Ahegao Baby the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Ahegao Baby, 19 y.o.


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19 thoughts on “Ahegao Baby the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I'm glad I handled it the way I did

    Well yeah you’re a selfish person who puts themselves over others, even the ones closest to you. It’s hardly surprising that you, having faced no consequences for your actions, would make the same choice again. Sucks for your partner that you decided their opinion on the real you and what you did doesn’t matter at all but you obviously don’t care about that.

  2. Info: You say in the post that you've never met the girl, so you don't know what their relationship is like….but you also say that she knows he's in a relationship. Does she, though? Like, can you 100% confirm that your boyfriend has told her that he is in a relationship? And not “oh yeah, I told her” from your BF, but from a second source, or her liking posts of the two of you together, etc.

    Either way, the problem is your BF, not her.

  3. I married my 1st husband when I was 21. We were young, dumb and in love. We eventually broke and I found out after that he had been with a very long string of women (some I knew) while we were together. It's been 2 decades plus since we broke up. I'm happily remarried and have other children. My first husband still tells me he regrets choosing the fast life over me (and our children). He emails me now and then to ask about our children, he is always pleasant and endearing. I bump into his family sometimes, they always tell me my ex says I was the one that got away. He was good to me in many we ways but in the end his demons won. I didn't think our life together we end the way it did. But it did. I'm happy now then I could have ever imagined after a long term road. I hope ex finds comfort and love in whatever form he seeks it.

  4. Your feelings about living your life while you’re young seem a lot healthier to me than your relationship is. And it means your relationship has reached a natural end.

    I stayed too long in relationships that weren’t right for me… and now that I’ve met my forever person, it’s past our time for doing all the things that I want to share with my love. Like getting married is a financial discussion involving best options for healthcare coverage. Having kids… or even having sex… is medically impossible.

    Do not waste your youth.

  5. He’s not comparing those two. He’s comparing these black folks who are mad their daughter/sister is dating a white guy to white folks who get mad when their child brings home a black significant other.

    Do you really think the cracked pepper joke is the issue here?

  6. Exactly. Gf should have been glad that this young lady fell asleep on someone kind and decent, instead of assaulting her and pitching a fit.

  7. Was she upset you broke her trust because I think a lot of people would be in this situation? You seem overly paranoid and insecure. Your girlfriend has said and done nothing wrong. For the sake of your girlfriend and relationship, please chill and seek therapy.

  8. That is one of the most callous arguments I’ve ever heard for this. She doesn’t give a shit about your feelings, she just wants you safely out of the way so you can’t interfere.

    She doesn’t care about you.

  9. OMFG! i love the idea!! just saying I'm sorry & tryin to make it right ain't gonna make it up – TELL HIM TO TELL HER HUSBAND AS PROOF to you that he is sorry & wants to repent. & AP needs to get her ass whopped too for destroying OP relationship.

    Both AP & OP bf are just plain cheaters, losers, liars !! FFS just leave him as after all as he is unworthy of you.

  10. Talk to her and tell her how therapy helped you. If she agrees you can use meeting you as a cover story for the appointments. I think it's completely up to your sister to decide but you can suggest it to her and help facilitate it.

  11. This is a very big deal. I could understand if there was a plumbing issue but there isn't one. It is a totally unnecessary thing to be doing. The easy fix would be for him to just start flushing it but he seems unwilling to even discuss it. Even if you don't think it's gross to keep poopy paper when it's not necessary is a big deal, him being unwilling to discuss it IS a big deal.

  12. Sounds like a great opportunity to help out- fix a few things at first, clean a few things, try and be helpful. You will score big time with the GF I bet. Don't dare say thing, just be helpful.


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