Aphrodite(call me , “A” for short) the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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34 thoughts on “Aphrodite(call me , “A” for short) the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You both need to have a sit down to seriously talk about this. Why does she feel awkward saying she's taken? These people ask for her number for a reason, courting or a booty call. It might be because she craves attention or it might be none of her friends have bfs, dig and keep diggin and talk through it. You might uncover a lot of shit( emotional issues or built up stress) so make sure you plan time for a long talk. Don't let her be evasive, otherwise if she thinks it's fine for her it should be fine for you aswell.

  2. But then he brought his work into his private life by inviting them back to his own place for more drinks, discussing hookups, ect. Which leads me to believe this isn't just that, ya know?

  3. but I also moved quickly because I was still living with my son at my abusive ex’s house.

    Sure, but that's all the more reason to NOT rush into living together. Your son needs stability too, and running from one toxic situation in a potential other toxic situation is a huge no-go.

    I would still be employed, however he allowed me to quit in order to pursue a passion of mine which is now coming into fruition

    You are taking huge risks….

    meant we are still good relationship-wise.

    You are only a year in, which is nothing in the bigger picture.

    No fights or waves in the water after a year.

    You make it seem like this is a huge achievement….lots of people who were in abusive relationships tend to put any somewhat decent person on a pedestal

  4. You can’t force a student to use extra time. It’s there if they need it, but it’s not a requirement for the student to use.

    I’m a teacher, and we are legally bound to OFFER the extra time/small group, but if they refuse then they refuse.

  5. Stop lying to yourself already, if you truly cared about your relationship you wouldn't be thinking about what Sean feels

  6. u/scarlet_gremlin, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. I think that YOU should be reevaluating this relationship. If he can't understand where you were at the time and support your right to make that decision for your health care, do you really want to be in a relationship with him?

    How will he feel if you get cancer and have to have a breast removed or your uterus? Does he get a say in that as well?

  8. Ngl, when my husband and told me he bought “us” a Christmas gift, I wasn’t expecting a Waterpik. Just saying…

  9. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My bf and I broke up in August. Friday, the night before Christmas Eve, he texted me and we talked a lot of things out. Said we both missed and loved each other and wanted to come back. He said before I make a decision, he needed to tell me that he had slept with another girl during the breakup and got her pregnant (assuming it’s his). In the past, I would have given it no thought and just said hell no to be in a situation like this. But I said yes and that we would figure it out. It’s still a lot for me to process, but he didn’t cheat, was honest with me, and he wanted me to know before hand rather than try and hide it. He was honestly surprised I took him back because he had wanted to try again for awhile, but held back because he was beating himself up so much over the situation and thought I’d leave him for good. He means the absolute world to me and I just knew he was the one the night we met. I can’t imagine being with anyone else. But I just can’t shake the feeling. Not even about the baby, about the girl. I’m honestly happy for him about the baby (even though this was definitely not the way I planned it and how soon it is) because he’s always wanted kids and I’m possibly not able to give him any due to my endometriosis. It hurts a little knowing I don’t get to experience this with him, and instead he’s experiencing it with another girl. And my main problem is the girl. I know she means nothing to him and their plan is to co-parent so they have to talk, but I feel like she talks to him more than she should. She posts and tags him on Facebook like they’re together and it was planned. She posted a huge announcement for the baby that she already gave his last name. And as I said before, we’re not 100% sure that it’s his. I don’t want to come off selfish, but I’m not sure what to do or how to cope with the girl. It’s a lot to process still, and I know he needs to be in communication with her, it just really bothers me knowing he has to stay in contact and have some sort of relationship with a girl he slept with. Please don’t comment anything rude saying I need to leave him or he’s a piece of shit, because as I said, he didn’t cheat on me. I could really just use some advice to help me through this and kind of ease my conscience

  10. My point still stands. He has changed pretty dramatically and not in a good way.

    The more you're trapped as in moving in together, getting married, having kids, the harder it is to get away.

    He has shown you who he is, please believe him. The one you think you know is a front and it won't come back.

  11. Hello /u/poopi-pie,

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  12. Well first off you’re a pos for cheating I can’t believe she’s giving you a chance she deserves better not an asshole like you. Unfortunately she’s giving you a chance lowering her self esteem. For you you must be glad af she gave you a chance. It’s going to take a long time for her to move on and heal from it bc she’s always going to think there’s someone else better bc of you. Just show her you care (if you even do I don’t think you love her just lying to yourself bc no one would do this to a love one) show you’re trying and go to counseling

  13. No, as a lawyer you know perfectly well that the prenup is supposed to protect you. Keeping things separate is one thing, but you need to have a section about what happens in the event of a divorce.

