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56 thoughts on “Alex the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Its not a cool thing to do, but sometimes it happens. Good communication is crucial to any relationship so do ask. If he says he fell asleep because he was tired or sick, just accept it and continue on in the relationship. If he fights you about it, ” its a stupid thing” or something like that its a red flag.

    If he does it often it is a red flag, but I didn't get that impression from your post.

  2. Set your boundaries, take a few days to center yourself. An example would be “That means no contact digitally or in person for 5 days.” Then you can touch base with him. Just my advice.

  3. Given her history you have a choice. Your husband or your sister.

    Your sister is an adult. She can choose to get help and treatment or she can refuse. I can see why your husband has had enough.

    Your husband can set his own boundaries like not having her in the same house as him and not allowing her to sleep over. Her behaviour might be a deal breaker for him. I have lunatic family and i know i couldn't tolerate having them in my house.

  4. Two separate things to attack here. You seem to have some real self esteem issues, and I'd encourage to seek out a professional to help identify and equip you with tools to work on that.

    The second is that you don't have to accuse him of cheating. Tell him that you'd like to communicate a bit more than you have been lately. It's perfectly reasonable to request such things, especially when long distance. If you're comfortable with it, you could share some of your insecurities with him, and that's part of why you'd like more of his time, because your shared time together strengthens you.

  5. Wow. Hope you aren’t getting dragged down too hard. Is he seeing someone? Sounds like he would benefit from therapy

  6. Yet another clueless one. I did it plenty, as do many. Countless. Never to meet. You truly have no clue how men think clearly. Countless dudes and women both keep tibder around for validation,same for badoo, for attention and ego boosts, curiosity,like porn, only more interactive. No intentions to meet nor even exchange nudes. Anyone who does not know this has zero life experience and is a major beta weirdo or was born yesterday. Seriously, get a clue,people.

  7. You do realize YOU can go to the police and report YOU were held at gunpoint and had your purse stolen??? And maybe they could at least identify the culprits by looking at security footage?

  8. It's not always about “if she's got nothing to hide”. Sometimes it's about the fact that one is tired of having to constantly prove their loyalty and now it's escalating to needing to snoop through phones. I would be peeved as well.

  9. Take the opportunity he gave you and block him as well, time to ghost him. This behavior is completely unacceptable and abusive. You are a sex toy to him and he can’t even leave you alone when you’re grieving. You don’t deserve any of this, break up and focus on yourself. I lost my mother at 21 as well and the pain was unbearable at times. You’re strong, you’ll get through this, but better without this prick in your life.

  10. Your boyfriend grosses me the fuck out. Only thing more pathetic than him is the fact thay you're atayong together with him.

    Get away from this abusive cunt.

  11. You missed the point of the comment.yhe honeymoon phase is not real. It's a romanticization of what a real relationship is like without the everyday trials and tribulation. Just like the other posters mentioned when you previously posted this. You are psycho.

  12. You admitted you were immature and treated Her badly. I’d chalk it up to BOTH of you being immature and move past it.

  13. I dont think there is a way I can find out since we dont speak, so …

    Well, nothing is going to come of this either way until you begin speaking with him. So I would suggest you start there before obsessing further.

  14. Your anger is totally normal, imo.

    I would be livid too. Hurt, sad, upset, and angry.

    You need to definitely talk this out during marriage counseling and individual counseling, OP. Be honest to your wife and the counselor. It's OKAY to admit that you're angry and you feel like you want to throw in the towel.

    Working on your marriage is a process, since you've started to work on it, I'd say talk to the professional about how you're really feeling. Don't bottle that in and pretend everything is moving smoothly in the marriage.

  15. Goodness, you sure are assuming a lot. OP’s girlfriend threw a symbol of his religion, given to him by his grandmother, in the trash. Of course he is insulted. His girlfriend should have simply told her parents she would return the keychain to her boyfriend.

  16. Also men always say sex is just an a way to Scratch an itch when it’s an affair of a sexual nature but if it’s an emotional affair it’s more serious to them because it’s more meaningful. Both are wrong but something to think about. You deserve better.

  17. First the age gap and maturity difference between you is massive. Second why after just 8 months are you living together and thinking about proposing? This is far too soon for both. You are justified in having concerns. Her ex has still got feelings for her, they have a child together and they're spending time together alone, possibly overnight depending on how far away from Disney you are. Her reaction to your concerns was to kick you out of the house which is just an abuse of the power dynamic in your relationship. You really need to break up and gain some life experience before getting tied down with a woman almost twice your age with a child.

  18. Same, but I would add that OP should also educate herself more about the abortion laws and restrictions in the US. 3 months is wildly late to start to make a decision to terminate or not. Depending on OP’s location, it may no longer be an option.

  19. Don’t be scared. Just tell people, if you wish, that she is disabled. The End.

    Your friends will protect you but more importantly those people are not friends, those people that have attitude about it.

    Either way it’s none of anybody else’s business.

    Most modern day kids have been so mollycoddled and helicoptered around by parents that they lost touch with what’s what in life. Mother Nature will sort them all out as they age.

    You are a wonderful man. Go find a wonderful life partner.

  20. Stop having sex with him if you aren't going to stop seeing him. He seems to have been asleep during sex ed and you need the reminder that plan b should never be used like this. Unless you are being prescribed something by your doctor after a serious conversation, you cannot throw those meds at your body repeatedly without doing some damage. Please, stop screwing this idiot. He doesn't respect you whatsoever.

