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6K, 27 y.o.
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To Start online video press there, 27 y.o.
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To Start online video press there
I’ve gotten Facebook suggestions from being too close to that person at Walmart
You love your girlfriend. Maybe that does mean supporting her as a friend while she figures things out. I would talk to a counselor who deals with transition so it doesn't feel like a threat?
I appreciate the honesty, and that's horrifying how close that situation is to ours. They tell me there's nothing going on, but I can't help but fear there is because they don't talk about our future like they used to. I support them having friends and experiencing life and youth (we've also planned to recreate teenage experiences together when we meet, December and when I move over there and if I visit this summer), it's just this one specific friend of theirs has given me this bad vibe since the first time she was mentioned and it progressively gets worse.
But tbf, if they leave me for her, they're still gonna be long distance, just not as far.
I think I'm gonna bring your response up to them and I hope it doesn't start another fight. I might wait until they graduate though, because they're already stressed enough without me adding more issues on top of that.
We both have always felt like we're wasting our teenage years, pre and post finding one another. And I think I have too many problems to truly get that experience right now even without them in the picture. I know I'm young, but god, I feel so old and I feel I've already wasted my life and have no future. It doesn't help that when I express my career dreams to people close to me, they all shut me down and say I should stick to the industry I'm in because I already have “so much” experience (the experience being ~2 years and some basic certifications). The industry I'm in is not for me. Aaa, basically it feels like everything is falling apart because I'm overthinking and take everything to heart.