    If your kids are young children, are you just out on your ass? Do you get maintenance for yourself and your lifestyle? What about your years of lost income and career trajectory? He's not wrong to want a prenup, but he's being a complete dick if he thinks you don't deserve something in the event of a breakup. There is a vast ocean between “wanting what is fair” and “wanting him for his money”.

    Make him discuss it and work out something out.

  14. You don't want people jumping to conclusions about your snooping but you're jumping to some of your own by having snooped. There are plenty of reasons why she might have checked the front page of a kink site.

    For instance, as an example, my friend told me she was on one. I'm happily married and still looked up the site because, well, what's the problem with it? It's something I didn't understand and my friend was happy to share. There was no account made, just a quick flip through. That doesn't mean I'm about to go cheat on my husband.

    You're jumping to all sorts of conclusions based on maybe 25% of the actual facts. Try speaking to her instead of snooping and actually have a conversation.

    All snooping does is make you look controlling and insecure, and that's not a good shade on anyone. Never mind “her search history doesn't match with how she wants me to see her”, do you honestly think invading her privacy matches up with how YOU want her to see you?

    As for issue one and two:

    For one, you answered your own question. That can be confirmed by a chat.

    For two, I can see why that'd be somewhat upsetting for you but maybe she just doesn't see your passion project the same as you. That's up to her as a totally separate human being from yourself.

  15. Much appreciated, your right i have no intention of being someones plan B ever no point in that and it will slowly ruin me if it continues thanks alot ?

  16. Oh, hells no.

    It’s been 5 months. He’s already isolating you from other people. Run. He will only get more demanding and more controlling.

  17. Don’t even do the ‘break’ thing, just end it. If he changes dramatically in the future you can get back with him, but the idea of a ‘break’ doesn’t make any sense

  18. This might be my own trauma talking, but this kind of behavior screams of potential borderline personality disorder.

    You're in an abusive situation – please get out when it's safe to do so.

  19. I have blue/gray eyes, but always wanted brown eyes for as far back as I can remember. I also personally find brown eyes way more attractive in a partner, even though my past 3 long term partners all had blue or green eyes. Even though they didn't have my “favourite” eye colour, they all still had beautiful eyes.

    Preferences are just that: preferences. There is no objectively “ideal” eye colour, and your partner boyfriend was unkind to phrase it in a way that made you self conscious.

  20. your wife only told you this after being backed into a corner and lying multiple times. She also didn't say anything about being assaulted in her messages to her friend, which is suspicious given she DID mention that they had sexual contact.

    This was the sense I got from reading the OP’s post. If she was indeed raped, then she would have talked to her friend about it. Especially, very soon after. But it looks like all she said that she had sexual contact. This makes me think that your wife is not telling you the truth about this.

    Me pushing her to talk about it (because I had no idea that was going to be the outcome) has really messed her up. She told me it took her a long time to put that incident in a box and lock it away and now I’ve brought it all up she’s fallen apart mentally even though she’s always been very mentally sound which I completely understand.

    So, she’s making it out to be your fault now?

  21. exactly! if its me I probably already camping in my lawyer's office & the police station! Its sexual violation category.

  22. exactly! if its me I probably already camping in my lawyer's office & the police station! Its sexual violation category.

  23. Stopping anti depressants will DEFINITELY have an impact, especially depending on how long you were on them and why specifically you were on them. So maybe don’t make any choices you might regret until you’ve been off them 6 months or more.

    Also, the big heartbreak… this might just be a rebound fling for you. It’s possible you really don’t feel anything for him because he’s just filling a void. Just filling physical space and there’s no emotional attachment. If that’s the case, sucks for him, but you might never really feel anything more.

    So yeah, that probably wasn’t helpful.

  24. Apparently it's just me, but that kind of comment is something I might tell my sister to be funny (the joke being that I think I am of the highest importance for everyone) so she may have just been comfortable making a joke with her friend.

  25. Has this person ever given you reason not to trust them?

    People can cheat any time; if he’s faithful, he will be faithful in any geographic location.

    I find it concerning that you’re willing to end a relationship in order to avoid having to confront and deal with your anxiety and leftover emotions from past relationships.

    Are there other things going on that are making you question the relationship?


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