  21. Maybe his mom is shitty and they don't have the best relationship to begin with? A parent emotionally blackmailing their children may not be a saint idk

  22. For me I had to do it when my partner was gaslighting and lying so I could say no we had discussed this, or whatever.

    Not ideal and if uts necessary it is not a healthy relationship…but that was why

  23. Yes, he did not approve of me hanging out with my ex's cousins, not even male, they were female, and we had kids the age and looked at them more like sisters, they also dont even talk to my ex, bc their brother died and he didn't show up to the funeral. He accused me of cheating over that.

    I dont hate one a woman who uses what god gave her, and masters her art. I am saying shes a bad friend if she knows her presence is a concern for her friend and she doesn't keep herself inline. ie respecting boundaries.

    maybe I am jealous, that's why I am on here asking, for accountability, however, these people are ten years older than me. I am 34 they are 44+. I could be insecure to my wisdom and such. But this doesn't feel right.

  24. I would never dream of excluding my spouse from that decision. Carrying each other's burdens is part of being married. You take the good with the bad.

    I would love to never have to make “the decision”, but I will.

    Have you considered doing a living will with specific instructions? That way you aren't cutting him out of what he would consider and important thing and potentially hurting him a lot. For that matter, if you approach it in the wrong way, you could end the relationship. I'd be pissed if my wife chose her sister to make decisions over me.

  25. Trust me, the kid realizes that his mother doesn't like his father, and I'm sure he's probably asked her why. Children are extremely perceptive and they notice when their parents are distant, angry, and/or have no love for one another. They learn from what they see, and the son's learning that this is what a real partnership between parents looks like. This partnership is not a good model for that child.

  26. Imagine your mom dating someone a year younger than you and him trying to act sonewhat like a father figure… Ridiculous, lol.

  27. So he should stop his dreams because of a few bad apples. Man crazy sibling are meant to love each other unconditionally but hey you hate the cops so much that you willing to put your love for your brother below the hatred you have. Remember family doesn’t last forever but hey if something bad happen to him hope that holding your ground on your beliefs when that’s not even the case here it’s supporting your dam brother but hey like I said I guess your hate is stronger than your sibling bonds

  28. You’re right, the conversation shouldn’t be about my ex it should be about how I want to be loved. I’m just worried it won’t work because it’s a conversation we have had many times about him loving me but I just don’t feel it, love languages etc, he does better for a week then goes back…

  29. You guys need to resolve this issue if you want a future. It seems like you both sort of understand where the other is coming from, but haven't reached a real decision. Clearly the porn thing hurts her, so I'd consider stopping entirely or letting her go so you can both find someone more compatible. Nobody is wrong here, just different perspectives. She definitely shouldn't have okayed porn use if she wasn't ok with it, but you can't focus on past mistakes. Find a solution now and stick to it. I think putting a little more work into making videos together might be fun for both of you. Good luck!

  30. Assuming this isn’t fake…

    Sell the house, split the proceeds, and start dating women. Lesbians who are financially stable and can do a weeks worth of DIY in a few days while working full time get mad ladies. Or date guys who aren’t homophobic, sexist, and incredibly fragile.

  31. It’s concerning that you downplayed every instance of the bad things you did. You lied “a little”. You “probably” shouldn’t have told people.

    No dude you fucked up. She trusted you and the first thing you did was share it with the first people who would listen.

    And with the words you’re choosing, you clearly believe it wasn’t that big a deal.

    I don’t see how you can fix this when it’s likely you’re going to do it again. She is right to be unhappy:

  32. Having kids is not an excuse to immediately address this. That should actually be a motivational factor. Why? Because thus far you caught her having an emotional affair. Ignoring it, or not having the grit to tackle the problem now could lead them into an eventual physical affair too. The sooner you deal with this, the sooner you can evaluate if this marriage is salvageable. One thing you don’t do, is tolerate a miserable unhealthy marriage for the kids sake. You realize how many people I have heard from, including on this forum explain how they wished their parents never stayed together and in doing so, it was even worse on them? Many of them also mention mental health problems as a result of parents staying together when they should not have, and struggle being able to have healthy relationships themselves.

  33. You need to tell her that her behavior is actively harming your relationship, and that if she doesn’t put in serious work to fix this issue, there won’t be a relationship left. You’re a human being, you should not be expected to deal with her toxic issues for the rest of your life.

    Hopefully she understand that you’re serious and works towards getting better. If not, you won’t be the bad guy for leaving. She’s killing your marriage.

  34. You sound like someone who has only read clickbait media about the “youth of today” and knows almost nothing about South American countries women either.

  35. So if you and your boyfriend both pay for everything then why are you moving back in with your parents?

  36. I was on his food ordering food. I opened up a new tab to look something up and his recent tabs were pornhub and another website where you chat on porn sites. So I just hit his history button and it’s every day first thing. He’s not on his phone when he comes home from work. When I confronted him he said he is on it in the morning

  37. I didn’t want the account to know how to use it I thought you it was that type of app that you have friends and stuff like that.

  38. Those are not people you should reach out to. Sounds like they both use you for money, and that’s it. Work on finding friends outside of your family.

  39. dont bring child in a world where you cannot fully and safely provide a healthy life and environment


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