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6 thoughts on “ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You do not “try” to break up with someone. You just do it. You don’t need their permission or their agreement. Dump her and then block her, she’s cruel.

    Also, editing your post to break the wall of text into paragraphs would make it more readable – you’ll probably get more advice. Or, adding a TL/DR to the end.

  2. There’s a lyric in a Human League song “I like the truth but I lie a lot”. Applies here. You can still be a good honest person but avoid these situations by a lie here and there. Like at work you don’t tell your boss they are an a-hole even if they are lol.

  3. She probably shouldn’t have lied, but I don’t think it should be indicative of who she is as a person.

    You’ve got to realise that she didn’t know you that well. Start of relationships is such a rocky stage, trying to figure out if the other person is what you really want, if they share the same feelings… etc…

    A lot of people talk to multiple people at once, esp at the start of relationships, and seeing as you were both not in a relationship yet, I don’t see this as a problem. Although she shouldn’t have lied about it, I understand why she wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings.

    Talk it out, let her know it hurt, but I wouldn’t suggest she is untrustworthy or not committed because of this


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