Hi hi , ? I’m Yvette? Let’s have some fun together? the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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145 thoughts on “Hi hi , ? I’m Yvette? Let’s have some fun together? the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You're right, we avoid toxic people. My main fear is burdening her with maturing rapidly and not letting her enjoy her early 20s.

  2. I agree with you on principle. But, you know how crazy Christianity is? There are over 22,000 sects or denominations. Nine of them can agree on anything. So, religion is a sore excuse unless they're strict. Lots of people call themselves Christians and do drink to excess, do drugs, engage in crazy sexual shit, etc. When someone says they're a “a Christian” you have to ask what kind. Seriously.


  4. To be fair…I don't see anybody saying that he needs to financially support his son. A lot of people defending the father keep arguing that's what people are saying, but everything I see here, people are criticizing the father for hiring a PI, or deciding someone isn't his grandchild based on biology (would he feel the same way if this was a sperm donor kid? It sounds like it's an open relationship so it isn't really an 'affair'.)

    The problem is there's two separate issues here and everyone is focusing on whichever one they care about more – the financial support, or the son's marriage stuff.

  5. Coward. He wants to leave you for her but, wants you to do it. Free yourself from this dump him and never look back.

  6. Don’t play this game unless there’s a little instigator inside you that’s okay with possibly making the groom feel insecure on his “best day ever”. Going to give ur ex the benefit of the doubt and assume she just would have felt bad not inviting you, since you’re all a friend group, instead of her wanting drama.

  7. He knows about her past and what she was crying about was prior sexual trauma and he knew that. So yea, he can and should be held accountable. We aren’t talking about a rough day at the office here. Not to mention the lack of comforting to her for 2 hours over a video game.

  8. I agree though, if you are going to lie, you’d say you went back to a friends house and fell asleep. Which I would have not questioned at all

  9. Iré just making up stupid excuses who stand no ground because you do not want to be involved with them, not because they'll go complain with mummy. You're a HUGE AH and I hope you're single soon

  10. Are you positive that this isn’t a case of her slamming her hand down on the Self Destruct button because she doesn’t actually want to move forward with your plans?

  11. Noo, so for context she broke up with me 9 months ago, we tried being friends again and last week we were both going off for placement for 6 weeks so I invited her over to hang out – we ended up spending the night together, she asked for space and I said okay, then in that time realised I won’t be able to get over her unless we’re out of each other’s lives

  12. It depends on how often it’s needed but mostly babysitting or picking them up for something

    Sometimes I take them out to eat and stuff but that’s just something I do not really something asked of me

  13. OP said their cousin isn't invited on their date. She had the idea first, so apparently no one they know can go to the zoo.

  14. Personally. If she's dating multiple people, she isn't taking anyone seriously. This means she could be going out getting intimate with multiple people.

    This is non-monoagmy in a way, and you, my friend, are monogamous. If you're giving her 100% attention and she's only giving you 25% or less. It's not worth hurting yourself emotionally over.

    If you actually were her favorite and she took you seriously, she would go for you and just you.

    In to another comment. This isn't about “possesiveness.”l, and intact you're not being possessive at all. You just want monogamy, which is perfectly normal and not something to be vilified.

    What if you do start dating her and start learning about all of the details of the guys or other people she's currently dating…

    You do you, but put yourself first. Not the relationship.

  15. Genuine question how long would it have taken to be there for the proposal? Like I’m someone that values relaxation time, cause I’m introvert and social situations mostly give me anxiety. But if it was like a 2 hour event at most. You could have just shown up to be supportive and tell your boyfriend you gotta go home after. I can’t speak on anything about being on the spectrum. Only you and people who can relate to that can truly know if that’s a something to note here.

  16. That’s great. I was talking about myself tho. Not sure why everyone is trying to argue against what I would be comfortable with.

  17. I would absolutely not be happy with this. The fact he didn’t tell you straight up that he used to have sex with her is weird in itself!

  18. I think that’s right. She hinted to me on our last date that she was still having trouble letting go and she was still in constant communication with her ex

  19. You're worried about what could have happened, I'm worried about what could still happen! They were definitely sketchy and they know where you on-line! Get her pepper spray, get a big dog, and keep your doors locked!!

