You need to drop him faster than a naked potato. 1. You should be able to masterbate whenever the f you want to. It's your body and you can do whatever you want with it. And 2. You should be able to cry in peace in your own home. And 3. You should be able to wcratch your dang leg!! Like wtf is his problem?! Does he think he own your body or something?!?! And why is he FAKE sleeping…. pretending to be asleep to catch you to do something – that's a HUGE RED FLAG. He sounds like a boring, jealous, man child. And he needs to GO.
Does he only like photos of female friends or does he generally like whatever comes up on his feed? If the latter, he's just using social media like a normal person.
i have better things to do then scroll and double tap people i know & their selfies
Most everyone has better things to do than be on social media at all, it's not exactly known for being a productive use of time. I have better things to do than scroll cat videos on Reddit but alas, I often choose the cats.
If you want someone who doesn't use social media at all that's your prerogative (though very unusual these days), but if this is just an insecurity thing I'd try to work through that because someone liking their friends' completely innocuous photos is not something that should be inspiring jealousy.
I am a woman and I work almost exclusively with men. I keep strict boundaries. I only ask after their kids if it’s some general thing we’re all discussing and I don’t go out of my way to do this. My experience has been that asking personal questions leads many to think you’re interested. I’ve never asked for photos from their weekend or vacation. This is too personal IMO.
I don’t do anything that a reasonable person would consider flirting. I don’t believe in the concept of a Work Husband/Wife. I think this is just a more acceptable way to describe an emotional affair.
Sounds like there’s a crush there on both sides. Crushes are normal and they happen. When I’ve found myself in that situation or it’s clear a man has a crush I step way back from our interactions.
Crushes are totally normal and to be expected even in the happiest of relationships. The issue comes in when someone chooses to continue down that path, which it seems your wife is.
You're not ridiculous for feeling weird, but the fact that he said “at least until the kids are out of school” is a huge red flag, and it doesn't seem to me that he sees this as forever and has already put an expiration date on your relationship. You two need to sit down and have a serious discussion about what you both expect from this marriage and your goals moving forward in this relationship. Do not agree to open the relationship if you are not 100% on board.
This one is tough without really knowing them both.
I have many female friends that talk about very private things, I even get photos of them in lingerie when they want my opinion. My partner (f) is aware of all this and even seen some of the conversations/photos, she found it odd but knows most of these women. She knows I would never cheat on her. I don't know how to explain it but I am very transparent about these conversations to my partner, she may not know the details but she knows what we are chatting about. She I guess just got used to it and knows I would never cross this line. We have been together for many years so that I guess helps.
Sometimes just saying a bunch of nice things after insulting someone doesn’t just wash away the insult and the feelings it caused.
It seems like you just want to insult me and men that you deem “insecure”. If all you want to do is insult people, then I won’t continue this conversation.
Yeah this. No one can twist the events if you send one more text saying you’ve tried to give her space but won’t be ignored for two weeks so it’s over. Sounds like she’s got the maturity of a small child.
It seems as you both are stuck in your ways. Perhaps call a truce, she stops all criticizing and you stop deferring every decision. Make a pact that you can both do this, one choice at a time, together. I wish you great luck on making things work!
I mean…. looks AREN'T that important. I understand your pain though…. but the man is in love with who you are. But I get it. I'm just not sure if this is worth losing a life partner who is attracted to your soul.
I think what his friend said about his wife is more insulting. He's attracted to her look but looks fade.
Exactly, so you need to stop
You need to drop him faster than a naked potato. 1. You should be able to masterbate whenever the f you want to. It's your body and you can do whatever you want with it. And 2. You should be able to cry in peace in your own home. And 3. You should be able to wcratch your dang leg!! Like wtf is his problem?! Does he think he own your body or something?!?! And why is he FAKE sleeping…. pretending to be asleep to catch you to do something – that's a HUGE RED FLAG. He sounds like a boring, jealous, man child. And he needs to GO.
You get into a fight: thinks you're a brute Don't get into a fight: secretly resents you for being a wuss
Lol. Ok. Possessive, controlling, insecure, and ridiculous. Get some confidence and let others love their way. Is she upset? Nope.
Does he only like photos of female friends or does he generally like whatever comes up on his feed? If the latter, he's just using social media like a normal person.
i have better things to do then scroll and double tap people i know & their selfies
Most everyone has better things to do than be on social media at all, it's not exactly known for being a productive use of time. I have better things to do than scroll cat videos on Reddit but alas, I often choose the cats.
If you want someone who doesn't use social media at all that's your prerogative (though very unusual these days), but if this is just an insecurity thing I'd try to work through that because someone liking their friends' completely innocuous photos is not something that should be inspiring jealousy.
I am a woman and I work almost exclusively with men. I keep strict boundaries. I only ask after their kids if it’s some general thing we’re all discussing and I don’t go out of my way to do this. My experience has been that asking personal questions leads many to think you’re interested. I’ve never asked for photos from their weekend or vacation. This is too personal IMO.
I don’t do anything that a reasonable person would consider flirting. I don’t believe in the concept of a Work Husband/Wife. I think this is just a more acceptable way to describe an emotional affair.
Sounds like there’s a crush there on both sides. Crushes are normal and they happen. When I’ve found myself in that situation or it’s clear a man has a crush I step way back from our interactions.
Crushes are totally normal and to be expected even in the happiest of relationships. The issue comes in when someone chooses to continue down that path, which it seems your wife is.
You're not ridiculous for feeling weird, but the fact that he said “at least until the kids are out of school” is a huge red flag, and it doesn't seem to me that he sees this as forever and has already put an expiration date on your relationship. You two need to sit down and have a serious discussion about what you both expect from this marriage and your goals moving forward in this relationship. Do not agree to open the relationship if you are not 100% on board.
This one is tough without really knowing them both.
I have many female friends that talk about very private things, I even get photos of them in lingerie when they want my opinion. My partner (f) is aware of all this and even seen some of the conversations/photos, she found it odd but knows most of these women. She knows I would never cheat on her. I don't know how to explain it but I am very transparent about these conversations to my partner, she may not know the details but she knows what we are chatting about. She I guess just got used to it and knows I would never cross this line. We have been together for many years so that I guess helps.
Sometimes just saying a bunch of nice things after insulting someone doesn’t just wash away the insult and the feelings it caused.
It seems like you just want to insult me and men that you deem “insecure”. If all you want to do is insult people, then I won’t continue this conversation.
I wish you the best.
Yeah this. No one can twist the events if you send one more text saying you’ve tried to give her space but won’t be ignored for two weeks so it’s over. Sounds like she’s got the maturity of a small child.
It seems as you both are stuck in your ways. Perhaps call a truce, she stops all criticizing and you stop deferring every decision. Make a pact that you can both do this, one choice at a time, together. I wish you great luck on making things work!
I was about to say….$25/hr is decent but I wouldn’t say rich.
yeah I see what you mean. The she asked me if I object to this thus the title. And the I also failed to mention I'm a childhood friend as well
This is the answer
I mean…. looks AREN'T that important. I understand your pain though…. but the man is in love with who you are. But I get it. I'm just not sure if this is worth losing a life partner who is attracted to your soul.
I think what his friend said about his wife is more insulting. He's attracted to her look but looks fade.
This is naked.
My son stopped sitting on my lap at around at 7. Definitely not normal, very weird.