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Asiantina@xhlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

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Room for on-line sex video chat Asiantina@xh

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48 thoughts on “Asiantina@xhlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. HIV is scary, and people need to be open about it before sex and intimate relations happen.

    Yes, speaking as someone who does not have HVI. If you have it and know it you owe it to others in your life you want to date to share your status.

  2. get the tattoo. you planned it before he was in the picture and a tattoo you have with a friend doesn’t affect him at all

  3. u/throwaway65869, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. And we had stopped talking as much and we both knew but it was okay because we'd make it out together, but over time I've become too overwhelmed and started to fall apart because of high school and it was at the beginning of December where he said we should break up and j didn't want to but I eventually agreed because he said he needed a break and couldn't be in a relationship, I agreed and we broke up but I couldn't be hjs friend and had him blocked for a bit because he can I just be friends w someone who I still love romantically? He said it himself too a while back. Fast forward now this time he's blocked me, and I miss him so much

  5. She should talk with the guy and discuss it. It’s a pretty natural process that varies between couples. Most start by agreeing that they’re exclusive with one another. And then the label shortly follows. Other times, it may be a slower process if they have mutual friend groups or are coworkers and want to keep it hidden for a bit.

  6. On the flip side, if you knew she would prefer using sage, then why not just do that? Why make a small situation into something big enough for Reddit?

  7. What a strange post? You don’t love him. None of this was said with even respect for him let alone love. You might be comfortable or in a routine with him.

    So what is the question? Should you both stay in this mutually unloving toxic relationship? I would say no..

    The real question you need to work on is why have you created a narrative that you just love him so much you can’t leave. I don’t think thats the truth. Something else holds you there and you need to figure out what you need to fix in yourself that you allow this to continue.

    I’m sorry you have experienced such emotional put downs.

  8. If you met a 30 year old woman, would you be ready to marry her and have kids in the next 2 years? Because that’s likely what many ~30 year old women want. And they probably think they’re not gonna get that from you.

  9. My guess is you’re so afraid of and/or upset by the known that the unknown is too much to face. Or you’re hoping things will change. Maybe both. But I can tell you from experience that it rarely does.

    You everyone live! and in your life wants you to pack up and leave like right this second. Myself included, but when it’s your reality it’s harder. If you don’t have the strength to just leave right now, you can at least start the process. This begins with emotional detachment. Start to separate your feelings mentally. Write about it in a journal. Write to yourself like you would a friend who’s going through this. You wouldn’t tell her it’s her fault or if she sucked less he wouldn’t be this way. Nope. You’d tell her she deserves better. So tell yourself and get it through your head.

    Nothing you say or do will change or fix him. It may feel like it has everything to do with you because when it comes to your relationship it does. But his actual actions and intentions are entirely self serving. He’s a selfish jerk and he will never put you first. You won’t even be second. He is all he cares about. When you let that sink into the front of your mind it gets easier to detach from the relationship.

  10. Yes it is emotionally abusive. When adults and emotionally mature people are angry at one another, they still act out of love and with responsibility to each other. They still show up for one another.

    They communicate. Maybe they take some space but they don't do passive aggressive things like withholding care.

  11. As a man, I can tell you it's like us trying to show our superiority in such cases as male…. luckily I've got enough brains to know that it's not ACTUALLY manly to do that, nor is it good for my mental health in the long run. EVEN IF you can win her over like that (some do get enticed I guess…they shouldn't but hey…) Just think and consider if you really want someone like that? But I guess such douches don't have the brains to consider the long term stuff… and unfortunately a lot of them exist.

  12. We're you watching it to the point of entering 'videos' into the search bar, it returned only ISIS beheading videos?

    This isn't just someone watching an animal porn video or two, this is someone watching only animal porn.

  13. It seems like you already know the answer in this case.

    Asking a partner to look through their phone is rarely well received, and things may already be deleted.

  14. The next time he is affectionate, tell him something like “aww babe, that makes me so happy when you do ____!” Your bf sounds like a wonderful guy who wants to make you happy. If he's smart, he'll catch on and do more of what makes you happy. Positive reinforcement.

    If he doesn't get the hint, or if you're more of a straightforward person, have a conversation with him. Tell him that physical touch is an important love language of yours and while you understand it's not his forte, you'd really appreciate it if he initiated some physical affection sometimes. Ask him for his thoughts on that, and then return the favor by asking him if there is anything that he would like more of from you so you can be a better partner for him.

  15. Yeah this is my view exactly and I'm honestly baffled at the amount of commenters lecturing OP along the lines of “he told you he doesn't like short hair, men like long hair, he's allowed to have his preferences” blah blah blah. Lots of veery shallow people in the world.