  20. Do the same and make a cool Tinder profile. As soon as you get a few matches and a couple of nice convos, break up with her and never come back.

  21. He is not blaming in any way. He just said he lost a lot of trust and it is also his good right to say he can't be with here anymore because of that. He just wrote his point of view and is asking for personal advice on his situation.

  22. Uh, keeping children in a home with a mentally ill parent is NOT a good plan.

    Source: my 'mother' was off her rocker. Still is.

  23. Let’s call a spade a spade OP, you’re nosy and want to know what happened. Well too damn bad. Respect your husband and Angel’s wishes and leave this alone. Block the family. Angel is protecting her daughter from something and you need to do as you promised.

  24. The one thing you have to remember also hon is that YOU pay for the insurance on that car AND the maintenance, if something happens to the car while he's driving it will he pay for it? Also he's racking up miles on it as well therefore devaluing the car on a daily basis, I'd think twice about letting him borrow it.

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  26. My advice would be to move on.

    Get hobbies or focus more on your hobbies. Make new friends and/or spend more time with current friends. Get into individual therapy.

    I wouldn’t like to be questioned for having friends (of any gender) either. I would cook with or engage in a hobby with friends if that’s what we liked to do regardless of how much my partner travels for work. Lots of men take female friendship as intimacy since male friendships are more likely to be surface level; this is a societal issue and not her fault. She did the right thing telling the guy no. You either trusted her or you didn’t. It sounds like you didn’t for some reason.

  27. We used to kiss a lot, but even then, when no sex was involved, it was always me who initiated.. and when I noticed that she sometimes goes two days without brushing her teeth, my desire to kiss her also faded

  28. Ya know, it doesn’t really matter if anything sexual or intimate happened. If she lied about being alone with another guy, that in and of itself is cheating in my book. I wouldn’t need to know any other info before ending the relationship.

  29. I would say I am not an alpha female I am just intolerant of men being emotionally abusive towards my mother. I would also stay as long as possible and start documentation of this guys behaviour. My mom dated a guy like this lucky for me my dad had a vested interest in his children not growing up thinking this was acceptable behaviour.

  30. It seems pretty blatant that you’re just not sexually adventurous and that’s ok. He needs to understand that. Does it make you uncomfortable when he keeps pushing that boundary? Are you compatible otherwise in terms of sexual intimacy? This might be something you need to tell him bluntly or he just won’t get the message.

  31. To me it seems like either an in depth conversation about break down of duties was not had before moving in together orrr you're changing the way that things have always worked.

    Either way, it doesn't seem like things are working. He seems to have his stance and you seem to have yours.

  32. Sounds to me you are either not that heartbroken over your sneaky wife, or you are just making excuses to remain in the marriage.

    Anytime I have been involved with anyone and they have done me wrong, I will end things at all costs just to get out of that situation. The peace of mind is always worth it!

  33. Are you really hypersexual? I think you need to deal with your shame for wanting sex.

    I don’t believe that a relationship with mismatched libidos can really work. You have to decide if you are ok with feeling rejected all of the time and if you don’t mind asking your partner to do things that they find uncomfortable.

  34. Hello /u/HowTalkAboutSex,

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  35. We on-line in a country where it's taboo for a boy to have sexual relations with boys ( and also punishable by law ). That's why I think police will be of no help anyways !

  36. Hello /u/Brave-Pomegranate-78,

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  37. When he told me, that he got the new $30 game, he told me he's selling his stuff (electronics, games etc.) so that's why he has money. He recently sold a phone for like $450.

  38. People have too much time on their hands. I’m on TikTok but it’s only because there’s a woman who posts about her experiences with her son who has a disability that’s very similar to my sons. Outside of that, I’m not interested in seeing dumb shit like that.

  39. I definitely agree with you. I never told her his salary, she just asked what he does for work and she just knew off of his job how much he makes (we’re all in the medical field so it’s pretty easy to estimate salary). This entire situation just really breaks my heart and I wish it wasn’t like this at all but unfortunately it is.

