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35 thoughts on “Geneva the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Ew he is only 18. That’s like, the bottom of the dating pool for you. I mean, if he is the love of your life I guess go for it. But you should be aware that about one hundred million men would love to date you, do fun things with you, and communicate with you. So the only person holding yourself back is you, by begging for this losers attention.

  2. I worked dedicated for my company, home every other night and home for 34 hour reset. Insurance, retirement,. Went with same company otr,, wife goes with and We are home more often than not for resets. This company works you to death on your 70, they are fast on dispatch. I registered my bobtail as a personal vehicle for now. Oil field owner ops make good money. 4 weeks on one week off. depending where you live. Personally, paying child support will kill your business. I encourage you to explore all options to save your marriage.

  3. Psychiatrists won't seem to help much, most of them are even surprised that I'm still with her. My anxiety is still here and I'm still doubtful about leaving her.

  4. if wishes were horses

    however we only have reality

    you need to adjust your outlook and have appreciation for what you have in life.

    Today alone in the last hour !!

    I have read 30 posts from people who wish they had someone who loves them, and would have sex with them.

    you are one of the very lucky few who have a loving sexual partner in your life.

    enjoy it !

  5. RUN. Run far. Run fast. You are literally thinking of proposing to someone who is willing to end the relationship if you don't go into debt to give her the wedding she wants, even though doing so is INCREDIBLY irresponsible.

    Listen. Please listen. If she really loves you, she'd marry you in the middle of Wal-Mart just to be your wife. Not literally, but you get my gist. This woman wants a wedding, not a marriage. RUN!

  6. Jesus. Merry Flippin’ Christmas.

    Do you have the feeling that they are being purposely horrible to her? Is she in regular contact with them? Do they generally get along?

    If they are generally decent people, I’d check in with your gf first, and then I think it would be fine for either of you to bring it up. “Hey, it really hurt when I noticed there’s no ornament with my name on it. Is this something we can fix before Christmas?”

    I’m sorry. I’d cry all night too. I’m glad she has you to comfort her.

  7. Yes, it just takes a lot of patience and self control to not fall into the doubting and overthinking phase. Thanks for your comment and the heads up! 🙂

  8. tbh i would have preferred him finding me average but still marrying/loving me for my personality… he lies a lot (found out about it after marrying him), he is veryyyy hardworking but only when it comes to his goals/plans, we share similar values when it comes to having a family/children or at least he pretended that we do. but despite from that we are polar opposites i‘d say. in case you know about MBTI: he’s an ESTJ i’m an INFP

  9. New Year's Eve is a party holiday, not a couples based one like Valentine's Day. That being said, couples attend social events together.

    Why are your lives so compartmentalized?

    Is he excluding you from a NYE celebration or are you trying to prevent him from attending a party? This question makes all the difference in the world. If you don't want to go out on NYE then you're being a controlling meanie in expecting him to stay home/hangout one on one. If you want to celebrate the New Year at a party with your BF but he refuses to include you, that's a big problem. In that case he's an AH and you should be suspicious of his intentions.

  10. I thought he same thing. If something happened to my gf, regardless of time of day, location, or my condition, I’d be there with her. Hearing your husband was assaulted and in the hospital and you proceed to cheat on him. That’s not love at all. Even in a drunken state, that’s a terrible person

  11. can’t believe how many people on this sub’s advice is to just break up immediately, don’t listen to that bs. long distance is very hot, things can fade slightly, tell him how YOU feel about the situation, and that you want to spend time with him/talk to him. his answer to that will tell you what you want to hear, don’t let him just brush it off by saying yeah i wanna hangout too without any action being taken. ask him if you can visit or vice versa, it sounds like the fight has cooled your relationship a bit but it was little, i have no doubt y’all can work through it

  12. Dude, saying that you liked her nose better before will achieve absolutely nothing other than destroying her self confidence.

  13. Hello /u/throwaway_lost2468,

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  14. If she “doesn't respect anyone,” you don't need to get back together with her.

    Don't know what to tell you, dude. Girl dumped you. You haven't said one single thing that suggests you should get another chance. You definitely don't sound sorry. Now you're attacking her.

    I don't know what's going here, but it sounds like you need to do some self-reflection.

  15. thank you, admittedly when i made this post i was incredibly angry and upset, now i’ve mellowed out a little bit, im starting to see things rationally and i think this is the best thing i can possibly do.

  16. Hello /u/ThrowRA54265245,

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    [##X][##X], [## X][## X], or [##-X][##-X] where ## is the age and X is the gender (currently M, F, T, A, NB, FTM, MTF but more can be added). You can have more than two ages/genders listed, but you must have at least two at the beginning of your title. Here is an example:

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  17. Does grandma have a side hustle with one of hose MLMs? Like one that sells sex toys? I mean yeah, the gifts were inappropriate without a doubt. For some reason the idea of the mlm popped into my head. It's not an excuse for anything though. I am just curious.

  18. You are right. All Healthcare needs to have nurses, doctors, even receptionists not wear heavy perfumes. But one nurse where I work at doesn't give a damn.

  19. Maybe if he stopped trying to make her when she didn’t want to she would be more willing. Just a thought

  20. The only thing I really care about is my friend I don’t really give a fuck about his dad, I just think he’s an interesting person. I value my friend above any of this and just didn’t know if there was a solution that I’m not seeing. The job dosnt reall matter that much. Im planning on quoting if I can’t make up with my friend.

  21. No you don’t feel terribly enough for this disgusting behavior. He’s a predator, and you’ve got no morals. If you feel bad you’ll stop pursuing him entirely and cut contact. Repent. Don’t defend yourself at all. If you pursue a friendly or physical relationship with your friend’s father after this you are truly sick.

  22. You’re allowed to be upset by this and while I do think constantly consuming this type of content has a negative impact, he’s allowed to have this on his feed and in a group chat that shares it. You can’t dictate what he does. You guys sound incompatible.

  23. DO NOT DO THIS. You already reached out to her and she was very clear with you that she does not want you to contact her. If you contact her again, it's harassment.

    She doesn't owe you closure. She has asked you to stop contacting her. Stop contacting her. At this point you are upsetting her, and your behaviour has already crossed a line.

    I get that you're having anxiety and are looking for someone to give you permission to reach out again, but your ex has already told you she doesn't want to hear from you. Other people don't get to tell you that it's okay to stomp on her boundaries. Your friends and family are right; you need to give this time.

  24. Trying to think of the nicest way to ask this….but are you usually this dense or is this just wishful thinking? As a woman, I can assure you that typical women in love do NOT cut their boyfriend off. In fact, they usually consider their partner their lifeline while going through very hot moves and such. And if she was soooooo fragile and overwhelmed like you are hoping, then she would have been too overwhelmed to even think about her social media history, never mind taking the time to scroll through it all to delete only you.


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