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Eva Jonez, 27 y.o.


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53 thoughts on “Eva Jonez the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Don't make any hot decision until you can think clearly. It's understand why you are hurt. Try to take some time away from him (without him around). Perhaps move in with a friend or back home for a couple of weeks. This should allow you to think clearly as well as judge his desire to make amends.

  2. First- please know that YOU have ruined nothing. Your DAD has ruined your relationship with him, by breaking the family's trust. If his vacation is ruined, that's 100% on him. If he feels shame, it's because he did a shameful thing. DO NOT blame yourself for his actions!

    I don't know what you did that made your mom and dad both 'gang up' on you but that honestly sounds like pretty shitty parenting. Ganging up on a kid rarely works well.

  3. You're hanging out with the person you most recently had sex with other than your husband. And on a regular basis. He has every right to ask you to stop going over there to hang out, and you are completely aware of why it is reasonable. Your friend could just as easily come over to your place, but instead you go over to where her brother will be as well and you do it knowing how it makes your boyfriend feel.

    Summary, you do not care about how your boyfriend feels. You enjoy being around another man who gives you attention and validation as well, even if there's no sex involved. You boyfriend doesn't like that you do this, but you continue anyway. Thus, your feelings are more important than his.

  4. Sorry, forgot to add this in my original post. Not presenting myself as a stud or anything. I always paid a lot of attention to her pleasure too. I wanted her to enjoy it as much as I did and foreplay and oral on my side was a big part of the play whenever we did it. She said she was satisfied, claimed she climaxed whenever we did it, through penetration or oral. Sorry for TMI

  5. I’m absolutely a gamer that’s pretty much my hobby. I beg him to play with me but we have different game types so I respect that. Im into apex, he’s into final fantasy or quest driven games. (I know there is specific categories for these games but I just don’t know them lol). And with the writing it’s like a locked diary kinda thing. Never had it as a kid so I gave it a try and it’s helped abit. I work customer service and I have a hot time letting that go when I get home so writing everything down kinda gets it out. I’ve also tried to “play tennis” with him but it’s so fucking boring I could die. But I really did try. Even made the kid through it lol we were bored silly. I just feel like I’m putting in the most effort but I know he’s trying too. It’s just overwhelming and I guess I just needed a vent.

  6. But if she was looking to use bumble for friends, why use a spam email? Also signing up for the bumble account ten mins after setting it up seems suss. Did the welcome emails say anything about joining bumble friends or dating to corroborate the timeline she describes?

    Also, there's a very big difference between deleting an app off your phone and deleting a your account profile. Many people delete and redownload dating apps but keep the profile active as a way to make it less easy to find on their phone.

    Finally, I did consider downloading Bumble for the friendship option. That said, I had a conversation with my husband about his comfort level with me using the app to do so BEFOREHAND.

  7. I honestly don’t think anyone would take being called anything derogatory or negative.

    But I most definitely took the name calling of narcissistic, egotistical, manipulative, and all the other shit she heard other idiots mention on TikTok like she a pro now.

  8. It's not an accident. He's purposely hurting you. Please call your national DV hotline, and they will help you thorough safely leaving him.

  9. I wouldn’t put someone I’ve known for less than 3 yrs as my beneficiary let alone my employer. Bf doesn’t know how to count back using his gf age to figure out the year of birth?

  10. Nope. Big nope. If she can’t cohabitate with someone who has to perform normal bodily functions, then maybe she should sleep in her own room or find somewhere else to on-line. Never in my life have I ever scolded a partner for having to go pee in the middle of the night. I’m a light sleeper, and there have been times where I’ve been with someone who snores or gets up earlier than me. There’s a really simple solution to those issues – earplugs.

  11. Then he should tell her the other women have never complained.

    Sidenote, OP is 5.5” so I believe the above statement would be true. ?

  12. What’s to talk about?

    He’s incredibly selfish. That’s him. You want to date a selfish person because you are.

    Or re-evaluate your opinion of him and reconsider if he is someone you want to invest years with.

  13. The pandemic is over. It is time to re-examine whether your family needs a SAHM. With only 1 kid to watch, it might be better to check out whether day care is a better alternative.

  14. The familiarity. She has a family that loves me and there’s this weird sense of security. I’m sorry if I seem all over the place with this. I feel like once we separate I’ll have no one in the world even though I know I don’t have anyone right now either.

  15. You met someone who is abusive, emotionally, and who tried to assault you and then made you feel bad about it. I'm so sorry, but you did absolutely nothing wrong. He took advantage of you. Have you cut all remaining channels of communications?, can you access therapy?