  40. Does he know you don’t plan on renewing the lease? You should tell him you do not plan on renewing the lease and your plan is to move home alone so you can save money once the lease expires. You know your BF better than reddit, so only you know if he will make things uncomfortable for you if you tell him now you’re breaking up versus waiting to move out. If you have someone mooching off you, they aren’t going to make it easy for you to leave because that’s the end of their free ride.

  41. Good for you for deciding to have a face-to-face talk about this! That’ll be the quickest, most effective way to clear things up.

    Working together doesn’t automatically make a romantic relationship unworkable or awkward…obviously, yes, the concern about breaking up is real but it can work out.

    I’m an EMT with a fire district and despite knowing full well how absolutely terrible it could end up, I started a romantic relationship with my lieutenant (my direct commanding officer).

    But you know what, we kept firm boundaries between our relationship while working and our personal relationship and we’ve been married for almost two years now, expecting our first baby, and we still work together. He’s my absolute best friend.

    Best of luck to you in this; it sounds like you guys really set the foundation for a great relationship and I hope it works out the way you want!

  42. OP for what it is worth, I didn’t get a dream proposal either. My fiancée had picked up the ring and was going to do it when we were with my family which I would have loved. He was home sick with the flu that same day and as soon as I came home from work, he jumped out of bed, rummaged around in the closet and excitedly proposed while sniffling and coughing. ❤️ Your person may have had some expectations of their own when proposing. I wish you guys the best. Think about what these other commentators have said about how your love treats you every day. No one is perfect and can on-line up to an expectation of perfection!

  43. You got support. You just don’t see it.

    Maybe he would’ve had an easier time waiting that last day if he hadn’t needed to spend the night there more than once. There was no need for that. You should have brought things to help keep yourself busy, not relied on him for company & entertainment the whole time.

  44. “no excuse for sitting in a pool of depression for 18 months”

    Looooooooooooool you say that it was some kind of holiday he took.

  45. Sorry OP but it's a lost cause..it really could mean she's projecting.

    Don't stay and find out, if she is she's just going to continue to be projecting & causing more drama…just sign them papers and do you..

    It also sounds like there's some growing up that needs to be done from her end..

  46. Same for my sister who is pregnant with her 4th. Me and her joke about her BD and his super sperm and my mother cringed. ?

  47. Op, I’m sorry about the awkwardness

    But also that joke was really funny and I’m sorry the audience couldn’t appreciate it.

  48. Life is all about the road not taken and learning to on-line with the consequences of the choices we make. You can break up with your current girlfriend of course. If she's acting like she's in love after just 30 days of dating then she's probably emotionally unwell and that would be reason enough to end it. But you can never hit on her friend. That would put her friend into a horrible position. So break up with her if you want but leave her friends alone.

  49. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I matched with him on a dating app and we have been talking for a few months now. I didn't think I'd ever get along with somone that much older than me, but still decided to give it a go. And now I really like him, I think we get along really well and would want to have smth more serious later on. He's also my first in some things so I feel like it might have had an affect on how I view him.

    However after talking with my friends they found that age gap to be huge and that it doesn't sound great. And that's making me doubt everything. And some said even if it's not an issue now, years into the relationship that generational difference might be an issue so because of that I should go with someone younger.

    So I'm not sure if I should keep on going with him or just end things because of the age gap?

    And is there anyone out there with happy long term relationships with a similar age gap?

  50. Your ages and the first sentence are enough for me to know that I can’t even read this post.

    I was you. I dated a guy nearly 10 years older than me when I was 20-21. It’s a bad idea every time.

  51. That’s incredible that she was self aware enough to teach you healthy eating habits while struggling herself. That’s something I’m always hyper aware of with my history of ED is making sure that doesn’t repeat with my child. She sounds like a very strong, lovely woman that I hope your child gets to know and understand, because it’s important for kids to see people come in all shapes and sizes.

  52. Jfc as someone with small breasts you couldn't pay me enough to enlarge them. Gross. He wants to doom you to a lifetime of pain and health problems because he's addicted to hentai.

