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40 thoughts on “Darina the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I mean yes I don’t want to do it but at the Same time, I shouldn’t let my insecurities interfere with my relationship. I love her and don’t want to tell her no. She’s already done so much for me. I want to pay it back

  2. It's understandable that the past traumas you experienced are having an effect on your current relationship. It's important to talk to your boyfriend openly and honestly about your feelings so that he can understand why you may be feeling jealous or worried in certain situations. Make sure to express that you are not trying to control him or make him feel bad but that you just need him to understand the emotions you are going through. Asking him to stay open to your feelings, even if he doesn’t understand them, is essential to helping you work through this. Additionally, you might benefit from seeing a mental health professional who can provide further support and help you develop skills to manage these traumas.

  3. Sometimes chemistry doesn’t go to deeper levels and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt, but it should help you find some clarity and what it is you actually need in a relationship. Take some time to mourn this, look deeper at what was missing, and be grateful for the love and kindness that you two share for each other. You’re going to be okay

  4. He doesn’t respect you so you need to respect yourself. Dump his ass. A petty part of me says Don’t tell him he’s diseased. Let him get d!ck cancer and his affairs partner.

  5. thank you. But honestly it was kind of easy. She is a romantic and dreamy girl, who loves those old movies where the girl opens the locket with the black and white pic of her beloved who is missing at war

    thats where I got the idea

    Another thing I wanted to do was to pay for the printing (it was a very laughable sum, like, 25 dollars?) of her poems. She writes poems and wanted to publish them but didnt know how. I knew a website where they do that for a few dollars, and you can choose the cover yourself and it looks like a real book. But I couldnt do it, cause I needed to ask her for her poems, so that wouldnt have been a surprise anymore

  6. Record him saying that, preferably on video, then when he tries something you upload it across all of your social media accounts and tag everyone in that's even slightly related to the drama – then when he tries to back up his bullshit you upload your chat logs for all to see. Tell your bosses what he's up to, if you're your own boss then before you break up with him make sure to change your passwords on every account you can think of and then do the same with any devices you have.

  7. of course it’s fair. she wanted to do this and is using you. i can guarantee she is going to ditch once everything is complete

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  9. Omg, this is so dramatic??? He didn’t say any of that at all, youre just making a million assumptions about this situation. My parents got these for us for Christmas, and there was not a single thought in anyone’s minds that this was the intention. A lot of families get the dna tests, especially for Christmas because they are interesting! The world is not always out to get you, and nothing at all in this post points to him questioning her fidelity in front of the children to embarrass her, it’s literally just her perception of it as she hasn’t even brought it up. The kids are probably excited as hell to figure out where they’re from as they have varying traits. It’s not like he only got the one child a dna test, because then MAYBE I’d see where you’re taking these gigantic leaps from

  10. Hello /u/Busy-World-5325,

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  12. How long did they date? How long ago? And how long have you been dating? It is perfectly ok for you to be uncomfortable with her meeting up an ex.

  13. 100% stop the process. If he needs a translator he can pay for one.

    Absolutely do not stay in a relationship w someone who is OBVIOUSLY grasping for a reason to divorce but keep his business and citizenship. Leave, go stay w friends. Make him regret using you because that is what he is doing. Thank God you found out before he was complete w his stupid plan!

  14. Damn, I'm so sorry. In my opinion (and as a victim of abuse myself), you did nothing wrong. I hope you can move on and heal.

  15. Is he manipulating actual people? That would be straight to divorce for me. Looking at porn is fine, but getting in contact with people to get nudes is not. Ans lying is worse.

  16. He accused you of cheating. Treats his child poorLy. Treats you like you’ve done something wrong. Not sure why you are staying. Get the DNA test as it will help your child support case

  17. run. RUN.

    Not only did he fantasize about sexually assaulting you, he fucking explained it away by not having the opportunity to?! Girl, if you hadn't gone willingly he would have fucking taken you. That is psychotic behavior; he needs to be in jail or institutionalized.

