Angie NEXT STREAM , ?27.09? the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Angie NEXT STREAM , ?27.09? on-line sex chat


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63 thoughts on “Angie NEXT STREAM , ?27.09? the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Become the bread.

    Roll around in the flour. Cover yourself in yeast.

    Cake your body in dough.

    Lie flat on the counter and ask him to roll you.


  2. My ex was poly and would actively seek out women in monogamous relationships to try and convince them that they should talk to their partner about opening the relationship. He would only do this with women he found attractive and wanted to sleep with. I’m not saying that all polyamorous people do this, but all the reasons you gave in your post are the exact same rhetoric he would use.

  3. In my experience; trust it the second they tell you, without any suspicion or paranoia; if it turns out not to be true, it will eventually be revealed in your favour, meaning that they slipped too much. Please don't let the fear of getting cheated on with old your efforts to build an amazing bond; as long as you try what you can, you'll have to regret nothing and they will forever and ever lose their best option. In latam, Bye, me Fui by bad bunny is sung a lot because of similar cases. Hope this helps!

  4. How long did it take you to come up with that fresh, witty response that definitely is not repeated ad nauseam in every single thread?

  5. Your comment makes no sense. I'm not Indian, nor am I obsessive. If you want to talk about kinks that's a different subject.

    This just comes off like you're probably looking for any reason to ignore the obvious and keep to what you already believe.

    Which would mean you didn't come here for advice. You came just to make a broad statement about an ethnic group

  6. Yeah I guess that’s what hurt me. I know it’s much easier to fall asleep when you can spread out any direction you want, have all the blankets to yourself etc but no reason to tell me a few times.

  7. Yup, the reasons really matter. But if truly petty and you had a good relationship, cutting your father out of your life is short sighted and damaging.

  8. Im not saying shes in the right but maybe he creeps her out and shes scared of him stalking her so she said yes in hopes of not setting him off. Saying no to a man can be terrifying

  9. u/francisco062, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. That still involves feeling attacked, even if it isn't true. You make a good point that he may not actually be being attacked but only feeling that way, which is certainly possible.

  11. Move on. Only wanting a casual relationship is one thing but the things he's saying and his poor manners suggest he's going to be a pain in the arse.

  12. Hello /u/Agreeable-Piano9376,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  13. This! As my friend's dog was aging, he got gradually more and more territorial and it eventually led to him biting one of their guests they had over quite badly. Please don't underestimate this OP. I sincerely wish you all the best, and I'm so so sorry this had happened to you. Sending love and strength your way! ❤️

  14. Let me just say this first: You can stop talking to anyone for ANY reason.

    So did you do right? Obviously, you're doing what's RIGHT for you.

    It sounds a little unhinged that she kept trying to add you back constantly…how…if she's blocked everywhere? So she's making 'fake' profiles? Um, yeah, you may have dodged a bullet there.

  15. Unless you've got some pretty heavy, documented proof of neglect here it's highly unlikely you'd be given custody of your stepdaughter were there a divorce. The best thing would be if your wife would try to challenge her ex's paternal rights and get sole legal custody. This way (with your wife's approval) you could legally adopt “Vee” and that would at least set you up to where you'd have a shot at custody if you were to divorce. But if everyone's in therapy and the two of you are in marriage counseling you're already doing pretty much everything possible given the situation.

  16. Of course not. But what about if they decided to have a dip white out and hadn’t brought suits? Nudity doesn’t mean sexual in every case.

  17. OMG that's sad but also hilarious! And while I'm glad you figured it out…I must say I'm sorry if you shows you anything realistic about sex. While it obviously can get you feeling the right feelings, and shows you technically “how”, most of those scenarios are so awful and unpleasant for women that a LOT of men these days are totally clueless on what actually gives women pleasure because of them. Just sayjng… it does have its limitations as well.

  18. 100%. My husband and I spent thousands to get my sister out of an abusive situation. He is also the only earner in our family but he’s my partner and I tell him the full story for everything.

  19. This isnt your friend. This isn't her friend. This man is dangerous. This is someone who is going to twist things, attempt to ruin your reputation, whatever he can, to get to your girlfriend.

    It's time to cut him off. Both of you.

  20. Oh Hun, life is too short for such people in your life.

    You’re 40, do you really need another 40 years of this?

  21. He just wanted sex. He got it and now is clearly not interested in you and doesn’t care if you are been treated badly by him.

    Just him off, block him from everything and move on. He’s weaponizing this term, as to why there are many reasons, none seem reasonable in this context. He won’t have a problem trying to contact me when he wants his dick wet. Best to cut your losses and move on completely. He’s a weirdo.

  22. He just wanted sex. He got it and now is clearly not interested in you and doesn’t care if you are been treated badly by him.

