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6KChristian Wilde, 33 y.o.
Location: Las Vegas, United States
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
Christian Wilde, 33 y.o.
Location: Las Vegas, United States
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
I’ve never been happier to read an update on here! Good for you OP for standing your ground, and I hope your emotional recovery is speedy. Sending love♥️
Has he not heard of paper towels? Lol
Yeah the hardest part is going to be stopping yourself from questioning everything. Especially if you are checking life 360 and he doesn’t respond for a little but you can see he is home. A simple thing like him showering can make you wonder and question everything for a while.
You make yourself cum. She merely assists.
why is this comment downvoted lmfao
If you sacrifice your education for your relationship, there’s a possibility your boyfriend will leave you in the future and you’ll be left with nothing. If you sacrifice your relationship you’ll have the education you wanted and a career that’s on track to success.
Completely understandable with wanting support and care around something big like this. This isn’t an excuse since he could be showing more care for his girlfriend, but a perspective? As a fellow nurse, when people tell me about their medical stuff and woes, my brain just go to work mode for some reason – making sure the basics are ok then mentally standown.
Thanks, I really appreciate it, I'm currently trying to get cleaning done, while holding a very clingy 1 year old.
He's lying on the bed on his phone.. doing nothing.
What do you mean he’s in your orbit? Are you pushing for at least 50/50 custody? Why wait? To be honest you did abandon him. Who waits three years to see their child?!
Why would she want to stay there with you are you paying all the rent or something?
then wait for him to go put pack your shit n leave….. but if you wanna live! like this you will just have to put up with it. he’s not planning on changing. if you have to sleep with him use protection for the live! if god. you don’t know what he’s got! YUK!! get yourself checked for stds yuk!
I am so sorry for you. And I hope your daughter is fine now! I am in germany and also had problems with the birth of my first one, but the doctors explained to me what they could try to do and i had! to decide, whats going to happy
Do you feel like a marriage is going to work if you’re already at a total impasse on this?
Isn't it possible he could mature over time? I read people can mature up until brain age is 25.
Incompatible. You two need a divorce ASAP.
Exactly! You should take away all his power by sending him to prison for revenge porn!
I know you must’ve heard this line plenty of times, “you’re still so young!”….. but I’d hate to say it but it is true! LoL. You’re still so young and so much you can figure out.
Instead of focusing so much on running out of time and getting desperate to find “the one”…. spend the time with yourself and enjoy YOU for now.
Try out new things, look for new hobbies and experiences. Try cooking class, painting class, join a gym or attend classes. Enjoy whatever hobby you have.
Do things you wanna do and stop overthinking trying to be in a relationship. Once you let that go and become happy with yourself… one day it’ll happen!
so no therapy and no divorce. he wants to hook up with other women and you don't want him to. the only option is for one of you to be miserable.
The usual advice; focus your time and energy on the things that make you happy, and surround yourself with supportive friends and family.
Sending sympathy though – that's a messed up thing for your ex-bf to do.
Just sit then down and be open and honest with them; no good will come from trying to hide it or delay.
I also support cloud sharing as being a strong possibility for OP to consider. I didn't have anything “bad” on my phone, but when my kids got Amazon tablets, my phone was apparently automatically uploading to an Amazon cloud that they had access to for a couple years.
Not saying OPs BF is innocent, but at least let him explain the situation. Depending on the folder OP found these in, the BF might not even know they're there.
Absolutely, you were raped. He even admitted you said NO (“I am tired of hearing no, shut your mouth).
Do not doubt yourself, find rape counseling resources and/or Domestic Abuse resources to help you manage you.
And depending on what type of diabetes there could be other issues, like thyroid imbalance. My type one Diabetic 12 yr old goes through about 3 weeks on of being a total dick to everyone in the mornings and then gets better. Thyroid is craping out but not low enough to merit meds yet. We only know this because his endo tests all T1D for other antibodies about every 6 months. A lot of doctors don't bother to do that with adults. They check like TSH every year and as long as its “in range” they don't pay much attention to anything else.
Not saying its a valid excuse to be a dick in the morning, but understanding the cause can usually help find a solution. In our case, our kid is allowed to tell us he feels super agitated and we can take steps to help minimize the agitation, give him space till help calms down, ect. But flat out if anyone in our home is being super grumpy, i will call them on it.. “I'm sorry you feel like crap, but you don't get to treat others like crap because of it. Go do what you need to to get yourself right, but leave everyone else alone till you sort yourself out.”
Sounds SO exhausting
I’m so sorry. This sounds so distressing and and i would feel just as distressed as you do.
“There’s the door” is the sign you need I’m afraid. If you voice your concerns and your partner’s response is to diminish your input and say “if you don’t like it, leave”, show them that even if they don’t respect you, you respect yourself. The longer you stay, the less you will love yourself. And by the sound of things, you deserve way way better.
Sending you love ♥️
If you think that's a lot of time, try close to three years…
Keep your last names as middle names and create a new last name for the 3 of you
Sounds like he needs to work on his anxiety… Like it's pretty normal for college to take up your time. That being said, have a planned time in the evening once a week where you two always video chat.
God, I hope so.
When you get home now and then. Draw her a bath. Drop a bath bomb. Light candles. Pour her a glass of wine or roll a joint.
