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Adelina, 20 y.o.


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28 thoughts on “Adelina the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Exactly – all the times my partner and I have accidentally hurt each other in our sleep we have been genuinely apologetic about it

  2. No, you don't tell her. She's with someone. You are just going to have to work on keeping yourself busy and invest in noise canceling head phones. She shouldn't have to curb sex with her boyfriend just because you caught feelings

  3. You and your ex should put college funds away for your daughter equally. She and her ex do the same for their son. You and your wife should save for the youngest. This is your wife’s inheritance she should do as she pleases.

  4. I understand your point here and in a normal job I’d totally agree that work is work but for his job going into the office is a 2 hour lunch break at the pub and an early finish to go out after work. They’ll all certainly be a few drinks deep before I arrive.

    I’m upset that we made plans for us to go out and his friends to join us and he changed it to after work drinks and pub quiz with his friends that I’m ‘invited’ to. I wasn’t requiring him to come home, I just assumed that’s what he would be doing so he could drop off his work laptop/have tea/get ready etc.

    I appreciate that (three) hours of drinks leading up to the quiz is fun and I have absolutely no problem with him going out for drinks after work, he’s doing that on Wednesday night and does at least once a week. He generally works from home 4 out of 5 days a week while I rarely do, so it’s nice for him to go to socialise at the office and after work. For this one time though where we had set plans already, it would have been appreciated if he’d stuck to the original plans.

    Meeting outside beforehand is a good idea, thank you.

  5. It wasn’t real love. I’ve suffered pretty severely from my mom’s abuse and then lots of bad relationships so I’m thinking I’m incapable of real love towards other adults. I absolutely love my kids though, like, feel the warm glow in my heart when I think about them. This person? She’s had it rough too in her formative years but I rose and rose. She…languishes and just keeps making worse mistakes in her life. I just don’t respect her weakness. It repulses me.

  6. Cheaters don’t feel sorry for their partner, they feel sorry for the consequences they receive. Cheaters are fundamentally selfish people who couldn’t care less about their partners until they have something to lose.

  7. And you are with her why? Having the attention span of a gnat isn't a good thing. Walk away and find someone who is at least slightly normal.

  8. It is really weird to get to the age of 30 without knowing how many times a day to brush. Like, that seems like the kind of thing that would come up in any cursory lookup of dental hygiene. I'll admit that I don't always live up to that, but I at least know the correct amount of times.

  9. Please tell me he isn’t one of those “people “who consider ANY contact with womens reproductive organs produced a sexual response from women.

    Its this kind of thinking that’s responsible for so much stupidity about sex education & healthcare.

    Ask him does he consider men who have a colonoscopy are likely to discover their homosexuality, or is it a strictly female trait?

  10. It never hurts to bring it up as long as you’re kind about it, which based on your comment, you would be! She could be curious or it could be something she fantasizes of/finds kinky to observe but wouldn’t want to partake in. As long as your receptive to whatever her response is and clearly communicate your own level of comfort, it should be fine.

    When you bring up finding her porn maybe emphasize that you don’t think there’s anything wrong with her interests but you want to make sure her needs are mer

  11. Just need some quick info here: wtf are the other 20 people doing? Were you at the two high school friends essentially invited as party staff?

  12. I would urge you to take some more time before you make this decision. Not only are you in different points of your lives, he treated you with cruelty in the most difficult time of your life. You deserve more than this. You certainly deserve some time to heal and sort this all out. What you’ve experienced is devastating. It took me a lot longer than just a lil bit to get over deaths like this. Grief isn’t linear, and it takes the time it takes. Please put yourself first. I promise you that is what you deserve to do.

  13. Really? You are 25!!! You have plenty of time to find someone. Don’t put up with someone, even if you believe yourself to be in love with them, who treats you like crap. She is disregarding your feelings and it’s affecting your emotional well being. Don’t sacrifice your mental health for someone who clearly is being manipulative and disrespectful. Know your self worth, you deserve better.

    I was engaged and broke off my engagement at 27. Met someone else at 28 and married at 29. Married 20yrs last year. Just because you aren’t with the right person at 25, does not mean you won’t find the right one. Don’t settle for someone just because you’re concerned about some arbitrary time frame.

  14. So a husband or wife can sell their spouse's car, computer, jewelry, books, pictures, etc since it's joint property?

    You can't sell or give away a spouse's things without their permission, even if it's joint property. Otherwise people like OP's husband would do this.

  15. Really? I see and say it all the time. The cops don’t give a damn.

    If anything this is a civil matter

  16. Every day on this sub it’s someone going “my man shits the bed”, “my man treats his ballsack like a scratch and sniff”, “my man sharts in public”, “my man always leaves pubes in the peanut butter”. And every day, the advice is “ew, dump him”


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