the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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47 thoughts on “ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Who you support politically is an indicator of your values. If Rump moves him to tears he obviously deeply supports his views on the world and life. To say politics is unimportant is silly.

  2. Yes and I am honestly by the conversations. She thinks it's very important that we own a house, that we provide sufficient support for our kids, etc… We seem to want the same things.

    She also, however, has this (IMO naive) notion that working for a for-profit company for anything is beneath her (she doesn't say it like this, but its the gist I get) and that the only thing worth doing is pursuing her dreams to be a real artist. She doesn't want to teach art, she doesn't want to be a graphic designer, etc… She wants to be an artist.

    So, I tell her that we likely won't be able to have everything we want if she does this and that I am OK with that. Then, she'll seem to agree with me, but then we will have the same discussion a few weeks later where it seems the agreement we came to is completely forgotten.

    While she has no desire for anything luxurious (e.g. designer clothes, etc…), she wants many of the things a good paying job provides but seems completely unwilling to work in something that isn't specifically her dream to obtain it.

    Succinctly, her opinions oscillate between agreeing with me and then not. I honestly find it tiresome. She is a lovely person and there are so many things I love about her, but I am very worried about this seemingly naive approach to work, money, and achieving life goals

  3. I think that the first thing that you need to do is to take care of you. It's hot to do things when you are overstimulated. See if you can take a quick break to de-stress and let go of things.

    Secondly, I would like for you to mentally think about what things that you like to do, the things that work for you to let go and de-stress and not get overwhelmed. Then, create a plan for all of those things. Then, try to create an area or away for you to do that plan in a way that is easy for you. For example, if you like to be alone in the dark, maybe you can create a blanket fort or whatever works for you personally. Or maybe you put into your wallet bus tickets for the park that calms you down.

    Next I would like for you to spend some time on the internet researching ways to overcome over stimulation, and how you can start to de-stress and relax and let go in places where it is difficult for you to go through your normal regimen. This will help you to vent steam throughout the day, especially in places where you can't go and do the thing that you need to do. You can't exactly leave work and go climb in your blanket fort at home, for example. But maybe you can find other things that you can do at your your work that can help you to calm down. For example, maybe you can go in the back and start working on some stocking.

    I also feel that it would be helpful for you to get connected with some ADHD support communities. This will give you some people who understand and tips and tricks to help you with you and people to talk to.

    I would also like for you to speak with your boyfriend again and tell him thank you for bearing with you and tell him that you have been working on things. They would also be kind to do something nice for him, buy him flowers or whatever it is that works for him.

    When you have more time, I suggest thinking about what activities over stress and over tax you the most and to think about how you can do them differently. For example, maybe you realize that going to the store is extremely overwhelming for you. Instead of doing that, maybe you go at a different time of day or maybe you do your shopping on-line or pick it up with your car. Figuring things out like this can be a game changer for you as it helps you to feel like you can manage your environment and triggers better.

  4. Move on you dont need her one sided way she would dump you if a lesbian did that 2 u what if the giy was straight only pretending to be gay

  5. I really appreciate it thank you!

    I’ve been ignoring him and he’s blown me up saying I broke up with him without hearing his side of the story. He even used one of my videos as a method to get me to talk to him reminding me how many followers he has on Twitter and how he’ll pin the video. I don’t believe he would, it’s just evil to be this way.

  6. Hey man I got pretty good today ?. Yeah I'm getting out and doing a lot more now that we're done. Feels good to look forward to new things

  7. You fell in love almost immediately but by month two she wanted an open relationship? Perfectly possible but I find less likely to be the case. If you both can agree to close the relationship and move on then you have to get over it. you have to accept she's with you by choice and you are with her by your own choice. Now if you can't do that. that's ok but you have to be honest and leave the relationship. Otherwise your insecurity will poison things.

  8. There are a lot of reasons to not want to have sex. Trauma, hormone medication, transitioning, body dismorphia/dysphoria, etc. It shouldnt be a concern, but you need to talk to her and try to make sure that you understand her wants/needs. Maybe she does want it but is nervous. See how you can support her

  9. you didn’t cause this. you didn’t cause this. Your partner sucks. To avoid this in the future, avoid this person.

  10. Not the anxiety! You’ve managed to hang out and speak to him just fine before now. You’ll figure it out. Still, yta

  11. You on-line and you learn – that's life. You have no choice but to live with it.

    Can you get therapy? It will help you deal with feelings of shame about your past.

  12. You need to wait the week out and respect her wishes. Sounds like you communicate well and your rules are not those they signal the end of things . She just needs some time out . Trust her and give her some room to breath .

