David Sahueso the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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David Sahueso, 18 y.o.


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30 thoughts on “David Sahueso the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. To me, it sounds like she has some kind of mental disorder. In many ways, I feel your pain. It's hard to let go when you truly love someone. Especially when the mood swings come from chemical imbalances. The things that are said during the nude times are very hot to ignore and can cause severe emotional trauma that can last years. It creates deep anger, resentment and worthlessness within oneself. It can lead to self destructive behavior, the inability to concentrate on the important things like family values and self worth. Knowing that this behavior comes from a place that cannot be controlled by the person displaying it lessens the sting a tiny bit. But hurtful words still hurt. Trauma is still traumatic and still causes pain. Nobody deserves to be treated unfairly. We all deserve to be respected.

  2. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So my girlfriend 2yrs and a half says she would find it disrespectful if I went with my friend girl that I met way before her to a concert. Me and friend have went to 4 concerts( even when she had a boyfriend) And we’re respectful about that. Me my brother and her already bought tickets for next April. Is my girlfriend acting insecure? Should I not tell her and just say it’s just me and my brother going?

  3. There's been a ton of posts here that are SO into getting verbal consent (and now it's even come to written consent) to engaging sexually with your partner that it's really turning into being spontaneous romantic/sexual into basically being a rapist.

    KNOW YOUR PARTNER. If it is something you think they may or may not be into, don't do it….but if you know them well enough to 'risk' a SA charge by doing something like kissing them, grabbing their ass in private, or initiating sex with them while they're sleeping….then what the fuck ever.

    I brought up this topic with my partner a week or two ago and how we never declared boundaries or verbal consent….and how I would just slowly wake her up sometimes sleeping by groping her or feeling her up…or whatever and she would slowly wake up and get into it.

    We never had a discussion about this, she's never not enjoyed it or said anything negative about it. I just know her. I know her boundaries and what she likes/doesn't like and it's never been a problem.

    I've never been woken up with her giving me a BJ and we never discussed it but I absolutely would not care or accuse her of SA for being horny before I woke up….BECAUSE SHE KNOWS ME.

    If anything, I might do the same thing she's done before and asked to stop for a second because she's realize she has to pee first. Otherwise….it's turning into an impromptu sex session….and that's what works for us and there's never been an issue with.

    This might sound like it's giving a green light to try stuff undiscussed with new partners but I would also not recommend that until you've been together long enough to know they're not going to feel like it's rpe when you're doing *anything without verbal consent.

    Sometimes stopping and asking, ” is this ok, or is that ok” really takes the romanticism/fun out of it. KNOW YOUR PARTNER, and if you're unsure, THEN ask.

  4. Just go fuck someone else, preferably better looking, and see how your wife feels. You’ll honestly probably hear the real truth then

  5. When i have topped i think its nice to see their reaction. Like all my feedback for what im doing that works or doesn’t work is gonna be on my partners face

  6. The whole problem is that she ignores me when I say that I don't want to go and acts as if she knows better. My friends do wish me to get better, and they don't badger me with request to go out with them in the same breath when I tell them I can't. If you think this is “sort of petty and small mother child issue” you are welcome not to waste time on this post. I am trying to repair my relationship with my mother as I am starting to see it going down the drain because I feel like she's not considering my feelings for a lot of things, and this is just one situation among many. I want advice on how to try to communicate better with her and thought strangers could bring a new perspective. I don't really count someone telling me that my problems are irrelevant as constructive advice.

  7. My partner telling me that they want me to make a change simply because they feel it’s unfair to them, in a situation like this would be unreasonable. I do not think that that is something that changes with age. It is not reasonable for me to push others to change, just because they can afford to do things I cannot.

    I feel like the real question here is, would he feel the same way if he too had an inheritance? Would it be so important for her to go out and have a career, if he didn’t have to do it either?

  8. Ok. I'm sorry if I creeped you out. I'm a mom and you sound like you are hurting. No worries, but DM me if you change your mind.

  9. When I found out I was having a daughter, my jaw dropped and I very loudly said “ah fuck” while my s/o jumped around happy. I wouldnt worry about it too much. Just enjoy the new kid 🙂

    And because reddit is always negative: I am very involved with my daughter and love her very much. She’s not a disappointment at all.

  10. A fool and his money are easily parted! Your girlfriend is a user, a leech, a moocher and a con artist. She’s found the perfect mark. She has you convinced you need to pay alimony and child support for someone else’s kid after she dumps you. She’s good!!!!!!

  11. I remember this guy!!! LOL

    Pregnant gf, 2 months dating, insisted on no condom and 5 kids by 3 guys at 27–soon to be 6 kids by 4 guys (including OP).

  12. I think you’re going to need to find someone to talk to him. Any cousins or extended family who would be safe to call upon?

  13. Thanks for your comment, and sorry about the messy storytelling just a lot of details to cram in there. I suspect she may have cheated then, but I never was able to verify and she was across the country so even when I did see her next she very well could’ve sanitized who phone. I do believe if she did it was just making out, since I talked with with as she was leaving the party. Since that nigh she hasn’t touched alcohol without me their, and is now not drinking at all because on two occasions after that party when she’s drinking she’ll accuse me of random things and punched me in the face saying that I don’t love her. I don’t believe she would intentionally cheat, or is continuing to if she did previously. As you said it would be suicide. However every time we move past something there’s a new thing that will come up that’s making me feel more and more like she’s not with me for me, but what she gets out of it. What I’d do if I come to that conclusion I don’t know I’m thinking about it now.

  14. He doesn't love you, he wants a hard young date to care for his children so he doesn't have to. Sorry.

  15. Of course he didn't want to but he was willing to. He told her the general idea of what he did and offered to give more details and she declined. She has a right to her feelings about it but I don't see how he did anything wrong as far as disclosure goes.

  16. What made him think he was in a position to purchase a home if he didn’t even have the money? Why? WHY? Would you lend him the money?

  17. You don’t need to make him understand anything. It’s not your responsibility to make sure that he understands why you want to break up with him. There isn’t a box that you are obligated to tick to say “Other person understands reasoning”.

    You have done your best to explain it. If he doesn’t understand, too bad. You aren’t obligated to stay in a relationship just because he doesn’t understand why you are unhappy & want to break up.

    You don’t need to argue back & forth and come to a mutual understanding or agreement. It doesn’t need to be a discussion.

  18. You said, “Watching porn is totally cool in my book, go nuts.” Then what's the problem?

    He didn't do it in front of you. It was on his phone. YOU went looking and you found what you didn't want to find.

    If you need a guy who doesn't look at porn, then this guy (and in fact most other guys) isn't the guy for you.

  19. Tbh, I knew that the best friend had to be a girl from the title alone. This seems like a classic case of the girl best friend being in love with your bf.


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