alice murph the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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alice murph, 25 y.o.


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35 thoughts on “alice murph the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I would suggest her just writing what she gives you permission for. Inluding specific things not permitted. Then she has control over it. Might be a smoother discussion.

  2. The fact that you're not wanting this means it can't work. She says you have been already sharing only now you know, is that supposed to be ok? Pigs, they are both pigs. But like another poster said; let him know you will only stay provided the rules apply to everyone. He too will need to share.

  3. Like another commenter said, I think the real question we need answered is what else she's done that's seemed off. By itself this is just a wierd thing she did.

  4. It “maybe” a good idea to establish a price guide. I had very similar thing happen last year with my then gf. I bought her a pair of diamond earings with a matching necklace, she got me some second tabletop games (im not joking, and yes i was sad about it). I don't care about the value as much as what they said about our commitment.

    Anyways, the price guide is an idea. To make things more transparent, although maybe taking some of the romance out of it.

  5. You can also be drugged without it being in a drink. Skin contact alone is all it takes for bad actors to drug someone.

    This reads like you were drugged – either accidentally via meds and booze or maliciously by bad actors.

  6. Because if he found out through work colleagues that partners were invited and he wasn't it would be a bigger risk than actually having him there and just avoiding him.

  7. Honestly, I hear anger issues. How long have y'all been dating? Do you tell her you're making plans in advance, or is she supposed to read your mind? Is she supposed to run all of her plans by you first, or is she allowed to make decisions for herself on the fly? Do you not have other things you can do or friends you can hang out with when she does this?

  8. I don’t really think so, I think it’s way more likely she had gotten it from a previous relationship without knowing. She also has a friend with herpes so idk if she could have contracted it from her somehow

  9. Not your relationship, not your business, stay out of it.

    You have NO idea what they consider cheating. Hell, maybe they use this account to get their rocks off together.

    My point is, stay the hell out of it. You’ll only look crazy if you tell him.

  10. I think everything will be ok…she needs to sort out some stuff in her head. She really needs to see her therapist and needs to let all her frustrations out

  11. Your housemate has nothing to do with it. They don’t care about you to sit there and pay your half on time. Leave them out of it and get that out of your head. Like 90% of the comments said, make a sacrifice for one month and get ahead early on the next month. When your Feb payment comes, set aside the money for March. That should solve your problem. You are an adult and you need to figure it out. It’s your responsibility, not the housemate or the landlord. If you continue being late you are going to either lose your housemate or housing. You need to figure it out.

  12. Even IF your partner wasn’t being intentionally sexually inappropriate, he was still horrible to your daughter and you brushed it off. I’m sorry but if anyone told my child that he didn’t see them as kind, I’d let them know I didn’t see them as someone I had a future with. What the hell is wrong with you that you think it’s okay to put down your daughters character when she’s such a young woman. That’s the kind of thing that messes with you for a long time. Listen to your adult daughter or the next post you’ll make is about why she won’t even talk to you.


  13. Have this conversation with her friends and get their help planning it.

    Best case, your wife has an awesome birthday.

    Worst case, she doesn’t but it’s not you who screwed up.

  14. Yup. He needs to get his name off of the mortgage if this is the route he takes…this better be the route he takes. She most likely used him for his credit and his financial security.

  15. She doesn’t love you. She wouldn’t have so casually suggested you can go to sex workers if she did. Premarital sex isn’t allowed by her brand of Christianity, but seeing others is? What nonsense. Consult a lawyer – I’m sorry you got played.

  16. Next time she sends you a text about what she ate, ask her if it tasted as good as the stripper's dick. It's pathetic that she's trying to position giving and getting head as “not cheating.”

  17. You have gotten plenty of insight you just don’t like what everyone is saying. The damage is done. You will never have a relationship with your daughter again. You don’t get to abandon someone though the tough times in their life but expect them to support you when they’re finally doing well. You blew it. Case closed

  18. Don't think that every experience with a friend has to end in disaster. Husband and I talked about it before and after, agreed what we were comfortable with and had a good time with a mutual friend. We still see the friend but haven't done it with them again. It's like once the curiosity was satisfied we could put it away. Still married 10 years later with no issues.

