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Cutie pie Izumi, ♥ Tits rules the world, 19 y.o.


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154 thoughts on “Cutie pie Izumi, ♥ Tits rules the world the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Also, you seem in need of some sort of support network. Reconnect with people back in old place through live!. Get friends at a new place and spend some time with them, seeking outside opinions on what's happening in your life. Obviously in the end you make up your own mind, but don't be alone with relationship that seems to be turning abusive.

  2. I don’t think you’re confused. I think you’re hurt and need time to heal and grow from this relationship. I’m sure you’ve probably heard the saying “love is like a drug” — and like most drugs, once you go cold turkey, there’s a withdrawal process until you no longer crave it. I think the confusion comes from lack of closure. Her way of bringing you “closure” is backhanded because she’s protecting her feelings and conscience so she doesn’t feel guilty for hurting you. You may not match her standards and preferences but it doesn’t make you less of a person. You’re young, in your prime, and have plenty of life to live!. Life doesn’t come with a setup guide, but one thing’s for sure, everything happens for a reason. She made it abundantly clear that she’s not your person and that’s okay because believe it or not, YOUR person will never make you feel this way. There’s some closure in that.

    My suggestion; pick your crown up, focus on yourself (self love, restoring your self esteem/confidence) and don’t force the healing process. Work on becoming the best version of yourself and love will find you.

  3. You are 19 dude. Are you going to die with 30 or why are you in such a hurry? You like her and enjoy spending time with her. So relax and make memories. If it evolves it evolved and if it doesn’t its still non wasted time.

  4. He’s probably telling the truth. What does he have to gain by lying?

    Likely, he couldn’t tell you before because he had to be loyal to his gf, ur gf’s confidant. Now that they’ve broken up, he doesn’t have to keep her secrets anymore.

    And if ur gf cheated… who’s the #1 person she would tell? Not you, but likely her best friend. And the best friend… is gonna tell her own boyfriend if they were close. So it’s very reasonable that this guy would have that information, accurately, if she did cheat.

    So she probably cheated. You should look into it.

    And even if she didn’t cheat… you have nothing to lose by looking into it. Even if it were false and your girlfriend were 100% trustworthy, this is a believable accusation so it would not be a breach of trust in the relationship to look into it.

  5. That’s an interesting thought. He’s usually pretty vocal about his strong opinions, but hasn’t expressed this perspective

  6. He sounds responsible, but break ups can bring out the worst in people, especially regarding money. Just know if you do you, you could be on the hook for the loan.

  7. Do you have any advice on initiating? I really struggle with even what to do. I feel so dumb bc we’ve been together for 6 years, but this is something I’ve struggled with for our entire relationship

  8. No but I have said it to her as well. He got no business defending people he barely knows over me. If someone was hurting me he was going to run away hiding but when it is about other people he thinks its okay for him to compare me with Mass Murderer (Putin)

  9. Don't leave your family. Love dies at some point, feelings fade away and people change. Not to mention she's still too young for relationships and she will definitely change after some time.

  10. There’s a book called Healing Sex (a mind body approach to healing sexual trauma) by Staci Haynes. It’s quite full on and might be a bit triggering but each chapter has activities you can do to reconnect to your body and sexuality.

    Might be worth a read.

  11. I can't tell if this is a wind up post or not because you keep digging.

    You started dating when you were 18 and he was 31. He now flirts with your sister who is 18.

    The man has zero respect for you and will continue to manipulate you and emotionally abuse you until you realise what's going on.

    Random strangers on Reddit can tell you this but we can't learn it for you.

  12. It could have been a lot of things. Let’s say she did set out with the intent of calling him. She clearly changed her mind, got discouraged, Felt bad, whatever. She then asks op to look at her bill and he decides to super sleuth, and questions her about something that never should have been brought up to begin with. I’d honestly would have broken up with him too.

  13. I can't be vulnerable because every time I've been people make me regretting it… Sorry I shouldn't even post this, looks like I'm not ready yet.

  14. i hope you dont take this the wrong way, but i would recommend doing some reading on both attachment theory and narcissism. i think you may learn a bit about your own tendencies. id also consider seeking out a therapist to discuss this with, because you described behaviors that are typical symptoms of some more deeply rooted issues.

  15. Using it as an emotional hold on you. She will retract in and say the opposite again soon to fuck with your head

  16. WASP means White Anglo Saxon Protestant. It doesn’t say anything about money or social class. So even though you are also Irish Catholic, you are by definition a WASP.

