Bunnie the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Bunnie, 37 y.o.


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18 thoughts on “Bunnie the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. If the breaks didn't work, then perhaps you have to deal with it this way. I doubt he's ready to end this relationship and same applies to you. You can only hope things do get better at some point moving forward.

  2. trickle truthing

    “I wasn't at the club”

    “ok I was but just to be there. nothing happened.”

    “ok, I was holding hands with someone but that's all that happened.”

    “ok, I had sex with them but I used protection and this is the only time I've cheated on you.”

    Personally, I'm confident I would not lose money if I made a bet that the last sentence was not the last of it.

  3. If that's the attitude you have towards other people, I wouldn't bother dating then.

    Your partner should be there to support you. They aren't your therapist so they can't take on the mental and emotional strain of trying to help you work on your shit all the time. They also need to focus on themselves too. That however does not mean they don't care.

  4. So what happens when he decides the money he makes is his and should do what he wants with it? What happens when he wants to only fund the one child's college ? Is that OK?

  5. Maybe the problem isn't you maybe its her ??‍♂️. You shouldn't be nude on yourself.

    Maybe find new ways to make your sex life more interesting and appealing.

  6. Did you just type 'Facebook official' as a grown ass person? Why are you even looking at her fb in the first place unless you're looking to get yourself hurt? Block her on all social media and move on. You're just going to torture yourself asking questions like this.

  7. He’s saying she’s making a bad financial decision here but it looks to me like she’s making about the best long term financial decision she could possibly make right now.

  8. Hello /u/sunrisewave_,

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  9. I never thought I'd have the reaction to cheating that I'm having now, which is knowing what to do but being basically numb.

    I should be pissed because she's told me numerous times that if she was looking for / found someone else she would tell me. She hasn't said anything except this guy's a photographer which I don't even fully believe because he doesn't have a public portfolio.

    If she tries to twist around her own words and claim she told me about him, just not fully, I might flip out not even gonna lie. We literally talked about breaking up or not peacefully not even a week ago and she opted to stay together. What's the fucking point of this.

  10. Put in cameras around your home secretly. They are definitely having sex with each other and gaslighting you.

  11. Why are you attempting to punish your partner? You're not a parent sending their child to bed without dinner. If dinner is unrelated to whatever you're arguing about then don't pour gasoline onto the fire. Be a grown up and use your words.

  12. Why would you ever get back with him in the first place when he was so cruel to you? Getting back together with him was a mistake.

  13. As a woman, I will never get married without a prenup in place. A prenup should be there to protect BOTH of you. You can request changes be made to the prenup as is to make sure it's also in your favor.

    Most marries end in divorce and it's best to cover your own ass too.

  14. Cheats are gonna cheat, regardless of the situation. Faithful people could have someone offer to lap dance them and turn it down.

    It sounded like nothing but cheater apologism, as if they're powerless to resist and the situation is the problem.

  15. So you, a married man approaching middle age, made friends with an attractive young woman. You failed to mention this friend to your wife, and you blindsided her with it at the grocery store. I’m of the opinion that cultivating relationships beyond acquaintanceships with single members of the opposite sex, especially much younger ones, is thoughtless at best in a marriage, especially if you are hiding them. The worst part of this, though, is that you seem to care more about maintaining this friendship than caring for your wife and marriage. You need to get your priorities straight. Being friendly with people who share your hobby is one thing. Actively creating one on one friendships with attractive young women while concealing said friendships from your wife (and then looking for technicalities you can use to justify it) is behavior that you know is destructive to your marriage. Have some respect for the feelings of the person you promised to love and honor, or get a divorce e so that you can online out your burgeoning mid-life crisis.

  16. She absolutely wanted the best out of me to benefit her. She told me to quit so much and the truth was aside from a few things I gave up most of my life for her. She never once made me feel accepted when I did something that she disagreed with. She complained until I changed it. She would always play victim and she was so good at manipulation to the point where she had me thinking I was the worst bf in the world. Again, I know why I broke up with her and I’m very happy about it. I just miss those memories, but even then they were created because she was getting what SHE wanted. I was not loved for ME, I was loved because I gave her what she wanted. Looking back, it’s heartbreaking. I’m extremely proud of myself for getting out of that

  17. Say this… “Honey I love you to the depths of the earth. But if you make a comment about sexual favors from me again, you have to understand that it will upset me. I have endured the greatest pain that I could have imagined, and when you make comments like this, it makes me feel unseen.”


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