  53. He should probably start by finding an advocacy group or support group for neurodivergent people/ learning disabilities. Hopefully, they can help him with a lot of the items on my list – and they probably have a good line on psychologists who do testing for adults.

  54. It’s not mental health. It’s cultural maturity. Lack thereof. Walk into any frat house and watch the older twits groom the younger ones. Or work setting, or HS locker room. Or boardrooms major companies…

  55. And what usually happens to the one-sided open relationships is the suggesting partner already has someone in mind and wants to cheat but not call it cheating, their hookup ends up ditching them. Meanwhile, the other partner is reluctant at first but finds a hookup that they click with, and the suggesting partner is struggling to find another hookup and is becoming enraged because the other partner likes this open relationship. From this comes the inevitable, “Let's close it again. ” but by this time the other partner is happier off with the hookup and the initial relationship goes boom.

    Read that to your BF and ask him if that's what he really wants to happen. Because that's what will probably happen.

  56. That is not entirely true. Everyone may agree she's taking advantage of me, myself included. But the most important thing – the next steps, are where there's a divide. The majority wants me to sit down with her and set boundaries, a small few want me to be done with it now and break it off.

    You can't speak on behalf of everyone here.

  57. You know why a 36 year old has to date a 26 year old?

    Cause a 30 something knows enough to tell him to fuck off the first time he tries to search her phone.

  58. Your decision was sort of correct. I presume there was evidence of enough to put her fidelity into question. You don't need to be detective or have elaborate reason for break up. It doesn't even matter whether she was cheating, she was doing things that made you feel she has.

    Of course it would easier if you have just said what it was.

  59. I’ve got 5 siblings, and we range in age from 29 to 60. At least in my family, sibling relationships ebb and flow. Sometime a couple of us will be really close, and other times we might go months or even years without much communication at all.

    I’ve been super mad at a sibling for long periods of time and then very close with that same person later on.

    All I can tell you is don’t write them off. They’re both finding their way. Touch base with them now & again, and your relationship may well reinvigorate. Almost nothing is forever between siblings. I can tell you, though, that whatever the immediate state of our relationship, I know that if everything went to hell, any one of them would be my safety net, and I would be the same for them.

  60. If you were my daughter I would beg you not to marry this man. 4 years and he’s already got a wandering eye? Your engaged and this is what he’s doing?? Come on baby girl. You know you need to leave.

  61. I never said it was unusual – it isn't.

    What's your point?

    Look at what the fuck post you're commenting on, jfc. The mature 22 definitely ready for a lifelong commitment to another person AND A FREAKING CHILD is making insanely inappropriate and disgusting comments to his wife/mother of his child.

  62. Listen dum dum, she absolutely would be in financial difficulty despite his constant help if she is absolute shit with money. If she were, say, entitled to the point that she felt he should be paying her car payments as well as her rent, groceries, etc etc. You have zero proof that that's not the case. She told us nothing about how or why she lost her job, how financially responsible she was before that, whether he talked to her multiple times about selling her ridiculously expensive luxury car that she could not afford, and so on. Keep up.

  63. Dude. He reignited a woman's feelings for him – not because he meant it, but because he wanted something from her. That is a shitty shitty thing to do already, and it'ssomething you absolutely should be thinking about. But now he's just doing it to you, too. The guy is a liar!!

  64. You need to cut the contact with your ex. This is red flag behavior. The ex is using you for attention. Either go back to your ex or cut her off and move on.

  65. Nonsense. It's a surname not a magic spell from which the grandfather can wield his apparent wizardry over their lives forever.

    Do the right thing OP. Give in.

  66. There are 3 issues that I’ll address separately:

    His current ultimatum: Yes this sounds like he plans on using you to pay the rent, this has nothing to do with you. I wouldn’t do it. Such moves need to be planned.

    Money: imo it’s not fair that he wants you to pay 50/50 or actually even more than that due to electricity when he earns more. It sounds also like you currently can’t afford it. Tell him, state clearly that you can’t and won’t and you two need to figure out a fair and doable split.

