Bailey the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Bailey, 24 y.o.


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6 thoughts on “Bailey the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Shy about sex when it comes to you. For all you know he brought out the straight freak in her. She must really like this guy to destroy 5 years in less than 2 months. Next time you speak to her let her know her actions are wholly unacceptable and mad disrespectful and that she can pack her shit and go be with him. For future reference if your woman goes to spend the night with another man, it’s a wrap.

  2. It's probably because the statistics prove it's not effective. If you don't want an abortion or children you should use as many precautions as possible without birth control like condoms and spermacide.

  3. I'm not justifying anything. I'm also not framing anything in other cultures. You said grown men can't develop living at home. I see billions of people who presumably disagree. It has nothing to do with this dude. It was your assumption that I proved just that … an assumption.

    When it takes 3 incomes to pay rent, it absolutely does not mean they're broke or that he isn't financially responsible. You're just making that up. He's not a deadbeat. He's not a manchild (based on anything we know about him; he could be, but there's no evidence). He works a full time job and he helps keep a roof over his mom's head. OP recently told me his mom has serious debt… so if any assumption should be made… its that she's the deadbeat and he's a decent dude taking care of his mom. Still just an assumption, though.

    You're over there making shit up based on your own prejudices. I'm just over here pointing out you have no evidence to support your claims. And I can do it all night.


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