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Barbie&Ken, 33 y.o.


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36 thoughts on “Barbie&Ken the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I say let her give the letters providing the reason for breaking up wasn't due to infidelity on her part. If not then She deserves closure and healing just as much as you and this seems like it's her way of being able to say goodbye to people who she sees as supportive and important figures that were in her life but will no longer be.

  2. Could've been both. Her going somewhere she knew she agreed not to go (alone with a guy in his room) is just the precursor to him trying to take advantage. On this sub, be prepared to hear about how you have to just suck it up and believe her even if her own bad decision making was two-thirds of the problem. She got too drunk, broke your rule and then says some white knight stopped it after walking in…yeeeah I haven't been in college for almost 3 decades but no one is stopping 2 people going at it.

    It's a sad truth that many women DO get raped in situations just like this. The ones who have drunk sex and then want to use rape as cover to not talk about it, though, are pure fucking monsters. Date rape drugs do exist but people act like everyone just has a handful ready. It's waaaay easier to just take advantage of a piss drunk person and that is the responsibility of the person doing the drinking. Like I said, could be both but it could also be either one.

  3. I would tell her that you’re reporting the sexual assault to police. If she is insistent that you don’t do that, you have your answer

  4. Better now than in another 20 years like it took for my mom to come out and leave my dad. You’ll be better in the long run. Focus on healing and being there for your little ones. I know how it feels to have the rug ripped out from under you and I’m sorry you’re going through this.

  5. If it was a question on how he was going to achieve that goal, then I don’t see what was wrong with it. It’s part of a normal conversation to ask questions when someone mentions what their dreams are.

    And regarding the cousin, did he ask for help or just mention the gas station? Honestly, in either case I’d consider it a kindness to point out that gas station gifts are thoughtless and overpriced, so he’d get more worth for his money somewhere else. Obviously, if you do say something and you know they are not open to feedback, it’s wise to word it very gently or maybe just watch the crash happen. Just to give yourself less of a headache.

    Does your bf ever defend you (regarding comments of your body and you as a person) or does he usually try to just bend to his mothers will to keep the peace? Does he still live at home?

  6. Hello /u/italiancrazygirl,

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  7. Oh, sweetheart, you’re not ready for love. Or for arguing on the internet. Get therapy and come back next year.

  8. This “issue of lack of communication” isn’t a small thing either. You’re lying by omission.

    You told us the topic never came up, but what’s stopping you from telling him? You’re literally keeping it from him.

  9. You’re a pedo.

    If you deny it then you definitely are one.

    Don’t get offended or that’s further proof.

  10. I wouldn't break up just over this, but this could be the start of some break up behaviors/actions. He needs to see a doctor or someone. This is not healthy behavior and if left unchecked could erode into even worse habits or behavior.

    Walking 20 or so feet to a toilet should not require motivation or anything. The only excuse I would accept is a physical injury that actually limits mobility.

  11. I have bipolar disorder and I get into depressive episodes. I don’t do this sh*t. It’s your bedroom, too,set a very hot boundary with him and tell him he needs to do something with his depression. You’ll be there to support him but you won’t lead him by the hand, that’s a job for his therapist. 100% don’t let this go. Let him know how disgusting it is and that it’s not welcome your house

  12. Yes because, from what you described, she doesn’t sound malicious. She just isn’t your cup of tea, which is fine. But it doesn’t mean that she’s a terrible person who you need to confront or end the friendship in a dramatic way. Just be “busy” until she stops reaching out. Healthy adult friendships end quietly

  13. He is trying to change who you are, he is trying to BREAK who you are, and get you to change your life goals and expectations – he wants you to LOWER them – to fit into his idea of what a girlfriend should be.

    He does not love you, value you, or treasure you as you are – only if you change who you are to please him.

    It's not you that he wants – he wants a submissive woman who will do what he says. And he doesn't care how upset he makes you as he tries to fit you into that mold.

