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5K, 22 y.o.
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To Start on-line video press there, 22 y.o.
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To Start on-line video press there
But if you are the too kind, too patient, peole-pleaser type who 'raises' the immature partners
Or maybe she's mean, controlling, jealous, clingy or just a plain old asshole. Why can it only be the things that are “too nice”?
IDE love that thank you!☺️
“Hey girlfriend, could you be a little more specific?”
Like, you could read her comments that she wants you to be more romantic/assertive/masculine as growing a beard, buying a Harley, slapping waitresses on the butt, telling her loudly and in public how you’re going to sex get up … or that you make yourself into a dapper gentleman who brings her roses and writes romantic poetry about her …
So talk.
Dont do it. Tell him you are not interested in being tracked.
Did she go back to her place alone, and how did she get there if she was trashed? If she didn’t go home, where did she stay after the bar.
It’s early to call it a red flag in my opinion, but I definitely wouldn’t rule it out.
Also you are not the problem. What happened to you is part of your story but you are much more than that. You have the right to decide whether or not you want to be touched, in any way, and there is no such thing as “deserving” to be intimate with someone. I know it's nude to leave this mindset behind after such a traumatic event but YOU deserve RESPECT and for your consent to be taken into account. Your body belongs to you only
If you are the standard then you live with the consequences of trying to impose them on other people. No one has any obligation to online up to your standard.
And also sweet and kind to me before
Proving something in the court of public opinion is much more difficult than proving something in a court of law.
I can’t tell you who to believe. From personal experience, usually people’s trauma catches up to them and it becomes more obvious in time. It sounds like a very hot situation.
Oh, and YOU shouldn't feel disgusting! He's the disgusting p.o.s. for coercing and sexually assaulting you!
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No, you want to know the truth to be nosy. What you consider minor could be life altering for someone else. It isn’t your place to decide how to handle this situation; your husband has picked the path in conjunction with Rose’s mom. It’s your job to respect that, not open who knows what kind of issues because you’re curious.
It seems like this is a special proposal for you, but nit really her thing. Reconsider.
Why do I have to change and not the system? It seems that if everyone changed the system to stop being offended by people asking questions we could avoid a lot of unnecessary arguments. Just answer the question without feeling the need to be offended because they used “why” in a sentence.
John sounds like a psychopath, and your husband agreeing with him is its own big red flag.
White guy who's dated black women in the past. So long as I find you attractive, it don't matter what colour skin you have. You just gotta find the right kind of man. Definitely keep taking care of yourself, though.
You were 15 and they were 22???
Oh hells no! I don’t care how old you are now, NO NO NO NOOOOO!
That’s not okay
They groomed you Op into a relationship!
Omg! I’m on your cousins side full stop!
I hate to break it to you, but I have to. You have mentioned that they have lied to you many times before. So here's my advice: stop acting on what you feel for them, but on how they treat you. It it's not a big amount, give them one chance to talk about this. If you get the feeling they are lying about it, cut them off. In fact, that your gut feeling tells you to not believe them is a big sign that this person has already lost your trust. A relationship without trust is not a good one to continue.
You can withdraw your consent for him to possess the pictures.
He doesn't want support.
He wants to be able to take advantage of you and your relationship. He is not going to get better unless he wants to, and he doesn't want to. Even if you believe in the concept of sex addiction, which not everyone does, he doesn't want to stop. Ask any family member of an addict if their enabling helped the addict stop. But you know what does help you? Making and enforcing boundaries. You're doing the opposite of that.
It also sounds like you care deeply about your children. This is something I have a bit more expertise than I work in child safety. This is the sort of person who is willing to hide their compulsive sexual behaviors. That is not the sort of person that you want around your children. Not because my primary concern is that he would sexually abuse them, although that should also be at the top of your mind (does he watch porn with underage themes? If he was watching child sexual abuse material, would you know?), But he is not able to model healthy relationships or healthy sexual dynamics to them. He is a compulsive liar who is hurting you, hurting your relationship, and hurting your family. How long will you expose your children to him?
This is a bit of an aside, but I don't think it's a huge assumption to guess that If you were in the US, these are not sex workers, they are likely very young usually Asian women who have been trafficked. Good guys do not buy sex from people who have been trafficked. Especially not repeatedly.