  19. Further context here,

    Till today we have not tried extensively to have baby and we were just about to begin trying but things went south, there were times in this duration where our parents kept asking about having baby, my mom took one step ahead and went to doctor along with my wife to find out if anything is wrong clinically although we have been telling her everything was alright, understandably by wife didn't take this well and since I don't like confrontation I let the incidence pass and then later spoke to my mom it was not a right thing to do, at that moment she didn't take me seriously, she went about talking to other family member about this, again my wife didn't take this well, one day we sat and had a conversation where my wife told my mom that there was nothing wrong clinically and we did have a pregnancy and we terminated dude to restriction to travel and we could not be with each other to enjoy the pregnancy, my dream is to always stay with my wife and look after her in this period. Again my mom didn't take this well, she might have gone around telling close family that my wife terminated the pregnancy she might have made it sound like it was her decision and not ours. Fast forward to now, Few weeks ago my wife found out that I had girlfriends before I meet her, I had not told this my self initially because I was worried how she may take this, I agree this is my fault, I had major doubts she may not take this well, which made it worst when she found out and didn't come out of me, one of the major reason why I had not told her before is because she believe in “one partner life time” and she was serious about it, considering some of the things mentally she was going through I was super scared to tell her this and put off telling about it ever since. Now that she has got to know she didn't take it well that I had not told about this before although I had hinted her before that I had girlfriends before. Between all the I know we were not emotionally well connected, I always wanted to improve out relationship I was putting all the efforts possible and I still was not upto the mark in connecting emotionally and lack of communication, but I never gave up, I was always putting effort in improving it as much as possible from my end. Now she things i'm a bad person, she says I manipulate her, and she says I don't stand up for her, there were many times I have stood up to her just not in front of her because I feel if she sees me fighting with other people she may not take it well, I feel like she will take it in a wrong way. She is a kind of person who responds rudely in her voice and delivery but she don't mean it bad, but this worries me, which I have been communicating to her all this time, I don't find her talking romantic but I can easily find her talking rude and harsh about me or other people. We had a very big fight today and she asked me to leave the country we are living and go back home because she is not able to tolerate me, I have always been sitting next to her trying to convince and calm her down. Im promising her I will be a better person and understand her sensitively, i'm willing to put all my efforts into this, she is not able to accept my mom's act and she keeps scolding me that I sound like my mom and I act like my mom and she is not able to accept that I didn't mention about the past girlfriends. At this point she is sleeping across me on the bed and i'm typing on reddit looking for advice and help for my self, how can I make her understand we have better future than our past, I don't want to give up on this marriage, help me with this reddit, let me know if I need to make anything clear in what I have told, I may have missed mentioning things which may not be on top of my mind right now. I think past is gone and we have to focus on future as long as we are involved and willing make it better, What do you think of this situation?

  20. First, I am so very sorry for your loss. I hope that you can find healing.

    For you fiancé, could you possibly reach out to a trusted friend of his or family member and ask to help reach him in his grief and get him some help. He sounds like he is blinded by his grief for your loss and he does not know how to process or deal with it and is taking out on you. Someone outside of you could possibly be able to reach him. Or the alternative is that you need to leave and get help for yourself. This may allow him to see what he is doing to you. My heart breaks for you. You are dealing with so much right now. Sending you a big hug and hope that you find the healing for the both of you.

  21. OK, here is the idea: you do this as in a 28 day “him-time”. Than you don't see each other for a week, and have a 28 day “her-time”. You define before what you want included in this.

  22. Dude, this is above the internet's pay grade. I have no advice that you should take other than you have to either set some boundaries if you choose to stay. I mean, the trust is broken and rebuilding that is going to be tough.

    If this is an affair, and she's framing out as sexual assault, that's pretty fucked up for the other guy.

    Anyhow, I wish you all the luck. ((((HUG)))) from an internet stranger.

  23. Call her bluff. If you can prove the gifts are from other guy, tell her you are going to the police to have him arrested for stalking and harassment. She what they do then.


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