  17. Here’s the thing. It may escalate, it may stay the same. But are you scared now? Cuz if you are – and you clearly are – then the real question is, “do I want to live! in fear?”

    For me, I don’t. Which is why I left my ex of five years who used to do this exact thing. Even if it never ever progresses to hitting YOU, the very fact that you’re even wondering about that is a terrible, terrible sign.

    I wouldn’t move in with this person. No adult who brings good things to your life will routinely scream and destroy things in fits of rage in front of you, “even if” he never hits YOU.

  18. He told me he doesn’t do one night stands or fwd. that was in the summer when we first had sex. Then 2.5 months ago he asked if I wanted to me more and I said yes and he agreed. He even said I love you first, but now he doesn’t say it unless I say it first.

  19. She is not as normal as everyone else but I sometimes feel like I'll never be able to make her happy no matter how very hot I try, I even put her calls over my family but…I just don't know what to do so I posted this I just need some help cause I don't want to lose her like my heart just won't give up on her…Iam really lost as to what to do and what to not do .

  20. Didn't she reject him ? Didn't he move on ? Were they ever dating ? I think the saying ” misery loves company ” is pretty accurate

  21. It’s not being ‘emotionless’. Sex is allowed to be important in relationships. It’s not going to be a priority for everyone, because not everyone’s the same. But for certain people it IS a priority, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not toxic, it’s not a lack of love, it’s not a lack of emotions.

  22. Just read the edits – you guys are fucking insane if you think this level of manipulation will change. If the rescind money I wouldn't put it past them to bullshit about grandma. Put your feet down all you want, they'll pull the rug from under you when it suits them

  23. Apologize to her for making her feel so bad about what she did with that guy. Tell her that you were actually pissed at yourself because you had been sleeping with someone in those 3 days. Say that you had good fun with her and felt great for those two days but then, you felt that you did wrong to her but after hearing that it was not cheating as you guys were done for those three days, you are now feeling better. See how she reacts to it.

  24. I find it kind of interesting too that you state “I’d have nothing” not “I wouldn’t have my cat.” This feels like it’s about more than the pets…do you really want to move? I feel like maybe you’re a bit resentful of the fact that you are doing all the sacrificing and want him to sacrifice something. As I understand it you’re moving into his home, yes? Asking him to preemptively re-home his dog is incredibly unfair.

    Also, I have 2 yr and 1 yr old border collies and if something happened to my marriage and my new person asked me to re-home my pets, that’s a deal breaker sorry.

  25. >explain to her why you did not show love similarly. That wasn't showing love, it was a messed up behavior because i was being mistreated.

    >I'm hoping that you at least shower your current partner with affection if you don't shower her with gifts and vacations…

    Why? Why do i have a “debt” because of my previous relationship?

  26. Thank-you.

    It is not easy, by far.

    And all of the trials and tribulations we went through to get here were definitely learning experiences.

    Again? It's a choice.

    And it has taken years of love to face those choices with open hearts.

    Don't misunderstand me. There have been days where I feel like tearing my hair out.

    And I remember a list we made before we got married. And on that list?

    Divorce is not an option. Never will be.

    In the end? It is worth it.

  27. The relationship is doomed cuz you showed him yourself at your most vunerable and all he could do was asked for a blowjob

    Thats not respect and no wonder you have trust issues with him being all handsy aswell

    Please dump him cuz if he does it now it wont get any better, on this topic and likely a lot of others aswell

    Dont waste your time on trash

  28. Tell her that if she wants the sex life to improve then the rest of the relationship has to aswell, the constant argueing recently has turned you off of sex, thats fair and if she doesnt want to fix the issue then the relationship is doomed. If she is threatening the relationship because of a lack of sex for 3 weeks shes not invested in it and it might be better to leave.

    Also love how if a women demands sex the comments say how she values sex, if a man demands sex he is manipulative, controlling, an asshole, all horrible things but a women doing it makes her a responable person, keep showing double standards reddit ??

  29. What if I’m the abusive one and was being mean and she is just reacting?

    Violence is never an acceptable or valid reaction. The only scenario I can see where violence would have been acceptable is if you had started the assault on her and she defended herself.

    Seriously, this is the sort of thing most people grow out of as young (i.e. pre-teen) kids; your sister is 22, there's absolutely no way she should be using violence to address her perceived grievances.