    Just him off, block him from everything and move on. He’s weaponizing this term, as to why there are many reasons, none seem reasonable in this context. He won’t have a problem trying to contact me when he wants his dick wet. Best to cut your losses and move on completely. He’s a weirdo.

  23. So I can understand the desire to blame the coworkers. And maybe they are egging her on because they want her to start going out with them or something. But the real problem is she’s saying these things to you. And some of them may not have even been things that coworkers have said. She’s just floating things going on in her mind and saying “they “say this. But even taking it at face value so and so at the salon said I shouldn’t be with you anymore and I can do better than you. If she cared about you why would she say that out loud. She would tell them to go fuck right off. But she’s engaging in these conversations and then going out with them, and then following it up by saying I wanna break up with you.

    Just let her be gone and stay gone

  24. Until it happens next time and you talk yourself out of it again, especially since cheating isn't a deal breaker because you've already taken her back

    It'll happen again, you just won't be there to see it

    Get some self respect, if a friend had the same issue what would you suggest?

  25. I know you deleted your account but I hope you log back in and view what’s being said by the folks who aren’t dismissing your story.

    I hope you leave him. I promise your children will have a happier childhood with a mom who feels safe and loved in her home. The current home is depressing and toxic and isn’t giving your family the life you believe. I’m sorry you’ve experienced such a profound betrayal by the two people who should have loved you most.

  26. You don’t confront him at all. Make sure you can safely leave, save the evidence, go somewhere, and get a lawyer. Your marriage needs to be over. Your husband is harassing and actively stalking another woman and thinks he’s in love with her.

  27. Jfc, it was joke. Lighten up hun, take things with a grain of salt of you will, I highly doubt your vagene looke like two fucked up flapjacks,…. I swtg people of every aspect are getting way fucking softer.

  28. I feel sorry for her but she is not in a place to be in a relationship. If a lost jacket spirals into a major crisis, she needs to put her health and treatment ahead of being part of a couple.

  29. I guess that may be what I’m doing I’m really not sure what my feelings are but idk I do still love her and yeah I’ve never been alone im also just super scared I’ll regret all this

  30. And to add to that he does coke, gets drunk and then gets violent with op.

    @op why are you with this man? How is this relationship amazing? No one who is a consolation prize and treated so bad has an amazing relationship.

  31. Yes, people with ADHD can get distracted during sex. However, I second this. If he wants to pump and dump and isn't interested in getting you off, you're in the wrong relationship OP.

    That being said, if my husband does manage to go before I do, I'll just finish myself in the shower. Don't sacrifice your “O” OP. Get it, however you need it (responsibly).

    Also, checkout Cateosaurus on tiktok. She's has ADHD and creates neurospicy educational content with a specialty in sex education. If your BF isn't as asshat, her videos may prove helpful.

  32. Your boyfriend is a hypocrite and really mean. What’s his appeal? I’ve been married for 20+ years and my husband has never said anything like this, it’s not normal to be so unpleasant to someone you love. Take care.

  33. No yeast infection haha, this hasn’t happened whilst he’s going down on me, but the idea of it happening has made him stop, thanks for your concern tho 🙂

  34. Are you ABSOLUTELY sure you are upset about being “betrayed” and not feeling other emotions that are easier to blame on this?

    And I don’t mean blame in a bad way I just can’t think of another way to word it. Project?

  35. I’m normally a David Attenborough head narrator but this just felt like it needed that Morgan Freeman sass ?

  36. Be grateful you’re not the one pregnant and cut your losses. Seems a bit chaotic from the jump. Start fresh, new chapter

  37. I was going to say this! Red flags going off. This is a sign that your mom is gonna have too much say in your relationship. Set a boundary now. It doesn’t have to be a big deal but the whole “mama doesn’t care for me making connections with other women bc she’s my main woman” is down right incestuous… emotionally of course.

  38. Before you go home, set up a time that you will spend with just your mom and ask her for a “mom/son date”. Preferably toward the beginning of the weekend and focus on just your mom by spending one-on-one time together. Make her feel like she is important to you. Don't just tell her you love her but show her you do by spending quality time with her!

    And don't cancel on her for anything! The reason she was so hurt was that you changed your plans to spend time with her and had dinner with the GF's mother instead. Your mom feels that she is at the very bottom of your priority list! I'm not saying that you really did anything wrong but I'm just explaining why your mom's feelings were hurt.

  39. You should have told him you were not interested when you figured out you weren't.

    Now a simple response as ” sorry, I should have told you I wasn't interested before, my bad.”

    And send nothing else. If he argues with you then block him

  40. I disagree. She’s been gracious thus far. Time to up the game so he knows that “this will not stand” (thanks Big Lebowski)


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