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Alisa, 20 y.o.


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24 thoughts on “Alisa the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This is not normal, I am 5'3 about 130lbs, my husband is 6'1 190 lbs, not as large as your guy but almost as tall and I have absolutely been with larger guys. Never was I pushed, bumped or elbowed hot enough to leave bruises (and I bruise like a banana) anytime he accidentally hurt me, which was only ever him getting on the bed and not realizing my leg was under the cover, he is extremely apologetic and feels terrible. Giggling after he causes you injury is not ok.

  2. Well he's 25 and dating someone he has to get on an airplane to see. He chose you because it can't possibly get that serious. Suggest moving there to be close to him and he'll finish breaking up with you.

  3. Why doesn't your family know about your gf? That seems like a bigger problem than whether or not you go on a trip to meet her family.

  4. That’s something that I hadn’t really considered before so thank you for the advice. Much like my problems with having conversations, I also kind of suck a writing my thoughts down too because there’s so many things that I could have added to the post but I like to think that I am quite good with giving him the compassion and space he needs while away but maybe that’s something I’ll have to reflect on more. I think I am also just struggling with the hot and cold of it, with him being so loving one second and then being distant the next. I have lots of thinking to do I guess.

  5. Hello /u/ThrowRA8901234,

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  6. Why are you acting like I know her? In the past I don’t know ten minutes I have scrolled on this sun reading 6 different cheating stories. And their was one a few weeks ago a dude lost his wife to an 19m the wife was having an affair with the “child”. Like I said in other comments I am replying to this In a 3rd person perspective which sees all sides. I have no stake in this relationship.

  7. I just doubt he would want to kill her over a couple hits of weed.

    Men who kill women don’t kill them because what they’ve done is so horrible. They kill them because they can’t control them.

  8. Everything except the internet (which he pays for) is in my name. He's not even on the lease for our apartment. Sadly, I learned the hot way with that in a previous relationship, but I've definitely turned a blind eye to a lot of the problems we've been having lately.

  9. Depends where I imagine. My dad passed away. Out of nowhere his gf came out with a will stating she gets everything. One of my sisters took her to court and lost. Ohio law states there doesn’t need to be any witnesses or the will notarized.

  10. Dude. Dude. You know it’s part of her job to make you feel like that right? Just like every guy cannot be a stripper’s “favorite customer.” She is paid to make you feel welcome and liked so you’ll come back. To pay her more money. Please don’t try to befriend her, you’ll just make it weird.

  11. No judgment from me.

    Let me tell you this: I wouldn’t put up with you, if you would do this to me too.

    You had a “crush” on this so-called friend You wrote a love song for this “friend” Went to a fancy restaurant with this “friend”

    And all this with knowing the boundaries of your current (ex)girlfriend.

    If you think your (ex)girlfriend is abusing you (I.e. emotionally blackmailing) then you should call it quit. Stop blaming her for your choices.

  12. Lol no.

    You can save your own money in your own accounts. It would be a red flag if he doesn’t want you on the mortgage or the deed either. If not don’t contribute.

    And that “piece of paper” would protect your kids. So I’m a little wary he doesn’t care about that.

  13. Bro, we arent all gross like you. I’m friends with all my exes but one, one does my taxes(shes an accountsnt). I chat with some on FB and IG, we leave comments on each others posts, we txt. My girlfriend knows this, their boyfriends know this.

    The thing is the reason her husband is reacting this way is because he knows that all the times He’s reached out to his exes its been for the reasons you list. His insecuritie coupled with how he’s reacting give major red flag vibes.

    Its like how many stories have we heard where someone accuses their spouse of cheating all the time only to actually be the one cheating?!

    My girlfriend can talk to any of her exes, i dont care, i feel confident and comfortable in my relationship.

  14. First off, nobody chooses to be an alcoholic. He’s running from something, and you cant help him unless he wants help.

    He’s hiding drinking which is a telltale sign of alcoholism. You’re not being judgmental, but if you want him to get help you need to help him realize he has a problem. Do so gently- he’s not in a good place and pushing it too hot will only make him run to the booze more. Ask him if he’s okay, and if he asks it’s not about the drinks but about his mental health. He might benefit greatly from therapy and a hobby.

  15. The way you dress does not guarantee you won’t get hit on or hurt ? with his logic you might as well never leave the house

    My college had an exhibit about what women and men were wearing when they were raped. You know how many children’s clothes I saw? Clothes are not a form of communication

  16. One more time:

    Your specific question was why couldn’t he find someone else? The answer is: he could find someone else, but he doesn’t have to bother since you’re obviously a sure thing.

  17. I think he sees your happiness and all around success as a threat. Him being upset over you buying your own car is worrisome.

  18. “ I have since been afraid to bring it up “ “ I want to avoid confrontation “

    For goodness sake she is your WIFE.

    Why are you afraid of your wife? Are you physically afraid of being assaulted? Has she assaulted you before?

  19. The operative word was he was your best friend at one time….maybe? But he currently is not your best friend. Drop him. He has shown he can not be faithful. Why waste your time?


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