    Moving in: Do you actually want to on-line with him? Do you like his current apartment? Think about what you need and tell him your needs. Do you need a home office? If yes, ask where you can set it up and see if the solution is acceptable. Same for space for your stuff, is there enough? It might happen that you both need to move to a different apartment in order to move in together.

    And one important question for the issue at hand: has he brought up moving in seriously before the rent was raised? If not, you have your answer and also a lot more info on the relationship. Do not rush this. But if he seems receptive of the 3 issues above and ready to compromise then I’d say you can start making plans to move the relationship forward if it feels right to you- however not with his current conditions. Talk to him.

  67. As someone who went through this exact same thing in university – just break up with him and move on with your life. He isn’t worth it. I wish I had done just that instead of spending years thinking I wasn’t worth more than 2nd place in his life while he pined away over his ex.

  68. The fact that he’s a security guard says nothing about his education or his financial status.

    I’m a retired lawyer. I’ve known many lawyers who were doing well financially, but I’ve known just as many who were not. Some had gambling addictions, cocaine addiction, exes and child support payments… but some were just really bad with money. They were over spending because they wanted to on-line a certain lifestyle. I’ve watched lawyers lose their cars, their homes etc.

    I’ve known people with lesser incomes do very well because they invested wisely, bought property and budgeted well.

    Just because you’re a lawyer doesn’t mean that you’ll end up rich.

    As for education- I have no idea what education he has- do you?

    Your friends are more concerned with Status then they are anything else.

    Your friends don’t care about your happiness or security, they just care about whether or not they’d be able to brag about who or what their partners do.

    I’ve known so many lawyers who were alcoholics and cheaters it’s not even funny.

  69. If I initiate to bring dinner at her place with her kid around, would that be being pushy? I was just thinking I don’t want her to carve out time specifically for me given that her schedule is super packed already.

  70. 7 years ago, A girl said I love you to me, while we were having sex. We met each other two weeks prior. I married her last year. I Rationalize a lot of things in life. I don't rationalize love.

  71. If you don’t leave this poor excuse for a human please don’t be surprised when the physical and mental abuse continues and escalates.

  72. Your husband and your ex-best friend broke their relationships with you the moment they told you about wanting to have sex with each other. They emotionally cheated before they got your permission otherwise they never would’ve had that base to even talk to you about it. You don’t want a divorce because you want the home to on-line in with your children. You traded your need for that home with your kids in exchange for the permission for them to act on what they want but by then they were mostly dead to you. They wanted it so bad that they ignored all the signs that you showed that this was not okay and now they are all up in arms when they realized that the grass wasn’t greener. This marriage is broken. But I do want to make something clear, your family is not whole. If you stay, your kids will see and feel that your marriage is broken. They will grow up not being exposed to what healthy love looks like. I think you need to either completely separate and co-parent or come to a healthy co-parenting relationship where you live together and take care of the kids but are no longer romantically together. Don’t let them blame you for their actions.

  73. You can't stop anyone from doing anything. You have no recourse here. You decided to “make it official” with someone you know so little of you didn't even know their age. You wanted to be left alone but then made it official after “a few weeks”.

    Your whole story is suspect, and this is from you telling it in the most positive light. People are going to think what they think, and a lot of people might think this was inappropriate. Even your retelling of it makes it sound inappropriate, so I cant imagine how inappropriate the actual truth is.

  74. Maybe you could make him more comfortable by using words to name and describe your feelings more so you're not acting them out to him? That should achieve the same thing but feel less threatening.

  75. I personally don’t like them but have you seen those disposable bags you can put inside the crock pot before you put the food in so you can just throw them away after you’ve served the food and don’t have to clean the crock pot?

  76. Honey, think about how you're feeling even just considering doing something petty to him.

    Think about how many times you've told him this bothers you.

    Think about how many times he's chosen to hurt you this way anyways.

    You don't even want to inconvenience him in the slightest, he's doing things to make your life harder on purpose.

    Your problem is so much deeper than dishes. It's about self-love and self-respect. You deserve better than what he is giving you and you should be demanding it for yourself.

