BritneyHalllive sex stripping with Live HD

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Birth Date: 1987-04-13

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25 thoughts on “BritneyHalllive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Climaxing is a different kettle of fish for men versus women and modern society doesn't actually account for it. They act like a guy is gonna cum all the time. So here are a few things questions

    Are you circumcised? Circumcision removes the foreskin which contains fine touch nerves. It also keeps the glans soft and sponge-like which makes it more receptive to stimuli. It also removes the frenulum which is a little bit skin just under the glans (head) of the penis. Guys ever have a girl touch you there and it forces a twitch? Congratulations you have some left, imagine if you had it all.

    You can try restoration to get some of the things that were stolen back but it takes time. Many men report the same problems you are having and don't even realize it is connected to the violation of their rights and bodily sovereignty.

  2. I personally only opened up to my family after my decisions were final. They’re very protective and it can be hard for them to keep their opinions to themselves…

    It depends on how your mom is, really. Talk about the situation as a whole, without placing direct blame if you can?

  3. Time to end it. Don't even try to discuss it. Just pack up her things and set them by the door. Block her on all SM and end it.

  4. Congrats! Thank your ex for leaving because CLEARLY no matter how shitty he was to you (based on your post history) you were never going to leave.

  5. Your sister needs help. She needs to be taken to a hospital if she is having suicidal thoughts. She needs to talk with a doctor and maybe get medication. Also, it’s okay to have boundaries with family and friends and everyone. If your sister is showing up at midnight and disturbing your lives and there isn’t an emergency it’s okay to say that she needs to visit at a more appropriate time. If she’s doing it for attention or there is a pattern relating to depression or substance abuse then she needs to see a professional. If she doesn’t talk to you for extended periods and then suddenly wants to stay the night instead of going home it’s a bit manipulative on her part and is a sign that she needs help. Tough love is still love. It is definitely hard to be the partner watching the person you love be manipulated by others, especially when it’s family or friends doing the manipulation. When you see a pattern of bad behavior and enabling and the drama is disruptive to your life too, it’s frustrating to say the least. Your husband is letting you know that he is not happy with the situation and telling you that he has boundaries and limits. I can’t imagine this happening in an otherwise healthy relationship unless there was a problem. If this was a unusual situation where your sister was just dumped or didn’t usually have a problem that she needed to stop by after midnight out of the blue I imagine it would be a different response from him or he would be an ass for being that way. That’s not what it seems like from what I gather based on the information provided.

  6. the loans are her responsibility and hers alone. you are enabling her behavior by providing everything she wants and needs. give her an ultimatum that she needs to do xyz or we are done and you are out of the home by this date. 3 years is way more than enough time to find a job and become more stable. in terms of the money, draft up some sort of document stating that it is a loan and have her sign it. if she resists or puts up a fight, she is taking your kindness and generosity for granted and honestly doesn't give a damn about how hard you work to provide. it's time for her to put on her big girl panties and actually start “adulting” for a change. you gotta protect yourself at all costs and $1800 is a small price to pay to get her out.

  7. Would the chance arise, would she choose him over you? If he were to pursue her, would she reject him? She needs to be super 100% honest with you on this one. Because if she would go for him if he seriously pursued her, then you need to leave. Celebrities are just people too.

  8. It took using ketamine for me to finally understand how TERRIBLE it is to have to swallow something so disgusting, and how even worse the nausea is afterwards. No way I could ever enjoy anything much that gives me such nausea. I stopped swallowing my ketamine because of that reason. Not worth it. Call me a quitter cuz I be mo f'n spittin

  9. Gift-wise you could make a list of appropriate stuff your kids can get you and give it to them. Tell them you love their gifts, whatever they are, but you’re trying to be more intentional about gifts. That way you let them know you appreciate their thoughtfulness but also doesn’t allow your ex any sway in the gifts. This is pretty complicated imo because the kids shouldn’t be involved at all between issues you and your ex have. And I know it’s your ex primarily involving them but this is the only way I can see to grey rock her on this particular issue too. I’m really sorry for your kids :/

  10. So did I make a mistake letting her see how broken her walking away made me? I haven’t been crazy or angry, just sad and depressed and hurt and she knows that. It’s not easy letting the one girl that’s ever made you feel complete and whole just walk away or becoming just friends for a bit till she comes around that much I’m struggling with

  11. She’s never going to be able to control someone else’s health with an iron clad grasp.

    And it’s abhorrent to think that she can and will use a child to get her way.

