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20 thoughts on “ the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. My parents were incredibly racist growing up, and I lived in a small town with like minded people so I didn’t know any better until I went to uni. This experience absolutely changed me as a person and I realised how fucked up my parents views were on race. People can definitely change and educate themselves to do better.

  2. Sometimes people just don't want to be super close to certain people. It happens. I wouldn't try to force a hang out with someone that isn't interested/invested.

  3. You need to discuss this with him; tell him how you are feeling etc. Is he telling you that you are not good enough, or are you assuming it?

  4. I mean I don't know… I just wish if we can talk about it for 5 mins. Beside the boyfriend part I really hate being on bad terms with people

  5. She called CPS on him and who knows what else she did because your pretty vague about what she did to make you give up on her.

    And now after all headache and pain he went through you just bring her over without any talk with him etc

    Just made him probably understand that You and her are alike… your feelings are more important as his or the feelings of the other.

  6. Break up with the guy that raped you while you were sleeping, hides your birth control and is trying to force you into being his human incubator. This man is abusive, a sexual predator and is is trying to baby trap you and force you to have and raise his children. He is a terrible partner and will be a horrible father. Dump this awful rapist!!

  7. If you want any chance of having a relationship with your daughter in the future, you need to kick that woman to the curb NOW.

    I truly believe your wife deceived you. She was never interested in being a step-parent. Generally, people can only put on an act for about 2 or 3 years. You got married within that time frame. So, once she had that ring on her finger she felt she didn't need to pretend anymore. This is a common tactic among abusers and manipulators.

    But you're not innocent in this, either. Your wife has been like this for the past two years. She has treated your daughter with disdain for the past two years. And you're still with her. How could you possibly stand to be with someone who hates your daughter so much? How can you stand to look at her, knowing she'd erase your daughter from existence with a snap of her fingers if she could?

    You're letting this all happen. And you are going to pay for it dearly.

  8. Only if it’s a one party state or the recording will not only be of no use but could get her in trouble. She could also be charged with theft over the credit card regardless of how much the purchase is. Also just because she bought plan b that doesn’t mean it had anything to do with him, she could have cheated and didn’t want to have a baby with someone who isn’t her bf. Also she should stop living off of someone she doesn’t want to be with and get out for her own safety because he doesn’t sound safe from her side. Stories have three sides though.

  9. Run, girl, run. He’s a racist and probably a fascist. His behaviour has exceeded being weeb and is straight racist. He is the definition of asian fetish.

  10. Yeahhhh….. this marriage doesnt seem to be in a good place to begin with. I can’t really make a judgement without getting a full explanation of how the marriage has been/ sex life has been. Wife sound’s exasperated tbh 🙁

  11. I think the fact that you waited until the end of your post to mention he’s married means you know it’s wrong and probably one sided. You are 23 years old, not 15. You know he’s unavailable. The fact that you need strangers on the internet to tell you to leave a married man alone and not to pursue him shows that you have no boundaries nor respect for others who have them. Hell even the fact that you are playing with the idea of reporting him shows that. Report him for what?

    You need to put your head down and get the work done. You are a grown adult woman in STEM. Start acting like it.

  12. Making people in our present pay for people in our past equals no future, you have untreated trauma which is causing you to be clingy if you think somone is upset, see a therapist, untreated trauma makes all who have it. You said he has a rough background be should see a therapist as well.

    Now I don't know his perspective but my guess would be he might have wanted to get clean for fun time and felt you asking him might have been an accusation of him doing something wrong. I'm not saying that's your intent, I'm not saying he 100% felt like that, it's only a possibiliy. Also I think the staredown thing is a bad idea.

  13. 100%. What happens when he runs out of walls, or the wall isn't “good enough” an object to punch?

    People who react to emotional upset with violence are disasters waiting to happen.

  14. Take it as a grateful because they’re paying your phone bills, shopping bills so you could start working and save up $$. My parents did that for me when I was younger. They want you to have $$ you could be comfortable in your life. It seems your “boyfriend” is other culture where their family would pressure and search marriage. He’s falling for it, let him. Go find yourself and life is beautiful to be trapped on being servant bc his mama can’t do housework’s anymore. What bullshit is that.

  15. Why would you do that? Don’t you have any loyalty and love for the man you married? Meeting your ex would be opening a can of worms you won’t be able to close after. Maybe you just want to self sabotage.

  16. She already threw away the relationship and the life that you had by f*cking random men on Hinge! And lying to your face about it. That is the height of disrespect!


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