  16. You have no guarantee that the new thing will be a stable relationship but that’s no loss because the one with your ex isn’t either. You put your body on the line to try to carry his child for years. Then you got tired and your husband left you at that vulnerable point and then slept with someone you know. He treated you like a failed vessel. Now he thinks he can maybe get that vessel back so he’s willing to put you through an abortion of a baby you already see as a “she”.

    Since you got pregnant from a one night stand I’d venture a good guess that the fault (if you want to call it that) is with him. If you want the baby keep it. You can get a new job. Your family will come around.

  17. You commented earlier that it opened your eyes and how weird this situation is. Now you're saying it's not??

    You're all over the place, which makes me think this is a troll post.

  18. Personally it sounds like he doesn't really respect or care about you. Which is a big part of any relationship IMO

  19. Girls look at male models all the time in their relationships

    The girls you've dated perhaps, or are you just projecting?

  20. Are y’all acting out a poorly written CW drama or are you adults? If you’re adults, act like it. Have a conversation when he gets back about what happened and maintain a cool head.

  21. Leave before you have any kids…. although with the kind of sex life you describe, that won't be any time soon.

  22. Show these texts to his wife. Do not warn your wife or she will warn him (and he'll discredit you).

    Nothing kills inappropriate texts like public exposure. Plus maybe his wife knows more ….

    Surveys show coworkers are the #1 source of affair partners. Therefore the standard you should apply is 1,000 times greater.

    There should be zero contact outside of work. Unless you are present or she provides full transparency.

  23. You don’t sound like a good partner to her. Changing plans on her shouldn’t be your first move. That’s not healthy and you won’t ever last in a relationship if you don’t change. You are unreliable and unapologetic. You can’t always put your friends before your partner, it just shows you don’t care about plans with your partner and it’s the first thing you are okay with changing or ignoring.

  24. this wasn't supposed to be kink. it was supposed to be two friends having a platonic psychological discussion, from what it seems. there's no reason op should have expected this to take any turn into a kink direction.

  25. I'm sorry to say this but I believe she was thinking about leaving for a while now, this was what she latched on to just to tell herself she had a reason. Lawyer up.

  26. Remember when you did standardized testing prep in school and your teacher would tell the class not to change answers because your first answer is nearly always correct and second guessing yourself will end up being wrong?

    Your first instinct was correct. Change your answer again and walk away now. He ain’t worth all this shit.

  27. I mean it’s definitely understandable to be annoyed by this, but you still live! in their house so you e gotta follow their rules. Might be time to think about moving out though.

  28. He's an ass. He is trying to guilt and manipulate you into doing something with which you are uncomfortable.

    He is loving that you are chasing him. It's giving him a sense of power.

    Walk away. You don't need this. You want someone who respects you and your bodily autonomy.

    Stop calling, texting, going over. Stop begging him. He wants to humiliate you. Don't feed into it.

  29. Let me translate for you… Homeboy had sex with someone else he really wanted to have they rejected him so now he wants to get back with you but “take things slow” in order for him to maintain access to you while looking for someone else

    Don't do it girl you dont need these shenanigans

  30. Someone else always has it worse, but that doesn’t mean that your experience doesn’t matter. Someone who cares for you should not belittle you and your feelings, or try to make you feel guilty for talking about what’s happening in your life.

  31. Yeah, that’s not a friend. That’s an affair. Emotional affair at the least. She’s secretive about her phone. Well, this one can vary if she was never secretive before then I would say that’s suspicious. I get paranoid about my passwords, so I’m usually changing them. If she isn’t like that, then yeah I would say she is at the least having an emotional affair.

    Number isn’t saved but sending thousands of messages. Guy on voicemail isn’t picking up. She’s secretive (new behavior?) Check Snapchat or any other app for usage. Hire a PI or even download software on her phone, but you did say she’s a light sleeper.

    I would mention the guy’s name in random conversation. Like hey, I saw “John” today. Look for her reaction. Then mention he was a friend from high school who moved away and came back to visit. When she asks who he is, you could even go “that’s what I’d like to know.” But that might be too soon. You want to extract more information.

  32. Two things I will say you do wrong. You can combine it into one.

    If you don’t feel like it don’t do/allow it.

    Don’t allow him to facesit of you don’t like it.

    Don’t have intercourse if you don’t like it.

    You are not doing yourself, your partner or relationship any good by not being true to you. Learn that. And good luck. 🙂

  33. I don’t disagree with that one iota. My kids were all vaxxed on all that stuff, albeit on a slightly delayed schedule and with the guidance of our tradition albeit slightly forward thinking pediatrician. Honestly, the post was a little long and I probably should have read it deeper. Traditional vaccines are an entirely different matter.


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