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17 thoughts on “Akiba the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Please remember that by baptising your child you will actively be promising to take every effort to raise them to be a “good” Catholic, attend regular mass etc. I’m an atheist but raised very strictly Catholic and so remember the promises that have to be made by the parents of a baptised baby. Those who didn’t already attend regular mass had to start attending it for a number of weeks before the priest would even consider arranging a baptism (or a wedding).

    If you don’t believe in Catholic Church teachings about homosexuality being a deadly sin, unbaptised babies going to hell, and the fact that both of you are also well on your way there due to boinking without being married then why hold on? Just because we were raised in something doesn’t mean it actually adds any value. I understand Catholic guilt completely and think it’s one of the top reasons I kept my kids as far away from organised religion as I could. They can freely develop their own spirituality without being told confusing messages – like that their lgbt friends are going to hell for their “lifestyle” whilst at home we’re as pro LGBT as could be. What does that even tell a child? At best you will hurt your own bond with them.

  2. Break up with her for cheating. Demand a paternity test at birth and DO NOT sign the birth certificate until paternity is established that you're the father.

  3. Do you mean divorce? In most jurisdictions annulments are only granted under highly specific grounds, usually where illegal/fraudulent activity took place in efforts to deceive the state for the purpose of obtaining the marriage certification. Such as child marriages, forced marriages, or incestual marriages to name a few.

    In most western jurisdictions, there are no grounds to void or annul under due to infidelity.

  4. u/Nebu1aTM, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  5. Tell him to grow the f@#! up as adults don’t act this way. Seriously this is no way to act in a relationship, the idea is build each other up, not to make the other insecure and afraid of conversation/interaction. Next time he does it, call him out on it, tell him you’re sick of his childish, teenage attitude and that if he has a problem with what you said or did then he needs to be an adult about it and tell you.

  6. I'm sorry but your mother said you deserved it! Not only that but your dad left the room and did nothing to stop it. Right there tells you how your family feels about you.

    Take pictures of all your injuries and write down everything that happened. Make a copy of the video and put it somewhere safe.

    I know you don't want to but you need to go to the police . If she felt comfortable enough behaving like this in front of your parents and they did nothing to help you then she will do it again and next time she could do some serious damage to you. You need to press charges and get a restraining order.

    Tell your parents to go to hell and not to contact you until they get some therapy so they can see what damage their behavior has done to you.

  7. You couldn't find 2 minutes of time alone the entire day to ask him about his grandma giving out sex toys? You talked about his aunt and niece until the moment you closed your eyes? But you can find 15 minutes to write out this post? Get out of here. ?

    I'm not saying you're a troll, but if I was crossing a bridge and saw you underneath it I wouldn't be surprised.

  8. Nah she shouldn't lie about the age gap, because eventually she needs to realise she wasn't “so mature for her age” or whatever bullshit kiddie fiddlers like to spout to “date” teenagers and that there's a reason why no woman their age will go near creeps like her boyfriend or his brother.

  9. Yes I understand it’s really not a big deal, and I would like to overcome this feeling for him. It just very new to me. If I am not able to overcome it, I of course will let him know to be fair to him.

  10. Well, I do trust him and that’s why I said I believe him. But my coworker said that no one would admit to cheating if they didn’t. And I’m just asking if anyone agrees with that or thinks there’s a situation where someone would if they’re under pressure. Because he was kind of detailed about the where and when, but at the same time, it didn’t all add up.

  11. She's right, you do need to go back to therapy. You might feel like you don't need to but thats when you definitely need it.

    I made her know right from the beginning that she'll always be second to Emily,

    This is red flag #1. Emily is gone so you're making Claire play second fiddle to a ghost.

    Claire on the other hand seems to have gotten over her husband's loss much better than me though.

    Red flag #2 you sound salty that she's able to move on

    I told her that she has no idea how I feel because I've never seen her braking down like that and questioned whether she even misses her late husband.

    Red flag #3 and this is where you really fucked up, not everyone grieves the same way and for you to throw those words at her was an asshole move.

    Based on how this whole post reads you're not even ready to be in a relationship because you went from having a wife to now having a crutch that you're leaving on. Are you going to police everything Claire does? She can't wear green because that was Emilys favorite color? She can't drink a certain drink because that's what Emily always drank? Where does it end?

  12. It can be about control, it could be a revelation now that you’ve followed through and he’s reaping the consequences of his lack of actions. Depending on what the issues were it could take more then a few days/weeks for him to do the self work needed to step up and change. In my personal experience though, getting back together usually didn’t fix the issues.

  13. Bro like others have stated here it’s been 5 years, if you’re not sure that you want to marry her than you really don’t want to marry her, how much time do you really need? Don’t waste anymore of her time, if you cannot promise her marriage at the end than you’re wasting ur time and especially hers. She’s 28, most women at that age want to get married and want to start a family, if you cannot give her that than leave, let her find the one that is right for her and the one that is willing to marry her. Women also have a biological clock, if she wants to have babies, plz don’t waste her time.


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