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4 thoughts on “ the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. If she can’t figure out “apologize” from this, then…wow. Therapy is also the default answer for 95% of the posts on this sub, so neither are useful comments. Dragging her ass at least let’s her know she needs a better order of priorities, STARTING with the family she just destroyed, not this “MEMEME” horseshit.

    Until she clears THAT hurdle, the apology means dick-all, and therapy is useless.

  2. Hey, I just wanna say I’m proud of you and what you accomplished. It’s nude to deviate from what you’ve known your whole to the vast ocean of what the world is. Your mom should have never placed the burden of you to be her ‘confidant’ and relied on you like she did. She should be proud that you’ve become an independent, self sufficient adult. Don’t on-line your life for your mom. Live it for you.

  3. That's going to be very hot to say no matter how the conversation is framed. She still needs to say it. Putting off the conversation isn't going to help anyone.

    If she actually cares about him she should have given him a reason one of the many times he's brought this up. Who knows what the reason is but she's clearly doing everything she can to avoid saying it. OP isn't doing anything wrong. His partner is holding something out on them.

  4. This is a big consideration then. You’re entering into an extremely Important moment of your life and you’ve got reservations. As you’re standing there as she walks down the aisle, will these thoughts be going through your mind? You say you’ve discussed this but her responses have clearly not settled your worries. You may have to re-open the conversation and explain how this makes you feel and the concerns it brings up for your shared future.


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