Could not care less about what my girlfriend likes on social media, same with her about me. She has eyes, she can see, she has a right to find other people handsome, fun, attractive or whatever and like that post in the same way she would leave a like on anything else.
Why do you like a picture of food? Of a room? Of an animal? A like means nothing really. If she tried to control that i would find it disrespectful, you trust your partner or not. At the end of the day he liked a pic but choose to be with you.
Not your fault your friend and BIL suck.
Can't say I've ever invited a friend to meet my family and thought 'geeze, hope they don't destroy my family”
Well my thought is that an uncut penis is how it’s supposed to be, right? The functionality of the foreskin holds benefits for the man and the partner (woman in this case).
It's over
NTA and never put yourself at legal risk just because someone threw a baby tantrum. If he can't get something on his own for legit reasons that is a HIM problem and not at YOU problem. His need to kill things in order to bond with children is also not your problem, but it sounds like a mental health issue, imo. Is he a keeper or just a user?
I'm an attorney but not YOUR attorney. I strongly suggest that you speak with a divorce attorney today and follow their advice to the letter. You are emotionally compromised, and it's in your best interest to speak with a professional to help you navigate this. Your future and finances are at serious risk at this moment.
Probably. The soup never had a chance to make it to the containers though, lol – next time I’ll just keep a better watch on it while it cools.
If it’s only when you drink, and it’s only been two times, then the advice still stands, or at the very least you need to do learn to drink in moderation and recognize when you’ve had enough, or else accept that your lack of control will ruin your relationship.
I think single parents wait to bring around new significant others to their kids until they’re in a committed, serious relationship that they see becoming long term. I think this should apply to every relationship. If you wife’s fuck buddy is just that and you don’t expect him to be around long term or for a serious relationship, don’t bring him around your child. You don’t want her to become attached to him and then develop abandonment issues when he leaves her life.
Still not answering the question of hiding being in bed with the ex on back to back nights? You have no defence for this because we all know she fucked the ex
You’re aware that most people either go straight from high school to college or don’t go to college ever, right? The rare case is someone who ‘life gets in the way’ and then they actually make it to school and graduate. That isn’t the norm, at all. Yes, the norm is absolutely a 21-23 year old entry level engineer. I agree most engineers when you look at all engineers ever aren’t on average 23, but if you’re talking about the age at which most engineers start their first job? It’s before 25.
That makes no sense. Is writing verses about bitches and hoes somehow magically easier than writing about literally anything else?
Getting STI screening is smart. Full stop.
Trust doesn’t prevent or cure STIs and you can trust people and they cheat and give you STIs. I don’t think anyone is in a relationship expecting their partner will cheat. She needs to get over the “hurt”.
It’s a health screening. And some STIs can be present but a person is asymptomatic and it’s undetectable for weeks, months, even years. Should note that some STIs aren’t part of a standard screening and can really only be diagnosed when symptoms occur—HSV2 (genital herpes) and HPV (genital warts).
I found that out the nude way. My (ex) husband was cheating on me. Divorced. Wasn’t with anyone other than my current partner last 6 years. I get annual STI screenings with my pap as per my doctor’s recommendation. Never had an issue. Last year had a HSV-2 lesion. That was a fun discussion to have with my partner and have to explain that no, I wasn’t cheating, I probably picked it up from my ex husband.
Further, when I was exposed to HIV at work back in the early 2000’s, I had to do HIV testing every 3 mos for 2 years. I don’t know what the protocol is now but I still get screened once a year.
Anyway…it’s smart to get screenings.
Tell him no cash no ass.
Withhold sex until he gets a job
Trust me
Congratulations to get this soul poison out of your bloodstream. Your life will only improve from here.
No one said that the two of you haven't. I mean you couldn't get convinced it was yours if you hadn't slept with her. I'm just advising you that in a relationship that's only been going for 4 months. After she was very anti-baby. Now all of a sudden she's accidentally come up pregnant. I'm suggesting you get a DNA test. Otherwise you're always going to wonder in the back of your mind.
Having a discussion where you say you don't want kids yet, is not the same discussion as what you would do when one is unexpectedly on the way.