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26 thoughts on “ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Weed. Toys. Watch porn together. Edging. Power play. Blindfolds. Did I say weed already?

    Would help to know more about why it’s gotten boring and, especially, if both of you are trying to spice things up or just you.

  2. Because I don't think it was a lack of caring. I think she became over whelmed. She got into her head that she NEEDED the money and would do anything to get it. Even let him fuck. But I don't think she actively went looking for sex or a relationship with her ex.

  3. Hello /u/Odd-Gold-2998,

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  4. IANAL but if your 3 year old ate an edible then there should be more than enough in his system for a positive drug test. Most urgent cares or ers will have a basic 5 panel drug test kit that will detect thc.

    Idk what will happen when your child tests positive, but you should be prepared for the outcome of a positive test

  5. I agree with the people saying that he should tell her. However, I hate to say it but this is kind of coming across like he still has feelings for her in some type of way. If he didn't care, he wouldn't care what her reaction is. Sure, he may just be a decent person who cares about someone he used to be with but this is really coming across like he still has feelings for her.

  6. I mean how can you tolerate him a single minute longer. Your sister is wrong. Chores are part of adult life, all adults in the house should do chores, ideally equal share except a person is sick or has another temporal or permanent problem (disabilities). This guy is lazy, doesn't respect you, basically treats you like a bang-maid, endangers your children by not properly training his dog, gives you a lot other chores in taking care of HIS dog that he brought to your house. Kick him and his dog out. Think about your children… what model are you showing her? That women have to drown to keep lazy, entitled men afloat? That you tolerate that a man depresses you with all the load and that's fine? Your depression affects not only you but also your children and this man is the cause, evict this man as soon as you can.

  7. Guy is dumb, it's perfectly fine. Do what you would in any other European country and you're good- basically be careful of pickpockets, be careful of scammers, be careful when traveling through the forests as there are wild animals

  8. Absolutely sounds like a trap.

    Kidnap and ransom, human trafficking, or just simple robbery of naïve people out in the woods.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for travelling. But going alone into the woods with strangers as a woman sounds like really bad decision making. All because she's seen some Instagram posts? Is she blinded by love/lust or some kind of fandom?

  9. It sounds like she is quite volatile and immature. It also sounds she's just mad over the whole deal and wants you to get mad with her.

    Does she even have the means or genuine will to take the landlord to court (and do you believe she would actually try to do this)? Do these sorts of situations have a tendency to blow over if you just ride them out?

    Instead of pressing back, see how she reacts if you actually just go “Ok”; it wouldn't surprise me if when faced with no resistence, she quickly loses her will to fight and her interest wanes over the whole matter.

  10. We've been friends since childhood. It's sad af. We're in the same friend group, I can't really drop him but I can try to keep my distance. I am worried that the same thing will happen again in the summer when we all go back. Hopefully, I'll have moved on by then.

  11. I was talking about his behaviour hurting me hahaha. Thank you so much. I hope therapy helps but I will look out for myself

  12. Ditch this loser, now. She's a jealous imbecile with no compassion or empathy. Who in their right mind accuses a brother and father of incest for taking care of a mentally disabled family member who can't even be pottie trained just because she's female? Do you really want to deal with this kind of foolishness, or is your sister, your family, and your own peace is mind more important? Keep in mind that she seems like the type to call the police over this just to get Protective Services involved. Your choice…

  13. I feel like you. as for the wife of his friend, I asked her to be brutally honest with me and not to think about my feelings. I'm grateful for her. we are close friends and it took her all the energy to give me this truth.

  14. Get the cleaning lady. Ignore your husband – he is ignoring the problem and you just have to clean by default. Because he pretty much refused to help, he also lost all his right to have a vote on this. Get the cleaning lady now. And stop pretending in front of friends and family – you are only hurting yourself further by doing this. If you start telling them the truth, they can 1. support you and 2. give you some needed feedback for your situation.

    I think a divorce is a reasonable response to your situation. You don't have a partner, you have an uninterested in household matters teenager. That's not what you agreed to, so you have every right to terminate this relationship.

  15. That is a shame because I turned out to be more interesting than him in the end. I'll never understand this behavior.

  16. You are no longer safe with your husband. Get your healthcare POW and living will directive in place. He has no concern for your health and mocks you with his side piece. He is lying to you about communicating with her and hiding that he has been meeting with her then he has been hiding meeting with her when she was around. There’s a reason he wasn’t having sex with you. You will need a family law lawyer either way.

  17. Yes. I am pretty sure using sex as she did to trap you worked much better by you being a 20 yo young man…


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