    How is this even a consideration?

    Grandchild should see grandparent and build memories regardless!

    I hope your wife doesn’t create body image trauma and unhealthy behaviors, sounds like she needs to tackle this problem independently(!) through therapy as soon as possible.

  12. Do not bring a baby into this dysfunctional relationship. Whatever troubles you have, a baby will make 100x harder. If your partner is thinking about seeing someone else, you are probably going to end up a single parent with dead beat absent father to the child.

  13. So you've stated that you're dating someone with BPD then gone on to describe every single symptom someone with that disorder displays. It is what it is and she's never going to change. Personality disorders can't be treated (although the behaviors can sometimes be mitigated with cognitive behavioral therapy). There's a reason people with BPD have trouble keeping relationships together and this is it. All you can really do is seek out some counseling to help you better cope with her outbursts. So try that.

  14. I would never accept cheating, but in her case; I can see why she did it.

    Maybe a super crazy idea, so tell no one else I told you this and keep it a secret: she could have divorced him instead of cheating, who would have thought right?

    Now you are going to lose one of them either way, if you stay friends with this person your wife will have enough and remove herself from this marriage or you listen to your wife and end your friendship. So the question someone else asked you come back to you again; who do you love more, your wife or your friend?

  15. It's high school, and you're right it's not the way a relationship is supposed to work. Dump her and find a girl who isn't mean.

  16. Not all “happily married men” are actually happy. People are quick to judge cheaters, especially on reddit as so little information is provided of OP. It could take you as little as 5 minutes of browsing /r/deadbedrooms for you to understand why people in sexless marriages have the urge to cheat.

  17. It bothers me because I see how much it affects my girlfriend. I posted to see if anyone has experienced a similar scenario and seen a turnaround.

  18. If she really truly felt guilty for the last 3 years there is no way she would have kept contact. Even minimally. Are you 100% certain she confessed on her own? Or did someone threaten to tell you if she didn’t. She had an ongoing affair. It wasn’t a one time mistake. She actively choose to betray you day in and day out for the entire time. She was dating him and married to you. Anyone that did that to me, no matter how long ago, no matter how sorry and regretful they seemed, would be gone from my life forever. She did this in what is suppose to be the honeymoon phase of your marriage. I couldn’t fathom doing that to someone I cared about. It’s up to you what you can online with, but personally I would never be able to trust her again. She lied to you, everyday, for the past 3 years. Why confess now? That’s very suspicious to me.

  19. God showed you his true colours now for a reason. Get out now. I'm really sorry but that's not salvageable.

  20. Op sorry you have to online with a situation like this!you are not responsible for every little thing your husband thinks!Try getting in touch with his Therapist and see if you can have a couples meeting with him. Maybe the Therapist will recommend couples therapy. I don't think therapy hurts anyone,in a problematic situation like yours. Do think about individual therapy for yourself. This is a lot to Deal with!Be good to yourself and try and do things that you enjoy. Sometimes getting away from the situation will help a little bit. Have less discussions with him. You are never ,going to win.That may help you a little bit. Less frustration for you. I wish I could help you more. I do wish you so much luck. Take care!

  21. I think many people who are stuck with one partner who's terrible in bed would disagree with that. Life can be plenty complicated if people are unhappy with their sex life and relationship.

  22. You can be upfront about it, or you can ask her, if she has met her ex since you were together, seemingly without specific reason fir asking.

    While possibly harmless hidinng things goes long way to harm relationship. This is why it is worth adressing it.


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