  30. I think you need to get help. And right now that is more important than the relationship. You need to be healthier in order to have a chance of having a good relationship. Work on yourself first, then try a relationship.

  31. u/jreyes37407, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  32. How's that even possible. There are so many young dudes looking for women in their 40s – probably not all for sincere reasons but still.

  33. Arguing with you from small things means that she has at least an EA… But from here, to swx in your house…? What happened to her?

  34. u/mcqueenart, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  35. Hello /u/anonone1995,

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  36. “One of the reasons it hasn't went well is because his relationship with his child's mother impedes him from ever progressing in any other relationship, due to the fact that she is resentful of him and has never found a relationship outside of theirs”

    Oh, honey. Oh, you poor naive soul. It's this way because he wants it this way.

  37. Just tell him you’re done. He won’t be heartbroken. He doesn’t even know you (he assumes things about you that aren’t true).

    It’s really but a big deal. You have nothing to feel badly about.

  38. I found out the first week of December that he cheated on me back in October when I was on vacation with my mom.

    Funding his life-style and staying when he cheated.

    She didn't ask for 1k in gifts. She asked for 1 $150 gift

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  41. Her excuse is not justified. She isn't a prostitute she is your gf. If she knows your last name, you should know hers. Even if it's the best case scenario and she's super wealthy or related to a celebrity, you would still want to know and it's super dodgy that she is more comfortable bringing you to her own home than telling you her last name.

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  45. Thank you. I'm working on myself, I think it will be nude to let him go if that's what I need to do and I keep waiting and hoping he'll see the light and want to change.

  46. It's an age gap, but she's 27. She's well into adulthood at this point, and should have a good chunk of life experience under her belt. And plenty of women have issues with sex and pleasure, sadly. That has to do with societal problems and education, not her being too naive for a relationship with an older guy.

  47. It's totally ok for him to want that, it's totally ok for you not to want that. Leave if you don't.

  48. Why are you with her? If she wants marriage and you don’t this will only end miserably so better to end it now when there’s still a small chance of being amicable after.

  49. The thing when being in person is that you are EXCLUSIVELY reserving your time to that person, but when in message you may be doing a lot of other things, so not dedicating your time to one person or a few people

    If it makes you feel used or that she owes you her time to answer in a steady manner to everything you say it would be better if you let her know and just break the friendship or take it to a less tightly one where you arent expecting that from her. But for the way you are talking about her just be honest at this point

  50. If she’s expressing doubts then support her, ask her if she wants out and help cancel things if she does.

  51. I was leaning towards being on your partners side for the first half. I would want to be there for my family too even if it was my wedding day. But reading further on, it's pretty clear that his brother is mentally ill and needs help with that, not scans or operations. This is clearly going to be a recurring thing and he needs to sort it out or at least stop dragging your partner so deep into his problems

  52. “Looks like you two don’t know how to communicate”

    Do you think that we would still be together after 6 years if we didn’t know how to communicate. The fact that we are communicating about this and trying to resolve this is evidence to suggest, that at least in part we do.

    “You need to listen to her…”

    I’m not dismissing her this whole post is designed for me to try understand her point of view?

    “First discuss all relationship issues with her first”

    No. I’m not willing to do that. Take the extreme case of me being emotionally abused. It’s not a good idea for me to talk to my abuser about them abusing me cos I can potentially be gaslit into thinking that everything is okay.

    “Do exactly what she asks me to do” ???? Elaborate on this one please. Not sure what you mean by that.

    “You should stop gaslighting her” Please explain how I’m gaslighting her? I’m not sure I understand.

    I do usually talk to her first, but that’s not the issue. She has a general issue with me talking to my friends at all. This was only example she mentioned. I’m allowed to decide for myself who I talk to about my own feelings. No?

  53. Why wont he make her buy his half out and get his own house? This is fucked. Why would you marry this guy?

  54. You deserve someone who makes it plain you are a priority. I understand that work and life happen, but he's effectively pushing you out of his life in any kind of an important way. Time to make yourself your priority and leave him to do his own thing.

  55. If suspicion hasn’t been an issue in the past, why do you seem so sure that she cheated in the past? Something doesn’t add up here.

  56. You just don't get it… He told you not to say anything for a reason… If You being his gf can't fcking keep your mouth shut what makes You think other people will?

    Theres nothing to fix, it's done, he will forever be known as Peter McPegged, unless you can time travel the damage is done.

