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EXTREME_PARADISElive sex stripping with hd cam

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Room for on-line sex video chat EXTREME_PARADISE

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58 thoughts on “EXTREME_PARADISElive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Communication is key, especially in a situation like this.

    Tell him how you're feeling, but don't accuse. Lots of men are friends with women, and vice versa. My best friend is a man and we text constantly, no differently than my friends who are women.

    If he's still very much into you and none of the intimacy between you two had changed, then maybe it's an insecurity on your part that you need to work on. And there is nothing wrong with admitting that, we all have things we need to work on for ourselves.

  2. Neither of you ruined anything. This will be a big challenge for sure but that responsibility is his. He has certainly made a mistake but as you get older you learn more and more that parents are far from perfect. If you don’t process it now with him though, if you just try and go back to normal that feeling inside that made you blurt it out will return. Your reaction while under stress is pretty predictable and while I’m sure some of that was about avoiding trouble it’s also been on your mind a lot. This is a very mature situation especially about your own father. Talk to him. It will be very hot and probably uncomfortable but worth it in the end.

  3. Oh of course not. I dont plan on marriage or parenthood for another year or two. Our therapist agrees the relationship itself isn't very healthy because of everything at the start. She is confident we can move on into a healthy relationship. She likes us together when we aren't stuck in the past.

  4. No, but I do see you shifting the blame on her as if she “asked for it” by talking about sex with her boyfriend.

  5. I'm just trying to get across that, while an asexual, can have a full romantic relationship without sex, for a non asexual, that relationship will never be totally fulfilling.

  6. I would be so upset in this situation. You weren’t up to spending hours at a party because you are in the middle of finals and expressed this to him weeks ahead of time. Despite this heads up, his actions still resulted in you spending hours, not sleeping or studying or relaxing, but anxiously sitting there taking care of him. To me, this would be different from an accident or an emergency that was out of his control. Your reaction is understandable and it’s okay to not cater to him throughout the weekend as well. Giving yourself some space to relax, sleep or study is not an overreaction after the night you had. At some point you should have a conversation about all this (when he’s sober!), but if you are emotionally drained now it’s okay to say that you would like a conversation about everything, but would like to tackle these feelings and problems after you finish finals (give a firm date).

  7. The cats are bonded and will suffer if separated. Personally, if someone believes pets are “just animals,” I would end the relationship because we are not at all compatible.

  8. Found the little brothers Instagram which says he's 14 so my suspicion was right. Still not sure what to do though.

    Regardless I think this guy dropping off his 14-year old brother at a shelter likely means he is some degree of crazy. I think I'll make an updated post because this changes things significantly.

  9. i think i found the answer

    when you dont want sex your gfs are high sexual

    when you want sex your gf is asexual

    when you want sex search a gf who wants sex with you

    when you dont want sex stay by your current gf

    try to put your feet down, she is asexual, a normal and healthy sex life isnt coming to you in this relationship, break up with her, thats my advice

  10. u/throwaway19293033, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  11. u/iamt3o, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. Question regarding point 3, can that not also apply to a woman or only men can be predators in your view?

  13. It sounds to me like you dodged a bullet. Do you hear that? The child is your responsibility because you are a woman. The relationship needs a captain. He should have control over his family. Where did you find this guy, in a cave? You are much better off without him. You don't want your child picking up his patriarchal bullshit ideas.

  14. Just because she is poly doesn’t mean that she wants to bang you both. TBH, a lot of poly people shy away from unicorn hunters and consider it unethical. If she is just sexting you, she may think it’s going to be you and her only. It’s not uncommon to meet the other partner, because it establishes that they really have an open relationship and the partner is less likely to have a jealous freak out.

    Read up on ethical non-monogamy and polyamory. There are subs here. Discuss it with your bf. Then follow that advice in communicating with her. Be clear upfront that you expect it to be all three of you.

    MFF threesomes always seem to turn into drama. Which is why unicorn hunters have such a bad reputation. It’s not the sex, it’s the shitshow that comes after.