  14. I think I don’t have to. Her and I both expressed we don’t talk or see to multiple people at one time.

  15. Yeah, thank you for your response I agree with you. Part of me says ‘what if I don’t meet someone like this, and I can’t get over him for months even years?’ But I guess it’s better than staying with someone that has disrespected me so many times and knowing my worth… thank you

  16. Good god, I’m so sorry. This sounds really horrible. Here’s what I would do: 1. Get whatever paperwork is required for dissolution of marriage, or whatever that paperwork is to get the ball rolling on a divorce. Fill out those papers. 2. Get a hotel room for a weekend, Friday and Saturday night, for you and your son. 3. Leave the paperwork and a letter for your husband to see when he gets home. 4. In the letter be very clear about how you feel and how you are unwilling to continue living like this. Tell him he has until Sunday at whatever time to decide if he wants to begin the divorce process or go to marriage counseling. Tell him your preference is to either save the marriage through counseling, or earn your way out of the marriage through counseling. 5. Come home on Sunday night and hope for the best. And, I’m gonna be honest, if he has been acting this way for a lifetime, if his go-to method of dealing with conflict is to ignore, it’s going to be a really long and tumultuous road. It’s going to be a very hot habit to break. And this is ESPECIALLY true if he thinks there is no problem with this method. If he rationalizes it as “it’s so I don’t get angry” the likelihood that he will be willing to do a full 180 and become a communicative person is very low. 6. Have a couples therapist already booked. Try to get a later evening time, or lunch time, that might work for him, so you have one less obstacle. If he says yes to therapy, tell him you already booked it and when it is. 7. Just be ready to follow through, whatever his answer. And I’m sorry.

    Btw, my husband had an extremely stressful job. He got up at 4:30 am and often returned home after 7. He was always kind, gentle, communicative. It’s not the stress. It’s who he is. And probably how he was raised, and that’s why it needs to change for your son.

  17. Your safety and mental health are your main priority. Keeping yourself safe is not particularly being selfish. If you can’t walk away helping her might help you heal.

    If he’s love bombing her she probably won’t believe you.

    If he finds out he will probably start harassing you again.

    Can you snoop a bit and see if she has a friend you can contact? Can you find previous partners to see if they can assist?

  18. The only way that I can read that is that for years you completely dismissed everything your mate said to you on the matter.

  19. This kind of seems like it is going to sort itself out. Just don't fight what happens and good luck.

  20. He acknowledged that it might be a better idea if his mom got other tenants and he got his own 1 bedroom. He said I was right where it makes more sense, and said he’s going to consider all his options over the next week as nothing is set in stone yet. But he did fully validate me, wasn’t angry about it.

    But then he also said that this is a really nice area, great amenities, and that we should be “working together as a partnership.” To make this work as it’s a really nice environment for me, and it would get me out of my parents house, etc. I feel that was manipulative of him to say. And then I told him that the environment doesn’t matter to me that much, I feel fulfilled right now just living with my parents. And then he said something along the lines of that the reason why men make more money is because they are always trying to elevate in life, and then went on something about testosterone levels and how women lack that.

    I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but my gut is telling me something else.

  21. Obviously you should kick her out, maybe post to legal advice if you are worried about the legality.

  22. You have nothing to apologise for. It sounds like he was looking for a one night stand and not a serious relationship, especially with him still processing his breakup.

  23. Find a way to lock the door. If you can’t add a lock, find something temporary or get one of those bars to jam under door knobs. I personally wouldn’t even address it, I’d just start locking doors. This is super weird behavior on her part though.

  24. He is denying it, he’s apparently convinced his mum is confused and mistaken and he is in disbelief and denial. He doesn’t actually believe that I have ended things

  25. OP your head is dented in if you think this man isn't gonna do it again. Please give us an update in a few years when you find more evidence of him cheating again, prolly with the same girl.

  26. I am only going to add this, you have a zero win situation. You are basically in a torcher situation, you are not going to believe what she says anyways. In your eyes she basically burnt down the marriage the moment she told you something different because she knows you would be pissed.

    I go out lots with coworkers drinking, you know how many times we catch people cheating? Zero, you know how many time we suspect people like zero.

    Get proof from a coworker the night she was on the sofa, you probably can not trust the dude who you talked to. But you can check the Data on the photo. It will be tagged with time and GPS. Just track that back to if it was the time you wife was late.

    What ever happens you probably need to seek marriage help. Not going to lie, I do not tell my partner everything, especially if I know she is going to get pissy about it. But she trusts me.

    So why do you not trust her? Happened before, is she a drunk flirt? Are you just jelly all the time. The she did it crowd has one thing correct, why does you gut say she cheated?

  27. Break up. Be single. Examine why you cheated in the past and think about what you really want out of a relationship.


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