    I don't care about how You feel or what your fucking intentions were, actions have consecuences and your inability to keep your mouth shut has caused bullying to be added to the list of shit sándwiches your bf has to deal daily… Just one spot below his sister death, he probably Will end up with chronic depression from this.

    Congrats OP, i hope it's a good gift, a watch, pair of shoes hemorrhoids cream, lube maybe?.

    Girl you are NOT ready for a relationship if you can Even do the basics of keeping your partners embarrassing secrets that he shares with You, and just to rub it on some poor girls face when She's expressing how down on her luck she is with her bf, don't even think For a sec You are a good person cuz You are NOT, You may feel buterflies and rainbows on the inside and think that means You are good, but your actions screams you are a thrashy person.

  57. Thanks for your response, I appreciate it. The chemistry is definitely on both sides, we’ve talked about it. I feel protective over her and it makes me angry that she is being mistreated. I don’t want to just cut off all contact because I’ve definitely developed feelings and I genuinely care about her well-being.

  58. Talk with your parents and explain to them that your “husband” is demanding you to have threesomes with his previous girlfriend in which case he’s more than likely is still smashing currently. See if they’re willing to help you away from this guy.

    Your life and the baby’s life is in danger. This chick and your husband could’ve contacted hiv/herpes/syphilis recently and have no side effects as of yet.

    If your parents still refuse to help you out, start contacting shelters, especially domestic abuse shelters. Your husband is mentally and emotionally abusing you currently and if he ever had put his hands of you, then physically.

    These shelters will help you get a food card, cash money if you don’t have a current income, schooling if wanting to further your education, along with having a lot of programs set up to help those there, yourself included, including sec 8 programs. Try going to a shelter for women only. You being pregnant will almost guaranteed entrance. If there’s a waiting list, get on it. Get on multiple waiting lists.

    As for the section 8 programs, some will not mention it to you until after monitoring your behavior and seeing your adhering to their rules there, typically around a couple of months, give or take, they’ll take you to the side in the office and give you the option of taking it.

    With the voucher, you can start going house hunting for you and your baby. If given this wonderful gift, don’t mess up by letting the father move in with you right away. He must prove beyond a reason of doubt that he has change his disgusting ways. Plus there are rules you must adhere to concerning having people living with you. Their names must be added to the section 8 voucher. Plus if he start acting up again, in which I can almost reassure you that he will, it’s going to be hell getting him out of your home.

    Family are not always family if you get my drift. Sometimes a close friend can become more family than blood ones. It’ll be great if you could have your family support, but you’ll be okay without your family support as well.

  59. This is a great way to tell your boyfriend. If my partner said something like this, it would give me more respect for them. Some people may react in a controlling way and try to make you stop seeing clients and then switch professions. I think your partner's reaction would also be a test of how reasonable they are and whether you truly see a future with them.

  60. If you’re not willing to leave for yourself, then leave for your child. You’re practically a single parent at this point anyway. May as well make it official

  61. You chose to break a law that was unjust. Imagine if nobody had broken the laws governing slavery, or preventing women from voting, or getting an abortion. We need people like you. Your action maybe inspired others, who knows, just like Mahsa Amini's refusal to obey the stupidy injust law about covering her hair has inspired the people of Iran. We can't all rise to the level of Nelson Mandela, you're a more modest hero but still a hero.

    I wish you all the best and I hope you do soon start feeling well again.

  62. Seriously? You went through her phone after she specifically said not to because you don’t trust her. What girlfriend? Relationship is doomed.

  63. His dad actually did a lot of baby care according to his mom. And I see his dad frequently coming, doing the dishes, laundry, ironing.

    Husband's mom literally just did everything. I was blown away going there and seeing her still putting out his sister's clothes for the day when she was in her 20s.

  64. What you do is you get tested for STDs. Personally, I would dump him just on principle – the sex industry is really exploitative and he’s cheating on you.

  65. Or, she's insecure as hell in her own relationship. Maybe she was trying to see if OP liked older men, like she seems to, or more specifically, maybe she was trying to see if OP was into her boyfriend. Could have even been an awful attempt at a threesome.

    Either way, chick's communication skills just cost her a best friend.

  66. If she didn't take the test in the morning with her first urination, she may not have had enough hormone so early in the possible pregnancy to test positive.

    She needs to go to the doctor about her symptoms and irregular period. There could be something else going on with her.