    It's possible that he's actually done this to another person. Report this to police immediately. This could be an unsolved rape.

  18. Thank you. I hope I do as well. Do you know what would be a good way to phrase things to her if I decide to give an ultimatum about what is happening?

  19. Again please dump her so she can find someone better.

    What are you going to do if you get married and have kids? Force the woman to attend your family holiday but refuse to attend hers? Force your family to separate on Christmas so that you can do your own thing? You don’t need to be in a relationship.

  20. You’re a 22 year old adult woman. You can do what you want, their fundamentalist oppressive bs aside. You also don’t have to tell them about your bf, and if I were you, I wouldn’t tell them shit until you’re independent.

  21. Update. The case was just dropped yesterday and we couldn't be happier. We both quit drinking for the past few months and things are better between us than ever.

  22. Yeah, I wondered too, because if his child was born from statutory rape it's a whole other layer of issues there.

  23. They got married 3 years ago.

    22 – 3 = 19

    26 – 3 = 23

    They started dating 5 years ago.

    23 – 5 = 17

    26 – 5 = 21

    Hope that helps.

  24. Seems like an addiction in my eyes. If he really can't stop then it is an issue.

    You are put on the side because he needs his rush. He is gonna need help with it and he has to admit what it truly is.

  25. This is way, way less, a relationship advice question and more a legal advice question.

    You need to figure out how to get out of your lease asap. If you move in with him you should fully expect your life to be on pause for a year, yes. Yes, it was very dumb but hopefully you learned your lesson. The worst mistake you can make now is procrastinating on finding a way out of your lease.

  26. He even saw me as a suggested friend, and said 'look it's you!' But didn't hit the add button. And tbf when he asked for my socials I only gave him my instagram account cos I was most active on there (and this was before we started dating). But yeah I might hit that send friend request button and see what happens.

  27. It sounds like your husband is a solid guy. Maybe he didn't think it was worth a conversation as he removed himself from the situation. I'd drop it. He sounds like the kind of husband every woman wants.

    Bringing it up just causes unnecessary drama. He did nothing wrong.

  28. I am so so sorry dude, she is self centered, and made your family tragedy about her. This would be a deal breaker for me.

  29. If you want a stay at home parent so bad, you stay home. It is NOT an easy job and makes a lot of women miserable. If she wants to go back, don’t be a selfish husband and demand she gives up her career to take care of you. Especially if you don’t have a prenup that explains terms of one parent stays home

  30. A relationship is a partnership.

    This is neither a partnership nor a relationship.

    He is someone who exercises a great deal of power over you, and that is it.

  31. I feel like you are wired to want kids or arent, you can never really explain it to someone on the other side of the fence.

  32. Your husband is a complete man child and seems to think that he can control you. Everything he is saying and doing comes across as a serious red flag to me.

    I'm the breadwinner in my relationship, I'm also the one most in shape and have expanded upon my hobbies (gaming also), and my husband just leaves me to on-line my life and supports me, whilst also living his life. Hell, he wanted kids, and I wasn't prepared to give up my career, so he became a stay at home dad.

    This isn't how it always was- we used to be on equal salary footing, both did nothing but play games both overweight, I had crazy hair, piercings and tattoos (only hair has changed – back to my natural ginger) – people change over time and if you're not willing to accept that, then you need to accept a break in the relationship.

    Don't be with a man that tries to control you, belittles you, and believes that he has a final say in what you do.

  33. It’s not the only concern, she did not go to a party, and I clearly stated that I have never seen her act this way. She goes to her friends apartment and all of a sudden she’s stressed??

  34. It seems like she simply doesn’t want to be intimate with you. Has she has sex before? From a woman’s perspective it’s pretty scary to have sex for the first time. It hurts. And, honestly, most men don’t seem to care.

    I would see if she has a timeline or if she’d be willing to set a timeline with you. That way you can both go really slow leading up to penetration night. Prior to that you can do a wide range of other things to get more comfortable.


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