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To Start live video press there
He ruined his life.
No, dont be careful. There is no need because there is no need to be there LOL
Damn dude for both your sakes leave.
sexual innuendos (which is not entirely uncommon for my wife, she makes a lot of jokes like that with other friends)
See this? That's red flag #1. She is definitely cheating, and maybe not even just with that guy.
She is the root cause of our entire family behavior.
What a major fuck up. Even if he does find a way to get passed this. He going to always wonder why you kept those videos when he got together with you.
Don't move for someone you only know for a year.
Very similar, except no one in my family is anywhere close to as big as I am. Neither tall, nor broad. Luckily, I look enough like both of my parents that I know it wasn’t my mom and the milkman!
i'm getting at they were probably fucking. Because guys and girls dont ever pee together in the same alley, together, and then sleep in the same house, when she's on the couch and the girl wear the guys clothes. And they've fucked before
Do you need this spelled out? And i am geuinely sorry 🙁
Something something dragon dot com…….
Lol but you weren't able to, so suck it up ffs.
Bro she cheated on you…. Leave her.. All this is karma , and it ends with you leaving her and choosing your own happiness
Well, yeah. She had that image in her mind of how it was when she left and now, so many years later, it's of course absolutely different. People change, countries change, cities change, technology change, even traditions change. I find her initial wish valid – she wanted to go back to a happy place. Valid, but a bit delusional because of course it isn't anymore what she thought it would be. There was no chance of it ever being that.
I think that what she was looking for is a feeling of “home”. She wanted to “go home”, but now realized that it isn't her home anymore – after such a long time, with everything different, the bond she had to that place is lost and now it's foreign and strange. She now realized that her “home” is in the US – it's where she feels comfortable, as she knows what it is like and how the people around her there are like.
If possible, you should get her back home.
Seventh if you count him
its not OP’s problem to fix his gross behavior and if he acts really defensive then he won’t accept help from her. like if his mental health is this bad he should see a mental health professional. and OP literally said she would break up with him over it lol & no one would blame her
Maybe because you seem to change your mind about cars pretty quickly?
Great point, and I’m an anxious person so yes 😉 haha but working on it.
They might be more comfortable identifying as gender fluid rather than non-/binary. Johnathan Van Ness is a gender fluid celebrity and brand influencer – you might know him/her/them from Queer Eye. He goes by whatever pronoun he's feeling that day and dresses in the clothes that she feels fits them.
Your partner might be someone whose gender – not their biological sex – shifts from one to the other and presents in non-normative Cishet manners sometimes. There's nothing wrong with that, but if you're a straight man looking for a cisheteronomative relationship, then this person may not be the most compatible choice. An amicable breakup is fine, but consider remaining friends and supporting her as a friend would.
Remember, gender is a social construct. It's mutable through time and relies on the sociocultural makeup that its embedded in. It's assigned at birth (in most cases) because of perceived external genitalia. Sex is biological and physiological. Neither sex nor gender truly operate on a binary.
Loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius!
But we trust each other, have no jealousy issues, and have a healthy relationship.
Lots of people don't have that.
Good luck.
Text him, “I had fun last night” from her phone with a wink and see how he replies
I would never dream of demanding her to get one but I am also not ready to a be a father so
You don’t do this.
First of all, there is no “demanding” that someone get an abortion. That isn’t a thing that exists. What are you thinking, kidnap her at gunpoint and drive her to the clinic? You can’t make her get an abortion under any circumstances.
Just a thought, but if she's otherwise the woman of your dreams… Let's just say she is.
Could you guys not get a small, cheap place to live! somewhere and when she's working she puts 100% of her income into the debt for 2-3 years.
You said she needs 25 to break even. So if she puts 50-60 into it for 3 years that'll make a big dent in the debt. I feel like a short term, frontal assault on the debt could get it down to a manageable level.
They just made out and cuddled but no sex.
Do you know if your sister and her bf have an open relationship? If it was my sister I would tell her how disappointed I am and blah blah, but I wouldn’t say anything directly to him.
He can be a great guy and all that but my loyalty is with her, she is my sister and it’s her relationship, but I would definitely push her to tell him.
She was born in Spain but dues to having an English dad and mother with Italian passport, Spanish refused to give passport or birth certificate, complicated story. She has an original English birth certificate
You're depressed and stressed over a situation you creted for yourself. I hope she keeps you blocked this time.
I think you are spot on with your observations about her. She is being self destructive. Don't allow this to happen. It will be a mess.
I know someone who was molested as a child by their own father. This woman is in her 60s. And a very super long story short, after going through many life experiences (good and bad), she found religion (or spirituality) and was able to forgive her father. She'll never be alone in the same room, though, no matter how long time has passed, but they visit each other and are able to have good, or at least decent, conversation. This woman has kids and even grandkids. Her kids know what happened, but still choose to talk to their grandfather. They hug and do kisses on the cheeks. They all joke around like any family would (not about said incident, obviously).
It's something that should be up to you. If you really don't feel like you can live! with your SO with that in the back of your mind, almost haunting you…then you might have already found your answer.
Maybe I am projecting here, but I had the same scenario with my ex-boyfriend. We started out long distance, always had sex when we got to see each other a few times a month and everything was good – and as soon as I moved in, it stopped almost completely.
I destroyed my self esteem trying desperately to figure out what the reason was; if I was suddenly unattractive to him, maybe something had happened to his libido, was he seeing someone else, was there a medical reason – for two years I tried everything to figure out how to improve our situation because I felt like absolute shit. The man was super kind, I was very in love with him, he treated me amazingly in every other area, but refused to acknowledge or talk about this specific issue. Did not want to do a medical check up, did not want to try couples therapy, nothing. Just a complete shut down if the problem was addressed.
One day I was borrowing his computer for work, saved my file to the wrong folder and when I opened it (with the tile “budget”) to retrieve it, I found a hidden porn folder with thousands of pictures and links to porn videos. Tried to rationalize it, thinking maybe it was before we met and his sex drive had plunged after. Then I walk in on him after coming home from work early one day, after not having sex for literal months, and I find him sitting on the couch with lights off, fucking candles lit and jerking it to porn. Turns out he had a porn addiction, which he had no intention of addressing or wanting to get rid off, and let me become severely depressed to the point of having suicidal thoughts from thinking I was literally hideous and unlovable. Fuck. That. Guy. Intimacy is important, it is directly linked to our self image for many of us and how we express physical love towards our partner. Knowing your partner suffers and is killing themselves over trying to solve the problem without any empathy or willingness to address that pain – that is not a kind human being. No matter how the rest of the relationship looks like.
I see someone else commented on you guys perhaps spending too much time together, and him “needing to miss you”. I say that is BS. I met my current husband right after my porn addicted ex. I cried when he touched me the first time, because it had been so long since I had felt wanted like that. We have been together almost 11 years now, we always want to be around each other, we have sex on average 4-5 times a week and I never doubt for a second that he doesn't desire me. My only regret is wasting over 2 years on my ex because it took me three times as long to rebuild the self esteem that he destroyed.
TLDR; if the issue is not actively addressed, chances are it is not worth it for your mental health to keep trying in a one-sided attempt to fix it further. At least from my experience.
Time to get your own account and have your money direct deposited. You need to take your life back. You're not a child!