  67. You’d be surprised how many women view porn as cheating—or at the least disrespectful. It’s unlikely she’ll find much push back from her female friends on this. Plus, many people view it less as “her reason is silly” and more “he knew and didn’t even care that it would hurt her.” Women tend to have other women as friends. They’re not going to ignore that he chose to do something he knew would hurt her. Add on that she’s 16 days postpartum and they’re going to adamantly be on her side—even if they think porn being cheating is silly.

  68. Since you're her friend, you can tell her what you think, but I'd recommend waiting till she comes to you venting/complaining about it or when she raises the point first. You can start off with something like, Jane, now that I think about it… Can I be honest with you? And then tell her all the things you have listed here. Don't accuse or blame, but point out the erratic behavior and how he constantly delays meeting up. You don't know everything about the relationship so maybe as an example, it's possible both of them exchange nudes but you only know that Jane sends hers. So for things like this, maybe you can ask instead of assuming when you make this point. Ask if she can get on video calls more often with him, if she is happy and feels loved, if she has to walk on eggshells around him. It would be great if he could show her the offer letter or his degree or pictures from graduation, etc. and they definitely need to talk about what scares them, makes them sad, what they want in life, etc. It's obviously very easy to catfish someone.

    And like you said, LDRs need a lot of trust and can fall apart in seconds if there is no foundation. She needs to understand that and not make major decisions based on this until she has met him and knows more about him. And she needs to understand that when in love, she goes blind, everyone does, so she needs you/others to be honest with her and show her what things actually look like.

  69. I also think alot of the people shitting on him commented before OP's edit.

    In the original post she said that when the friend of the assaulter was pressuring her to let it go, the bf did nothing. Then in the edit, she says bf did call the guy out, so there's contradictory details here…

  70. I am gathering from your post that you are his first everything and he is not yours. I suspect he may be getting in his head thinking about his lack of experience and what if you meet somebody ‘better’. Regardless, that is his issue to work on and he doesn’t get to stop you from having fun with your friends because he is insecure.

  71. Well I guess that depends on your goal in dating someone, but presumably you’re doing it to see if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone. Whatever that looks like to you.

    So you date, hang out, spend time together, do activities, move in, etc, with the idea of seeing if this is a person whom you want to continue sharing your life with. During that process you learn about the other person and determine if they are still compatible with that goal.

  72. As someone from a racist family, I disagree with a lot of the replies you got here.

    No, you should not have pushed him to introduce you. You should have respected his limits there. You should have accepted that he didn't want a relationship with them.

    You did deserve to know that his family was racist and might reject your marriage and any kids that might come along. That may change your feelings about marriage and long term commitment. You deserved to get to decide what you want to include in your future.

    I think you have to have two conversations. An apology about the visit and to work to restore trust. Then a second conversation about withholding information from you that will affect you. If you marry and have kids with them, you need to know that you need to protect your children from his family. That you may be on the receiving end of discrimination from his family. You deserve to know so you can protect yourself or move on if this is a dealbreaker for you.

    Your priority should be restoring his trust and letting him know you'll respect his boundaries around his family, but you should also eventually discuss why he can't keep you fully in the dark about them either.

  73. Yeah, I know. But I'm stupid and I'm trying to work through it because I really love this girl. I really do. But since I laid my boundaries out, now she knows that there won't be a “next time” for this. And if there is, there will be no future for us.

  74. WIFE: “I was raped and impregnated, and I killed my rapist.”

    A pause.

    HUSBAND: “Ha ha, Jerry just hit Tom with a frying pan.”

  75. Why did you copy-paste the same response to me as you did to Joe despite the fact we gave you fundamentally different responses?

    Why are your questions completely reframing what you posted? Why haven't you read A Winter's Tale yet? Go read that, understand that, then come back with something that isn't a copy-paste to someone else's completely different post.

  76. Don’t marry someone who is financially supporting someone else. You’ll never get ahead, buy a house, go on vacations, have retirement savings, etc. Your life will be spent working extra nude to make more money so you can support her.

  77. The fact that you are only worried about the fact that you won't be able to hook up with other women because she is telling people shows that's not true. It is who you are.

  78. am I being insecure And paranoid

    Yes, yes you are. She is out with you and randomly smiled at an employee on her way out. If you are going to 'interpret' every random face she makes out of being polite in public, you will appear crazy and controlling. And lose her. Relax OP and show her how kind, supportive and interesting you can be.