  77. Toys? Oh, you mean the ultimate teammate when it comes to blowing their mind and turning them into a euphoric puddle where they forget their own name?

    I’ll put it this way, I’m(28M) a pleasure Dom to a brat(23GQ) who loves to be overstimulated. Toys are incorporated into foreplay, every scene, and the big finale. I don’t feel any less of a man of my partner needs toys to help them feel good.

  78. Don't try to change people. The conditional love, that's not the basis of any good relationship. If you've fallen out of love with her, just call it quits.

    It may hurt her at first, but then she can maybe date someone who loves her for all of who she is at any size. I think she deserves that.

  79. He is your fwb. You have no committal claim on him. He may do as he pleases and so may they until you have a conversation wanting to change the parameters of your relationship. You cant have your cake and eat it too

  80. OP, a person who is suicidal is homicidal. They have no sanctity of life. This why murder suicides happen. If one is willing to take a life it does Not have to matter which one.


    Agape ?

  81. Insight – Don't marry someone who gets angry at you when they upset you. If he's not emotionally mature enough to have a conversation about hurt feelings, then he's not emotionally mature enough to marry.

  82. he was there for 6 hrs. Lets not write that off. I mean if he had of just dropped you off and then booked it, then yes I would agree with all of the comments. Perhaps there is a reason he doesnt like hospitals and had to get out of there? He stayed for 6hrs. Youre a grown adult. I was staying at hospitals for days at a time when I was 13 and my parents would literally come to visit for an hour tops and never stay the night. You had your mom with you plus another friend came to see you. I just dont think you can make this guy seem like he doesnt care, when he did 6hrs there and doesnt like hospitals.

  83. You guys talk about your common interests. Are there any that you might be able to ask if she wanted to go with you? If you’re into Magic: the gathering, ask her to a tournament or if she wanted to play during a break. I don’t know.

  84. You are the only one giving yourself negative feelings about receiving a gift like this. No one is trying to make you feel poor or less than. If she was just trying to ease some burdens for you it’s because she loves you and wants to help. It’s really sad when people take gifts negatively and make it about their own insecurities instead of looking at it from the other perspective. If she wanted to give it and wanted to help then it was done out of care and is positive. It’s not a negative thing meant to make you feel badly about yourself.

  85. You are the only one giving yourself negative feelings about receiving a gift like this. No one is trying to make you feel poor or less than. If she was just trying to ease some burdens for you it’s because she loves you and wants to help. It’s really sad when people take gifts negatively and make it about their own insecurities instead of looking at it from the other perspective. If she wanted to give it and wanted to help then it was done out of care and is positive. It’s not a negative thing meant to make you feel badly about yourself.

  86. Just so you know, for future relationships….loving someone doesn't mean you should look past bad behaviour. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you should accept cheating for example. When you seek help, I think it's also worth seeking advice on what a healthy relationship is, because your logic atm opens you up to accepting a lot of abuse. You do not deserve to be abused.

  87. She’s using you. Do not marry this snake. What you’re doing wrong is allowing someone to treat you like this. She’s enjoying feeling like she can do anything she wants and you’ll just take it. It’s self delusion and narcissism. In her own mind she’s so great you’ll both just chase her around giving her attention and compliments. That’s not love. I know smarter and better equipped toddlers. Tell her she take her pathetic phone relationship and run with it. You can both explain how she gave up her fiancé for some cheap compliments from a guy who wasn’t even good enough the first time around. What a moron.

    She’s not a good person, kind or smart. Exactly what is she offering? The memory of who you thought she was before the mask slipped and you saw her for who she actually is?

    Normal, well adjusted people don’t act like her. She’s embarrassing, don’t be played by someone so dumb. She’s in her 30’s and can’t even act as mature as a teenager. Dump her.

  88. You don't want a girlfriend. You want a stepford. You are only 20, and you have this, “she makes herself small so i can feel manly, and we cohabitate like adults except we're not” mentality.

  89. Yep 1000% he’s using her vs actually parenting. She needs to go off to college, get a job and on-line her life as far away from them as possible.

