if you want to. I'd say it's better if you'd say so a lot sooner, or at least given him stronger hints you liked him romantically and not just as a friend. At the very least, you telling him would have him understand why you're hurting and he'll be more mindful of not unintentionally hurting you anymore (since he seems like a genuinely good guy, I'm sure he'd appreciate you telling him and from then on be a bit more conscientious of your feelings).

    You didn't mention how long E and M had been dating, but if he's bringing her to work events, my guess is that it'd been going on for a while? I'm not sure you guys were as close as you think it was, or he'd probably have brought up he was interested in M, going on dates with her or dating someone… Perhaps you saw him as a bestfriend, but to him (apparently just a truly nice to everyone type of guy) you were a friend.

    I want to salvage my friendship, but I don't know how that's possible with where I'm at.

    Despite my suggestion you tell him your feelings… I will say it's definitely possible your friendship won't/can't be salvaged. But in my experience, that really depends on your side of the equation… and whether you can/want to be around him. I've only been on the other side, and I have wanted and tried to maintain a friendship with the person who confessed (but I was interested in), but it's really basically completely dependent on whether you want to/can (imo).

    I need advice.

    I don't exactly have any (more) advice for your current situation… but I think him having not attempted anything further when you were at his place/sleeping next to each other is a pretty big give away that you were friendzoned… (or perhaps unbeknownst to you, you led him to believe you weren't interested and friendzoned him, so he didn't make any move). Just something to keep in mind in the future if you ever crush on someone again.

  8. Brother, you've already disrespected yourself enough by tolerating your girls bs.

    If you continue down this path, your self-esteem will continue to diminish until you've become a shell of who you were before meeting this succubus.

    Move on and start viewing yourself as someone with value who would not tolerate such bad behavior from your woman

  9. Yeah, he didn’t even discuss this with you before booking his travel or invite you. Sounds like he’s checked out of this relationship to me. I’m sorry.

  10. I'm not sure where to go from here?

    Straight to a lawyer's office

    She wasn't planning to cheat on you she was already cheating on you for a year (at least emotionally). She's not over her ex in the last 11 years, what on earth makes you think that she won't do it again.

  11. Talk to a lawyer before doing or saying anything else about this situation. Ask whether you're in an at fault divorce jurisdiction, and if not, ask about the possibility of getting a post-nup that would have her walk away and leave you with almost everything in the event of future infidelity. If you can get one drawn up that is enforceable, great. Do it.

    Whether it is ultimately legal and enforceable or not, though, it is a pretty good litmus test for you to present to her and see what she says. If she agrees to sign it with no reservations, maybe you can work out a new paradigm for your relationship with the help of a therapist who specializes in infidelity. If she balks at the idea of getting less than half if she cheats again, you know what her intentions are, and you should take whatever steps your lawyer advises to secure as much property for yourself as possible, as soon as possible.

    Your daughter may be sad about the loss of the stuff you mentioned, but living in a home with parents who are fighting or even where there's slightly more subtle hostility is worse. You can't be a good parent to her while you're struggling mentally, and she can't learn about healthy relationships by watching broken ones. Stuff is replaceable, your psychological safety may not be in your present situation.

  12. What seems the reason he dumped her?

    Stop putting your friend on a pedestal. Yes, she might be great, but that doesn't mean every relationship she's ever going to be in will run smoothly. Her and her ex simply weren't a good match.

    said he could not see it going anywhere and he didn’t really feel it with her (which is 10000% not true)

    Why do you pretend to know why her ex broke up with her?

    What can I tell her to make her feel better and move on?

    She just needs time and distraction.

  13. Honestly the guy is literally almost purple, like he’s literally the dictionary definition of juiced to the gills ?

  14. You haven't said you did not cheat on your BF, so now i'm not sure if you may have cheated and holding it back. Just sayin..

  15. I may be an outlier, but I don't feel “supposed to” will apply to everyone to begin with, nor do I feel a relationship that ends is unsuccessful, it often is the case it fulfilled what was needed and then ran it's course.

    I also don't see an issue with ending life single or having huge periods of being single in there. But my views and wants when it comes to family or kids may very well differ.

  16. My (confirmed) half sister shows as either my half-sibling or 1st cousin on 23&Me and Ancestry. So if the “cousin” that you found shares the connection through their dad and your “perspective dad”, you might have all of this wrong. Their dad could be your dad too. Just be careful. These DNA kits don’t always paint an accurate picture of the truth.

  17. Thank you I've debated talking to him. We're going out tommorow for lunch I think I might speek to him about it then

  18. Yes exactly, I have 0 experience except with her, and she would absolutely help me rather than use this vulnerability to harm me. I think like you said with time and communication it will go away

  19. What size in shoes are you OP? I sell heels for a living…I'll hook you up!!! I'm glad you left her controlling ass…now you can wear whatever you want

  20. what sucks is that everything you said , I wish my girlfriend said as well. I truly hope this isn’t the truth, and that she is just being overbearing. I’ll speak to her again I love her and she loves me, I don’t want to throw us away over a disagreement. I want to reach to an agreement with her, it just hurts that any of this has to be brought up like this, and that her leaving me is something that I need to worry about.

  21. ? 32 this year. Dated men with up to 30yr gap while in my twenties.

    Guys who date significantly younger aren't guys you want to be dating. Trust this lady, trust me, trust the “ick”.

  22. You need to sit her down when you're both not upset/angry, talk over how your ED is being made worse by her comments. Let her know that it's absolutely non negotiable that she immediately stops doing this. If it continues, you leave.

  23. Now, I don't want to sound too mean right now, but….

    Your husband sounds like a fucking moron. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the type of person to fall down a Qanon rabbit hole.

    I have no advice, besides telling you that you are obviously in the right and, once again, he's an absolute idiot

  24. Yeah he’s looking for rebound sex. Make sure he respects your boundaries if you’re uncomfortable or kick him to the curb

  25. I’m curious, did he delete, delete it? Cause I delete pics but they’re still in my deleted album for 30 days. Is there a chance he didn’t delete it from the deleted album? (An iPhone user)

    He sounds like he’s acting very suspicious.

  26. If this is the first time she has slapped your daughter, which I doubt, it certainly will not be the last.

    And we're literally talking about a baby. On top of that, she slapped her because she…Spit out some food you both know she doesn't like? This is literally what babies do.

    This is such an outrageous overreaction that I don't believe for a second it's not part of a much bigger issue.


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