  79. At first I thought she may have been paranoid about me being controlling and possibly not letting her remain friends with him and she just never knew how to tell me when she realized I wouldn’t do that. Some redditors in the OPs suggested that may be the case.

    But given the way she’s reacted to this, it makes me think there may have been more to it.

  80. Considering that you’re both grown adults I don’t find it that odd to go days without texting. I admittedly do this often as I get busy and tired. It doesn’t mean I think of my loved ones less or don’t care about them. It just simply slips one’s mind sometimes. If this type of communication doesn’t work for you then have a conversation about it, but that type of communication may work for her thus a compromise or acceptance may need to happen. You might have different forms of communication now. As others said you don’t have to be friends with this person if you aren’t getting what you need from a friend.

  81. I'm not suggesting that you break up with her, but by the sounds of what you've described, you need to have a plan in place for when she shows up with a fifth cat again.

  82. So you only want advice if it reinforces your point of view.

    The one who really lost here was Alice – because you have boundaries.

  83. I'm really scared for you, please run as soon as you can, this can only get worse! He needs to get belp, and not the help you can give him. For your health and your safety please listen to people on here. Make an exit plan then get it in motion.

  84. My issue with this situation is, too small for what? It's probably true that it's smaller than her preference. But if she was pretending to be satisfied during sex for 6 months and is now bitter that she did not get sexual pleasure (even though she did not ask for any changes), then she just said this to be mean. There's a difference between the truth, which would have involved maybe talking about feeling a bit unsatisfied and working things around, and “brutal honesty,” which is just a statement intended to hurt someone with no intention of it fixing anything. It's possible she even gets enough pleasure but still wanted to just hurt OP because it was an easy target and she felt like it. Believe it or not, getting blackout drunk can sometimes bring out the worst in people and binge drinking is generally considered a problem.

  85. He sounds like such a gentleman…

    Look, a house is a major investment. If he's willing to buy a house, he should absolutely buy one that he is comfortable buying.

    It would be lose/lose if he buys a cheaper house he doesn't like just to make it more affordable for you. That house may have a lot of problems, and he'll blame you for making him buy it. It may also have terrible resale, and there might be a major loss when reselling it.

    So if he has the finances right now to buy a 300K house, then let him buy it entirely with his finances, where the mortgage is in his name!

    You can then pay him some reasonable amount for rent and half of the utilities. The amount of rent you pay won't be even close to half of the mortgage, but that doesn't matter because he'll still 100% own the house. If he sells it, then any profit he gets is his. But the debt is also his to deal with. And if you ever break up, it's easy to walk away, because it's his house.

    It's important to remember that a house isn't simply a bill but it's an investment.

    If you are only making 24K right now, I do not recommend taking on this kind of debt.

    The 50/50 thing is such a stupid idea honestly, if he makes a lot more money than you. Relationships are not supposed to be about money.

  86. You’re fucked for life op. Don’t let him get away with this. Don’t do what he did and not tell others. Give them a choice that this selfish prick didn’t give you

  87. You should look at this in a different way. Is this guy somebody you would ever consider having a family with? Yes? Great news that he's such a wonderful dad!! He's looking ahead and taking care of his children!

  88. Only a year and you have felt like this for months? Break up. Don't drag it out. If he can't even make you happy in the first 6 months…what would change in 2 years? 3 years?

  89. Haha if he thinks a 23 year old saved herself for her whole life just for his special little peeepee, he is an as delusional as, well, a lot of guys on Reddit.

    Would he stay with you if you told him the truth, do you think, or is that a big reason he is dating you? You could tell him just to see.

  90. And, she shouldn't profit off of him high she will by not paying rent that she's already paying. Essentially, you want to force his mother into making her a joint beneficiary of her gift to him.

    What happened to the strong and independent?

  91. People watch too many sitcoms. “Hobest, Fred, I wasn't stealing money out of your wallet! I just didn't know how to say I never learned your name!”

    “My name isn't Fred!”

  92. Soooo you're just his live-in maid while he fucks around? Brilliant. Dude really wanted to have his cake and eat it too – and you're all for it it seems…

  93. Neurodivergent means not neurotypical, what people might broadly class as “normal”. Autism is the most common example of neurodivergency.

  94. It seems like your GF needs some other way of expressing her sexuality.

    Follow her and tweet ‘hello’ and see what happens. Allow her to come to you to talk about it.