  90. He said that I was being unreasonable

    The person being unreasonable is your bf. Which you already recognize. You've been together for THREE months.

  91. You are like, manipulating yourself into being a sex toy for this gross dude? This gotta be a troll. No sane individual would write this.

  92. This has, “relationship broken, just add people” written all over it. He has been insecure, and accusatory for TWO FREAKING YEARS?! How is that a good relationship for you? How is that even tolerable for you?

    Look- I believe in open and polyamourous relationships. (I'd better, my two live-in partners would probably be dismayed if I suddenly went monogamous…) They can be good and solid and wonderful. But each of your relationships have to be sutainable and supportive -, independent of the others – otherwise all your doing is adding other complications to an already broken relationship. And from everything I've seen without your core relationships being stable- things go down in flames really, really quickly. Especially if all parties are not 100% on board with the relationship structure.

    Same yourself the drama and discomfort OP – and find someone who's not an insecure jerk.

  93. Late reply, but to answer, she chooses her b-day dinners as do I for my b-day. She likes fancy restaurants, especially for birthdays. As stated in my OP, we eat out every weekend — $100 is right around average for our weekends out (anywhere between $60 – $100 depending where we go). I planned the year's V-day dinner and yes, chose the place for the both of us and she loved it from what I could tell. Part of the reasoning I picked this place is because I knew she'd like it.

    We've been together for 12 years. Going on 13 in 2023. Trust me, I'm not picking these expensive places just because I think she'd like it, but because I know she would. Dunno if that makes sense.

  94. You owe him nothing. The context doesn't even matter. The only reason you should be with someone is because you want to be with them, and if you don't want to be with them anymore then you owe it to both yourself and the other person to not be with someone you don't want to be with. The reason you don't want to be with them anymore is your business and, despite the natural desire to have an explanation, it rarely does the person any good because the important part is you don't want to be with them and, yeah it feels bad but they shouldn't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with them either. You have every right to take as much space as you feel you need, cut all ties, or stay friends, keep him at arms length, or see how you feel about contact in a few months, the only right answer is what meets your needs, and only you can know and articulate that. I'm not saying you shouldn't be tactful and kind with your words but its nobody else's job to advocate for your needs.

    This is my, possibly unpopular, opinion.

  95. Thanks for the reply, first of all I get it man, I really do, but is this just me being such a hothead I can’t let this shit go for two days? Or am I just so over protective where I shouldn’t be? I just have such a strong bitter feeling in my chest when she feels discomfort, and fuck me i just want to make it better yk

  96. Physical gestures (like making a sign with hands) can replace a verbal word if that’s easier for you too!

  97. I don’t think the age gap is very concerning. Asking him if he is looking for a relationship will not come across as you chasing him, don’t worry

  98. Wait hold on I know it happened to people who gave their kids bleach enemas but you have any source on that happening because of food supplements ?

  99. It’s an omission, but the bf didn’t do anything wrong really. The friend and ex wife were in an open relationship, so there’s no cheating, and it seems like their whole arrangement ended before OP got with bf. So he omitted that he had previously slept with his friend’s ex, but he didn’t lie or cheat.

  100. Answered a bit above. I think she would complain about me but I also think I do put in a lot of effort with it. Could do more but see above, is this a reward, is it payment? Sounds a lot less fun if it is tied to household chores.

  101. You two are not on the same page here at all. First. Why on earth have this conversation with anyone else around but you and him. He's going to feel ganged up on and not actually speak from the heart.

    Second, seems like you two not only have two different timelines for when you should get married but two different economic realities and plans. that should be a discussion that is had separate from marriage.

    Last If you are in a rush to marry and he is not, you should move on. He's not ready. Doesn't want to be ready. A rushed marriage is a quick marriage.

  102. Living alone is awesome. Not going to lie, I miss it a ton. I bought a house when I was still single in my 20's and it was a great experience. I loved every minute of it. I decorated how i wanted and didn't have to compromise on anything. I could do what I wanted when I wanted. I HIGHLY recommend living alone for a bit just to know you can do it.


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