  15. I once smiled politely at a guy in a grocery store while I reached past him for something and he launched into a spiel about how we were destined for each other that I didn’t fully hear because I had headphones on.

    Took my headphones off, said, “Sorry, I’m actually gay and have a girlfriend.”

    He followed me around the grocery store telling me he didn’t believe me and to just give him a chance, so I decided to just pay for what I had in my basket and leave.

    Then he followed me to the cash register and asked everyone in the line if they thought I looked gay.

  16. You did it right. You messed it up, you paid. But your friend is also very kind and nice. Sound like a great mutually kind and considerate friendships.

  17. Texting her boss to have her take the day off is a bit of a boundary step to me. It’s her job and you need to work with her before getting her to take time off beyond their back. I’m not sure how involved her boss is in your social life, maybe you all are friends and it’s not as big of a deal as I’m imagining, but it’s her responsibility to manage the work relationship with her boss and you overstepped there. I would feel overwhelmed as well, having to deal with my partner getting into the middle of that relationship with my manager. That, and the change from being in work mode and having a mental plan for the day and having that disrupted. I like nice surprises, but I’m also a creature of habit, and changing expectations is more overwhelming especially if I’ve invested in the day going one way, even if it’s work. Life isn’t a romcom, it’s really okay to hint or set expectations and not disrupt someone’s day.

    Second, it seems like you want a big cookie for doing this, or for it to solve some problem, and she’s more concerned with the actual issues she brought up in the relationship. Like, yes, the intention is good, but it sounds like she would have rather used the time to have your undivided and active listening attention than a spa day where it sounds like you two were busy doing things and didn’t really have the privacy to talk and that spa activities are probably not the best place for an emotionally heavy conversation about the relationship. I would focus less on rehashing how this wasn’t the gesture she wanted and rather on what issues she has with the relationship.

    What’s her love language? You mentioned acts of service and gift giving are your love language, but if you’re not speaking hers, you just drug her along for a nice day at the spa gift for yourself.

  18. It's 100% ok to tell him “the financial burden of the destination wedding is out of you budget.”

    If you would go if he pays, tell him that. If not, don't suggest it.

    My good friend had a destination wedding in Panama for 5 days. About $1200 per person, all inclusive. Less than half his friends and family could make it. People know this unless they are upper middle class or higher.

  19. Oh one final thought. I know that just because this happened to me, doesn't mean it's the case here. I am child free. I tell every partner that when we're getting to know each other. Yet one boyfriend I had, after a year and a half of no condoms, suddenly wanted to start using condoms because he didn't want to get “trapped”. He left me a few weeks later. I'm sorry to say but maybe this is a similar thing and your guy had one foot out the door already.

  20. I would say, follow your first idea, go get an abortion and move on. Don’t force someone that clearly doesn’t want kids into parenthood and don’t link yourself forever to someone like him.

  21. Yeah definitely this is not a happy childhood for Mike and it’s super unhealthy for OP as well. It’s just reallly sad

  22. My dad once told me to think of dating as a test drive for a new life partner. How long of a test drive is reasonable?

  23. And you’re rooting for the guy who is stringing along an innocent woman? Telling her he wants to get married and have children, all the while being ready to drop everything to go back to his ex? Wow

  24. Once again, to repeat what I said to your other similar comment:

    To say that a cold, loveless marriage is “low conflict” greatly insults the intellect of children, especially children the age of OPs son. They will absolutely internalize the behavior of their parents towards each other, and there’s a high possibility it would effect their ability to connect and navigate interpersonal relationships in a healthy way. There’s far more nuance to marital situations than current studies could ever account for. It’s way more complicated than “two parents in same house good.” You got that info from a singular google search and it generalizes far too much.

  25. This could be a factor but more likely the pain and medical condition has stressed and worn her down. I can't imagine not being able to have sex with my fiance… But if a medical issue happened, the stress of the looming despair will definitely kill what is left of your sex drive.

  26. It’s pretty ironic that he’s saying he feels like he’s not enough, while simultaneously saying her lady bits aren’t good enough as they are and suggesting a “date” that will be extremely painful for her but increase his sexual pleasure. Gross.