  95. I would gladly go down on my GF every day and more, if that's what she wants.

    You should only go down on him if you want too, not because he wants to be in a “good mood”.

  96. Also, why marriage counseling? It’s not like talking about this validates her committing a crime. It’s been done and you need to draw the line now and dump her. Jeez this is pissing me off.

  97. Maybe have a few dates before having sex. It'll weed out the ones who just want sex. Or be upfront about wanting to look for something more serious.

  98. I mean him choosing without being influenced by you. You have to put your foot down and clear up the problem forever. My guess. As for her, I think she wants to keep him as a safety net, if she don't get things out the way she wants. He is her plan B and she makes sure he has no other options.

  99. Hill I would die on and I would absolutely involve every level of legal assistance I could. Start with showing up at the guys house with your vet records and the police. Ask for the cat back. Is he chipped?

  100. I think once you're “coked up” the Autism isn't really the word to use. However, if she truly has a touching intensity thing with people she's close with because that can totally happen (it feels like laughing at a joke to some people but instead you hug uncontrollably). What you need to do is set acceptable boundaries aka only fist bumps.

    How would you handle these actions in your own kids? Would you yell at them stop all the time or teach them safe expression when around people who don't like it.

  101. I didn’t even read anything but the title bc the title insinuates that it’s happened more than once and you are still dating him. Why?

  102. Sorry, that was nude. To add, it's ok to laugh. There are going to be weird noises, weird facial expressions, weird everything. Giggle with each other, have fun!

  103. You didn't know it when you started dating her. Hypothetically, if my friend started dating an ex and I actually still had feelings for that ex, I'd care, but I'd understand that it was accidental, and wouldn't want to break them up. I might need to distance myself though, and wouldn't be able to hang out with both at the same time or hear about it, even though friends typically bring their partners places and talk about them. If they started dating while knowing she was my ex, I'd be more upset and would probably just stop talking to that friend altogether. But that is only if I still missed or pined for an ex. I don't still have feelings for any of my exes, so if I found out this happened with any of them, I would not care.

  104. Just ask why she never told you. Explain your feelings of unease and confusion. Let her clear the air. That’s the best I can advise.

  105. I think I wouldn’t mind it so much but often when he goes for a round he doesn’t just come straight back, he stays at the 19th hole for another 2+ hours having drinks with golf friends. So he’ll be gone 11-7pm every Saturday for example which makes it nude to do anything else with the day. I suppose that’s fine for just me but he can’t opt out of being a parent every single week if I can’t do the same

  106. The only thing that has helped me is being told by (i) the girl herself and (ii) society at large (i.e reddit) that I have not done something bad. I am terrified of what will happen if i don't have affirmation from those 2 sources.

  107. Eh, it’s complicated. I don’t have an inherent problem with porn and I’m certain I watch it more than my male partner does. However, the culture of porn is trash and a lot of the porn that exists is misogynistic and gross. But ethical and not misogynistic porn is probably more available now than ever before.

  108. It isn’t him. It’s her. Her lack of boundaries. Her inability to respect you. Sorry but this isn’t about John

  109. Yeah, lowering things to the level of the messier partner only punishes the cleaner one, the messy one doesn't care or even really notice.

  110. Either that or it's some overly drama-filled nude mess of a business where business and personal boundaries are blurred af. That's clear in the mom/bf-boss/employee relationship, but it seems to also be true for other relationships.

  111. Your boyfriend has been spending too much time on the Internet or listening to a spiteful father. If he’s concerned about the courts being unfair, then the two of you need to both get with a lawyer each and negotiate a prenup that the two of you think is fair. As long as the prenup is valid, then the court is going to follow that.

    Don’t do this farce. This is his way of supposedly getting married to you, but actually making no kind of commitment to you. So he can walk in anytime and it’s just like a normal break up. You will have no ability to make medical decisions for each other, if you need to, You don’t get the tax benefits, you can’t be on each other’s health insurance policies, and a whole host of other things you will miss out on with not being legally married.

  112. The only thing i didnt like was How fast she got with this guy You would have some kind of respect and take time for yourself. She on the other hand got with the guy, they traveled, made memories met her Danilo and stuff It was just a reboud, but i just think thats fkn crazy

  113. If my bf EVER talked to my daughter that way, he would immediately be out of the house. I might warn him once, but if he’s saying those though we OUTLOUD where I can hear them, what the heck is he thinking and doing when I’m not around. My daughter is more important than any man I’m dating


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