  16. Get couples therapy. Look, unlike individual therapy, couples therapy, if done right, is just a place for couples to establish a safer space to really begin to talk in ways they might not normally.

    Something is wrong. Being in a relationship is a special kind of vulnerability. The want to protect your partner from the concerns you worry may hurt them can cause people to leave resolvable concerns unresolved.

  17. Firing an assistant who hasn’t done anything wrong because your partner is worried you’ll cheat = massive lawsuit risk (also morally wrong- again, she was qualified for the position and hasn’t done anything!). The problem isn’t the assistant. The problem is your husband is a scumbag.

  18. She's a 38 yr old teenager who can't talk to her partner, or respect his privacy and boundaries. This isn't surprising.

  19. She's a 38 yr old teenager who can't talk to her partner, or respect his privacy and boundaries. This isn't surprising.

  20. Thank you… tonight we had a call and it lasted 5 minutes because she had to do laundry and then work…. We don’t see each other during the day because now we live! apart and that’s all we get in a day… plus I can see that she uses whatsapp, just not with me… i’m not sure what to think. But she keeps telling me she misses me and loves me

  21. This is solvable. Author and all-around angry guy Harlan Ellison provided a great answer. Send her a brick wrapped in brown parcel wrap with a card saying that it's the first brick for the bunker she is going to need to build if she doesn't leave you alone.

  22. This makes me really sad. Someone who loves you will show you off to the world no matter what your size is.

    How do I know? I’m fat and my husband adores me. He makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world ( well besides our daughter ? because honestly she is the most beautiful little girl in the world)

    You deserve better.

  23. When your best friend gets a boyfriend, you become the second best friend. This is a juvenile take but it still is the truth. Why dont you accept this simple reality?

  24. Everyone is disposable girls come and go guys come and go life is disposable just enjoy the time you have

  25. Oh. My. God.

    You need to be single for a while and learn what healthy relationships look like. This is not it. At. All.

    This is horrifying to me & I can’t imagine letting someone talk to me like that. I would not even explain why he has to get the f out of my life I would just demand it. Kick him out, block him. Don’t look back. Work on you.

  26. I’d tell them both I wonder if they even broke up or who cheated etc and it’s always ok to decide what you want to do but I’d work hot to connect with friends family and mother groups now taht feel like a fit bc it’s likely he will not be much a part of things I’m sorry

  27. I wish there was a pinned post about this with how often it comes up.

    Men often don’t care if you say you have a partner. They’ll tell you “Aw, take it anyway. Just in case. No, I insist. Where is he anyway? Come on we can just be friends!”

    It’s much easier (and safer, check out the subreddit women who say no) to just take the number and trash it later.

    What woman would tell you about the number if she planned on using it and cheating on you? Think about it real hot.

  28. You need to do whatever you feel is necessary to make your husband and yourself safe and happy. Your dads wife sounds like an immiture cunt that can't handle your emotions and tbh, if your dad knew about her dress and what not, he needs to be put in check too. That's very unfair of an adult to do to the daughter of her husband. You apologized and that should've been the end of it.

  29. He knew she was pregnant. He obviously knew he could be the father, even if he didn’t trust her. He left and never followed up.

  30. He is verbally abusing you. Love = respect always, and he does not respect you or love you. Instead of being supportive of your life and your goals, he is putting you down. So why do you give him love and respect but not expect the same in return? You are only worthless in his eyes. You need to stop listening to him and find self worth in your eyes.

    Maybe the answer is just to separate. You will learn how to on-line on your own once you are on your own, and eventually find a boyfriend who respects you. Please think about this.

  31. You know what? His family is right, he should get more “p***”…. that's *if he can.

    Either way he definitely should lose any and all access to yours OP. Get away from this waste of a man and his gross family. That is if the family actually said this at all. Either way your bf is a dick who's looking for an excuse to cheat. He's playing games with you so do yourself a favour and remove yourself from the game board.

  32. Wtf? Why even consider it. If my brother did that to me he'd be wiped from my life completely.

  33. Losing a parent is really a much bigger deal than ending a relationship with a girlfriend. I assume she has not lost a parent yet? She isn't very sympathetic with what you might be going through.

    You might propose a break of a week or two, where you both agree to remain committed and exclusive for that time, but give each other space. I think it might do you both good.

  34. What were you expecting him to be able to do with a slipped disc? You can barely move with that


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