  27. she’ll be working until 6pm two of the days. Am I just supposed to be held hostage at home all day while she’s at work? It just seems ridiculous

  28. Yeah I'm pretty certain it's a deal breaker for me, but I thought it might be harmless to just ask about it if he's even still open to me

  29. The boy told me after wards he was just joking. I trust my bf wouldn’t do that and if he would I believe his friends or him would tell me. Am I being naive ?

  30. No wonder your family have no time for him. You are literally living in a knife edge. He's a child with no social skills.

    Precisely what kind of life do you forsee having with him?

  31. Who told them that?

    And, again, he’s a man who got with a teenager, gets back with a cheater and immmediately gets engaged to her. While still hanging out with the girl he hooked up with—did he even tell her?

    That’s who you want to raise a child with for 18+ years?

  32. You haven’t looked for three years. And frankly, you are so incredibly young. I got out of a long, abusive relationship around your age. I spent a few years single, and they were a lot better than being made to feel awful for expressing my feelings.

    I’m 32 and I’m engaged to an incredibly kind, patient man who is comfortable in his masculinity and sometimes cries at sad movies with me. Instead of crying, most of my exes bottled up their emotions, punched things, and drank.

    I could not be happier that I spent most of my twenties single or in short relationships. I waited until I found someone who loves me for myself. J don’t have to go on Reddit and try to convince a bunch of strangers he’s actually normally a good guy. People in healthy relationships don’t do that.

  33. You tell her she has 10 minutes to give it back before you call the cops. And another 10 minutes to pack her crap and gtfo. Your fiancee is going to just let her steal from you? Yeeeah…might be time to rethink a lot more than just her mother.

  34. he doesn’ seem to care too much about what you have to say. He decides everything. You moved far away to online with his family without any support.

    I think you should try to put money on the side in case you want to move back to your country and he doesn’t want to. I don’t think he wants to move back. Don’t put too much money in the old house he wants to fix. He wants to settle there. If you want to move back it will be hard to get your daughter out of the country.

    Is your family or friends be able to give you money if you need some to leave?

    Maybe I’m too dramatic but it sounds to me now that you’re there he wants to keep you there.

    Is he abusive in any other way?

    keep contact with family and friends.

  35. You are codependent, and you need to stop. It's unhealthy for you, it's unhealthy for your boyfriend, it's unhealthy for your relationship.

    Work on cultivating relationships outside of your boyfriend, he should not be the only relationship in your life.

    Learn to self soothe, your boyfriend is not responsible for managing your emotions. That is your responsibility.

    Treat yourself with the love you expect from your boyfriend, you have to love yourself and learn that you are strong enough to handle life with or without your boyfriend.

    Consider counseling, because a therapist can help you work through your issues and what sounds like depression.

    There's also a lot of resources available online to help you learn how to stop being codependent.

  36. yeah. you’re right. it’s just so sad we were so close at having an amazing and loving thing, or at least it seemed that way for me

  37. Thanks, out of curiosity, would that insecurity be caused by the fear that you won't be enough for them or is it something else?

  38. On the other hand, I’m shocked at how callous he is about a kid dying in your ward and having no sympathy for you. That bothers me immensely.

    This is really it.

  39. It sounds like he's getting mad that you don't just know when he isn't in the mood for hugs. Call him out on it. “You say I'm needy when I try to be affectionate and get upset when I leave you alone. I can't read your mind – what do you want from me?”

    Maybe establish some sort of signal he can use to indicate that he needs space so you know he doesn't want hugs that day.

  40. Maybe there’s some weird tradition I’m missing here but why would this guy propose to you if you weren’t even together? Just out of the the blue, no dating, no intimate moments or memories whatsoever, but straight to marriage? I’m not saying this is a fake post and maybe I’m missing something, but what the fuck?

    Also, you need to break things off with ur fiancé (Incase nobody’s told you yet), it’s clear that you don’t love him, at least not in the way that love should be

  41. Contact them and let them know you are going to break up with him, and he is going to need support.


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