  13. Planning so far ahead so early and revolving her plans around you was just not a good idea… she is super young and needs to have a full life of her own before she commits to something so permanent. Being married and having a lot of your life revolve around your partner without much of your own life is a recipe for disaster.

    You’ve already said you’ll do what you can to make it work, but you do have to prioritize. There’s no need to get married so young and set marriage plans in stone. It can wait a bit till you’re both better settled in your lives.

  14. Is your diet good/healthy? do you eat enough fat, if not then it might be messing up your hormones. Maybe have a consultation with a nutritionist to rule out possible diet problems.

  15. u/AffectionateCanary31, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  16. Yikes. PTSD and trauma responses come to mind. I’m anxious af and on-line in a city like this…BUT if I was ever that close I would need to revisit my therapist, which I HATE to do. But that’s what I feel she needs and is her responses. Good on you for wanting to help her. ?

  17. I’m sorry, but an 18yo seeking a 40yo because they “prefer maturity” implies that they see themselves as mature, which can’t possibly be the case if they’re trying to fuck someone more than twice their age. That’s just bonkers.

  18. Explain everything to HR. Make a complain. Get pepartrail. The same in the police, if you manage.

    Otherwise SHE will play victim and create even more drama, but now judicially (or with HR).

  19. You don't need to explain it to anyone. You have to on-line your life, and only you are responsible for your decisions. If you think this is something that will make you happy, then do it, but do it with your eyes open.

  20. Try to open your mind enough to consider her new found beliefs. Perhaps there’s some merit to them. But don’t be under the impression that the woman you once knew will ever come back. She won’t. She’s discovered that it really is a man’s world and she’s not happy!

  21. A friend of mine had an ex throw a knife at him.

    Then she blamed me, saying how every time he sees me he acts up.

    That was over 15 years ago. I'm so fucking glad they broke up; I want to be a supportive friend but to support that kind of unstable piece of shit….

    Now see how this relates to your story =)

  22. Please find another boyfriend that loves and respects you enough not to go on a app while in a relationship, because really there is no excuse for his behavior. You deserve better.

  23. That is the most surprising part to me also. The fact that she hasn’t leads me to think that maybe this has been a thing going on behind her back.

  24. Nope. People get married to the first piece of anything that comes along. A few years in, it's save the marriage by opening it up, get a divorice or hate life forever.

    People have always been like this.

  25. link? also he sounds like busy bee. his interactions with everyone is fine too serve his purpose. he just might be a stick in the mud kinda guy. focused and knows more than others. so he makes everyone look and feel lesser than him, may not do it intentionally, but just happens. while doing this , he didn't project leadership which he Likely did not.

    people avoid him because they he fail to connect with him . or more likey falls to read the room and to e out down.

    ask him to take the emotional intelligence test. it's short.

  26. So first you only have her word that her ex was okay with her joining the spicier side of reddit.

    Then there’s the fact that her relationship ended months after she said she had feelings for you, so even if her ex was okay with it, she should have ended the relationship as soon as she got feelings for you (or anyone else) – this is cheating even if the rest of it wasn’t.

    She doesn’t seem to care about anything but her own carnal pleasure, and as you say she is in another country and you will never know if she is already cheating on you or not.

    And you already have trust issues, they don’t happen without reason, even if it’s subconsciously, you have noticed something isn’t 100% right.

  27. My question is how should I confront him about it? If anyone had a similar situation. Since he didn't cheat and overall we are very happy but this is not okay.

  28. I think you need to talk to your gf and be delicate but honest. Maybe she's fine with you finding a sexual partner, maybe it means you would have to break up, maybe she'd be willing to explore more if she's comfortable with it now. There are potential solutions here, but it depends how she feels

  29. I would never physically overpower her or anyone else for that matter.


    My God, I hope this is fake. What an absolute slug of a human being you are.

  30. He “proved” his stupid point. Woman no strong, man always strong. He didn’t need to take it a step further by refusing to let go until she said she surrendered. Crying and looking fucking horrified should have been enough to say back up. You don’t need to verbally say no to communicate. Body language should have been enough for OP, this is straight up assault.

  31. If she takes the pill, it's protected sex. Obviously, if you want double protection you can use a condom and even pull out for 100% protection, but it sounds like your not educated/not trust your girlfriend that she takes the pill.

  32. I don't know. she's on the diet the doctor ordered but she's still too tired to do anything and her vision gets blurry often. something is not right

  33. Where’s the TL;DR version? So much paragraphs talking about things that don’t correlate to the title at all lol.


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