Show her how much you appreciate her when you can. And keep checking in now and then if there’s anything she’d like your help more on.
Thank you! Yeah that's also my point. I need to think about my own future
I would suggest that the problem isn’t physical, so no amount of lotions and potions will help, you indicated that your IBS makes you not feel clean and for me, that’s likely to be the cause.
There’s nothing wrong with having that feeling and it’s not something that you need to ‘fix’, it’s perfectly understandable and it may just be something that your BF has to try to understand.
Please be aware that if you manage once, he’ll absolutely want it again too, so if you’re not ok with it mentally, I’d say don’t force it.. figuratively speaking ?
Does your bf know about your IBS and how it makes you feel?
I agree with you there. She’s not the only person with a child. The child is her first priority. But asking for a man who does not live! with her to burn a candle at both ends, and refusing to waver when he explains needing some time for himself was not taking his feelings into any consideration at all. She gambled on an all or nothing and lost the bet. That was not a fair expectation in the first place.
Can you swear that it was her only affair?
Can you swear that it was her only affair?
I didn't even know that was a thing.
When I read the title I thought shopaholic debt but further reading makes me sad. She's in debt to try and better her life, the US really sucks.
Jesus the fact that his brain immediately went there is so messed up. He either experienced something weird or watches way too much porn. Not to be weird but does he have a sister? That’s the only thing I can think of that would make this behavior make sense.
I didn’t say you said she wrong. More importantly, you don’t have to find logic in my old 58 year old ass. Disagree and move on. Wait, let me add, OP did not say his gf is bi, I assume she’s straight.
Some people are blatantly telling lies to you, you must remember this.
You gotta respect some things when you love someone. Some things mean more to you than it means to him and this obviously means a whole lot to him.
Ask him to explain but do not say no in the end. He’s giving you a free pass to make any request. This is life. We humans are complex but we support each others vulnerabilities.
My experience. I’m just married ten years. It’s not much but relationships are meant to keep alive through love and love involves sacrifice especially when it’s a big deal for someone.
If something ACTUALLY matters for you regarding this topic, then negotiate those aspects but respect peoples boundaries.
I think the better question is…..why are you ok hanging out with this person when you know how he is?
Your bf was standing up for someone who can’t stand up for herself. He sounds like the kind of man I’d want in my life.
Hair absolutely does grow on the lips and even parts of the inner lips on some people.
Who brings you more joy, comfort, unconditional love? Girl open your eyes. Ditch that dude.
Honestly seems like making a fight where there is none. I work 3rd shift (11pm-7am) and have for years. My bf and I have been together for 7 years.
I sleep when I want and he sleeps when he wants. Sounds like someone needs to lighten up or maybe invest in melatonin. I hang out in the living room when my bf is asleep and I'm up. Never got shit about the lights or TV. I mean unless you have all the lights on and are blasting the TV at full volume I don't really see the issue.
My girl had me listed as “bills paid” which is crazy, because I'm broke, and she pays my bills. Weird, I should probably act on this for no reason,
Party deez nuts
he thinks bare minimum is ok and then he says that's why he doesn't doesn't because he can never do anything right
This is absolute and utter BS. He’s in the military. Learning new skills through task/conditions/standards is WHAT THEY DO. He’s figured out how to play video games better over time…and I bet that wasn’t trial and error. There were a few YouTube let’s play and tutorials he’s looked up to solve that one quest or figure out a particular map/puzzle/weapons system in-game.
There’s an entire section of the internet dedicated to cleaning things. He can spend some time figuring it out. Or, choose door number two!
Did he ever live! in the barracks and execute room inspections? DO IT LIKE THAT. You don’t wanna learn how to civilian clean a home (putting toys away, tidying, organizing, decluttering, etc.) you can fall back on military cleaning and sanitize the bathrooms, deep clean kitchen appliances, and drive a broom. Do your own laundry. Put the dishes away. Fold household laundry. Supervise the kids learning to clean the bathroom, sweep a floor, mop a kitchen.
Oh I am so fed up for you.
Source: Army Veteran. And wife. Who has had the exact same conversation with my beloved, former enlisted, spouse.
It certainly doesn’t look good, but there are potentially more benign reasons, such as her doing a sexy photoshoot, or being cam girl.
Of course if she is hiding messages (sometimes our minds can run away with thoughts) plus coupled with going back to a place she grew up where she may have had unresolved interests, then that would cause me a lot of concern.
Personally I wouldn’t want this hanging over me so couldn’t wait until after the trip to raise it.
My only caution would be about how you approach it while not knowing for such in that if you angrily accuse her of having an affair and it turns out she isn’t and things genuinely were good then that could be incredibly damaging to your relationship over misread signs.
Either way, I’m so sorry you’re going through this
She’s been a good wife and provided you with a happy marriage and a set of good kids you love. Why would you let your asshole brother take that away from you just because he wanted to get in a cheap shot? So he fucked your now-wife. Ancient history. He’s still a drunk and a loser, so him doing that was his bitch way of trying to pretend he’s in the same league as what you guys have.
Man up and don’t let him have that undeserved glory.
I mean unless you guys agreed that porn isn't okay somewhere along the relationship she's being unreasonable, because everyone does a self serve once in a while.
Also sounds like she's stonewalling which is emotionally abusive af.
You apologized and there's not much more you can do.